Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 67 Farewell

Jiraiya was really familiar with the group of toads in Myoboku Mountain. Basically, he knew toads wherever he went, which made Xia Li familiar with most of the toads.

Including Gamabunta, although he didn't even give Jiraiya much face, he still looked at Xia Li. Although he was probably not obedient, he was not to the point of not recognizing Xia Li.

After a round, Jiraiya looked at the sky and took Xia Li back to the place where he had just been reverse summoned.

At this time, Fukasaku Sage was already waiting for Jiraiya and Xia Li there, but next to Fukasaku Sage was a small green toad with purple hair and purple lips...

Jiraiya's face changed when he saw this person, but he still had to take Xia Li forward.

"Boss, big sister, we are back."

"Well, have you finished your visit?" Fukasaku Sage asked.

"Of course, except for the big toad sage, I took Xia Li to other places to make them familiar." Jiraiya said proudly, his clam veins spread all over Myoboku Mountain!

"By the way, Xia Li, this is my big sister, you can just call her Shijian sage."

"Hello, Shijian sage." Xia Li said politely.

"You are the new apprentice of Jiraiya that the old man mentioned. You look... not bad." Shijian sage looked at Xia Li carefully, and finally found that she was not inferior to the previous one in terms of appearance, and he was immediately satisfied.

"Come on, I have prepared a bug feast for you two, it's guaranteed to be delicious!" Shijian sage suddenly took out a big bowl from behind, and in the bowl there were seemingly 'plump and nutritious' bugs.

Suddenly, Xia Li and Jiraiya's faces changed wildly.

"Big sister, today's time is up. I'll take Xia Li back first. See you next time." Jiraiya said as he pulled Xia Li and untied the reverse summoning technique and turned into a puff of white smoke and disappeared in Myoboku Mountain. If it was only Xia Li, Jiraiya might have watched the show, but unfortunately, he also had a share.

"What, old man! Little Jiraiya is really getting too much! Don't teach that bastard's disciple." Shijian Sennin was furious when he saw this scene.

"Haha, calm down, kid's mother, after all, they are human beings, and it is inevitable that they don't know how to eat delicious food." Fukasaku Sennin was also a little funny when he saw this scene, but he was not angry. He took the big bowl from Shijian Sennin's hand and ate quickly, looking very happy.

Konoha, back mountain.

Jiraiya and Xia Li, who had released the reverse summoning technique, looked at each other, wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads, and then laughed at each other.

"Teacher, if you do this, you won't have to go to Myoboku Mountain anymore. What should I do?" Xia Li suddenly realized something and asked.

"That's not something I should consider." Jiraiya's eyes were a little erratic.

Suddenly, Xia Li's face changed, and Jiraiya felt something was wrong, so he slipped and ran away!

The electric arc on Xia Li's legs began to jump, and began to "hunt down" Jiraiya.


The next day, the gate of Konoha.

Xia Li and Fukasaku Sage stood together, looking at Jiraiya opposite.

"Teacher, can't we really stay?" Xia Li asked. In fact, there were many things he hadn't learned from Jiraiya, such as the legal right to use the Rasengan.

Although Jiraiya didn't teach him, Xia Li knew why. After all, the chakra consumption of the Rasengan was not small. If he taught him now, he wouldn't have so much chakra to learn, and it would be a waste of time. But what Jiraiya certainly didn't know was that Xia Li had already understood its principle and could use it.

"Sorry, Xia Li." Jiraiya apologized at this time. In fact, he had already said what he should say before, and there was no need to explain anything at this time.

Xia Li was silent for a while, then took out a headband of the same color as Jiraiya's coat from his arms and handed it to Jiraiya.

"This is..." Jiraiya couldn't help but open his eyes wide after taking the headband.

"A gift for the teacher, don't lose it." Xia Li said so.

Jiraiya was silent for a long time, untied his original headband, and then tied his long white hair with the headband Xia Li gave him again, with a firm face, and said, "Don't worry, it will never be lost!"

"Haha, it doesn't matter if it's lost, it's not worth much." Xia Li said with a smile.

Jiraiya didn't answer, looking at Xia Li, slowly saw the figure of Minato from Xia Li, and smiled on his face.

Acceptance is always a mutual process. At this moment, Jiraiya finally stopped accepting Xia Li as his disciple just because he was talented enough, and slowly regarded him as the same as the previous disciple. Although the degree may not be that deep, there is already that trend.

"I'm leaving!" Jiraiya turned his back to Xia Li and waved his hand, then walked away from Konoha, extremely chic.

Xia Li also waved his hand and sighed. As a teacher, Jiraiya was undoubtedly qualified. The other party really did not skimp on his resources. He had always had a good impression of Jiraiya, and he got along even better these days.

However, from this point of view, Jiraiya was just heroic, not a fool. Although he accepted the three as disciples at that time, in fact, because of their identities, although he treated them sincerely, he was reserved in teaching.

At least, none of the three of them got the spiritual contract of Myoboku Mountain.

Senren Fukasaku has been watching this scene with a smile, and at the same time he sighed a little, little Jiraiya really accepted a good apprentice.

After a long time, when Jiraiya's figure disappeared from their sight, Senren Fukasaku said, "Little Xia Li, let's go back, you go back home and get ready."

"Okay, Senren Fukasaku." Xia Li nodded and followed Senren Fukasaku away.

On the gate of Konoha, the third generation Hokage also stood there watching this scene, with a smile on his face. Although it was a pity that Jiraiya was not left, this was the result he had known for a long time, so it didn't matter.

What made him feel happy was that the relationship between Xia Li and Jiraiya developed as he imagined, so that was good.

Jiraiya also told him about Xia Li's subsequent arrangements, including Xia Li's study at Myoboku Mountain. He didn't mean to object. Wasn't Jiraiya like this before?

However, Xia Li's mother's salary can be increased a little. The other party's training consumption is indeed not something that an ordinary family can support. The third generation is thinking.

The Third Hokage looked at Jiraiya's back, then saw Jiraiya looking back at Konoha, then looking up, as if he was also looking at him and saying goodbye.

After seeing this scene, the stiff lines on the Third Hokage's face seemed to soften a little.

Myoboku Mountain.

Fukasaku looked at Xia Li seriously and said.

"Next, I will watch you practice. First of all, I have to explain that my requirements are very strict."


Xia Li just answered like this. No matter how strict it is, he believes that he can definitely complete it!

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