Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 54: Remarks on the launch

Well, before I knew it, it will be time to put it on the shelves tomorrow. I feel a little sad.

The reason I started writing this book is that I was too obsessed with Pokemon and Naruto fan fiction some time ago, so I wanted to write one myself. The tactics of Pokemon were too troublesome to study, so I chose Naruto. That's the reason.

Then, there are several questions raised by readers. One of them is being verbose. I personally think that this may not be changed.

After all, it has become a habit. I guess this habit was formed when I wrote essays in junior high and high school. Although my essay scores are not high, I write fast...haha.

However, words like sighing can be controlled. If readers don't raise it, I will definitely not find it myself. Since I have found it, I will try to control it.

Another point is analysis. Well, this, you can see the reason why I wrote it. I wrote it because of interest, so I have the urge to write down all my thoughts.

However, there should be less words in the back than in the front. If there are, I will try to control it. If there are analyses, they will also be related to the protagonist's next actions.

For example, when the Uchiha clan was exterminated, you think it was analysis, but I think it was a necessary psychological activity of the protagonist to extinguish his unrealistic thoughts. Although it seems long-winded, it is crucial to the character of the protagonist.

To put it bluntly, although he wants to become stronger, he is actually very arrogant and puts his life first, so he will have ideas, but he will not do it if there is a great threat to his life.

You said how to survive the Fourth War... The protagonist has watched Naruto, and there are two wall hangings. If he tries hard, it is no problem to survive, so don't mention things that may endanger his life, such as fusion bloodline. The protagonist will not do it before he is sure.

Finally, let's talk about the most discussed point, that is, the goal is to replace Haruno Sakura. I will give my reasons. If you disagree, then you are right.

First, the three-person team is mostly two men and one woman, not necessary. Whether it is the three men who appeared in the original work, or the previous generation of Ino-Shika-Chou and Kai's class, this can be shown. I even remember that there was a team of two women and one man. I also checked when I wrote it, and there is indeed no explicit requirement for two men and one woman.

Second, in terms of talent, did the protagonist know his talent at that time? I don't know, but Sakura Haruno's performance in the early stage was not outstanding, so even if the protagonist's talent was not good, he could still "perform" better than Sakura Haruno, but if he was really not good, the chance would be much lower.

Third, the point I least want to talk about is the bond. When someone said this, I didn't want to answer anything. The protagonist was six years old and was in the same class as Naruto and Sasuke. Is it really stipulated that only Sakura Haruno can have a bond with them? No one else can?

The above is why I think Sakura Haruno can be replaced. At least if the talent is stronger, the possibility is not low.

Finally, it is impossible for me to say that I don't care about the results, but the most important thing is to write what I want to write.

So, I generally won't change the overall plot. If there are only some short logical inconsistencies or some places that will be misunderstood when reading, I will still change them if I see them.

In short, come on, I hope to write better content.

There is also automatic subscription, shamelessly mentioning it, but it is not forced. I am a reader here, so I understand everything. I can only say that I will do my best to finish it.

Oh, it seems that there is still a problem with updating, 4k a day, it’s not that I don’t want to write more, but I don’t have time. I need to go to work, and novels are just hobbies, so I don’t have that much time to write.

In fact, I have evolved from 2000 a day to 4000 a day. It is basically very difficult for me to go further. Occasionally 6000 is possible, but if it is every day, I’m sorry, I can’t do it~~

That’s about it. The performance of this book is actually much better than I thought. Now let’s see how it is put on the shelves. I hope everyone can continue to support it. Thank you...

That’s all

An online writer who only wants to write what he wants to write

Kong Feiyuan

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