Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 45 Planning

At night, in Xia Li's room.

At this time, Xia Li had completed today's training and was sitting at the desk, holding a pencil in his hand and sketching on the paper.

He is making plans for his next studies, not just for studies, but also for things that must be given up. After all, there is not much time left for him to grow.

In terms of scientific research, you can basically pass it without this time. In terms of self-created ninjutsu, Xia Li has sketched a plan to be determined.

After all, it is not easy to create Ninjutsu. Although Xia Li has the conditions to create his own Ninjutsu after completing the study of form change, there are still several problems.

Even if you have the memory of a past life, it is relatively difficult to create one yourself, but it does not mean that it can be done overnight, let alone the power of the creation is still unknown.

Instead of developing some ninjutsu with uncertain power, it is better to learn the certain ones first. If Xia Li has free time after the Fourth Ninja World War is over, he can slowly create them.

For now, I still focus on certain ninjutsu. If I create my own, I can try it if I get inspiration or enlightenment, but forget it at ordinary times.

Then there is the learning plan for the existing jutsu. It is not difficult for him to learn the several C-level ninjutsu that Xia Li's father left for him. He has already learned them. As for streamlining, it will be a big breakthrough, even if it is condensed In the end, it will probably just be an air cannon. It is better to learn the vacuum jade directly in the future. In the same way, you can learn the vacuum wave in the wind and blow technique.

On the other hand, it was Gale Palm. Xia Li kept drawing circles on the font of Gale Palm. Although this ninjutsu was only C-level, it actually belonged to the ninjutsu category, and it was different from his thunder escape that strengthened the inside of the body. Yes, Wind Release Liefeng Palm starts from the outside.

When using it, you can use the wind to wrap your whole body and increase the power of your physical skills. It is considered practical at present, and it can also cooperate with Thunder Release to strengthen it. You can try to streamline these seals.

As for the lightning escape, forget it, Xia Li basically ignores this ninjutsu. In terms of power, it is not powerful, and the hit rate is not high because of the paralysis effect. The paralysis effect may not be attached, and Xia Li doesn't have it anyway. Just knowing how to use it, but not being proficient at it.

Then there is the Rasengan, the famous ninjutsu in the original work. It can be said that from the beginning to the end, it is a very practical ninjutsu.

However, the Rasengan used by Naruto is generally a Rasengan without any attributes.

Xia Li can also use Naruto's same type of Rasengan, but that alone is not enough.

Xia Li planned to replace chakra with wind-type chakra. Of course, it wasn't some advanced property change. After all, he didn't know it yet. It was just the most basic property conversion, converting chakra into wind.

This shouldn't be difficult. The fluidity of the wind can directly simulate the flow of chakra, so it shouldn't be too difficult to replace it.

And what is the use of the replaced wind-type Rasengan? Xia Li felt that even if only the most basic properties were used for transformation, the nature of the wind itself still existed, but it was just that this part of the nature was not used to its limit.

Therefore, while retaining the power of the Rasengan, the wind-type Rasengan also improves the cutting ability of the Rasengan when it collides. Moreover, as Xia Li's control becomes higher, the wind-type chakra flows faster. This force The cutting force will also be stronger.

And the most important thing is that after learning the wind attribute Rasengan, it will also be helpful for adding wind attribute changes in the future, and it will be much easier.

So, Xia Li quickly hit a hook behind the wind-type Rasengan, which is a must-learn skill.

As for the thunder-type Rasengan, Xia Li put a question mark on it.

After all, unlike wind, the form of electricity in the air will diverge in all directions without a definite direction, so if you want to force it to use the Rasengan method, it will be quite difficult to control it.

In Xia Li's thinking, the most suitable ones are wind and water with fluidity, but water does not have this attribute, and the incidental properties of water itself are not expected to bring much power, which is different from the main attack. The wind properties will be much different.

And what will happen if the thunder-type Rasengan is successful? Xia Li was also thinking that the power was definitely incomparable to the wind-type Rasengan.

It should be said that the only thing that can directly compare with the wind attribute in terms of power is the fire attribute, and fire attribute explosions are not weak either.

So after thinking about it, Xia Li probably still added paralysis, and the success rate of attachment should be high, but it seems to be of little use. The conduction of Thunder Release is relatively useless, and the most important thing is that acceleration has completely lost its effect. (PS: I haven’t read Boruto for the protagonist setting, so I probably won’t write about Boruto.)

After all, the Rasengan is condensed to the outside before attacking. The acceleration characteristics of the lightning attribute are completely useless unless it is thrown. However, the basis of the Rasengan is to maintain the power of rotation at all times. Can it still be maintained if it is thrown? Even if it is thrown, its power will inevitably dissipate a lot when it hits. Even if it is very fast, the power will probably be difficult to maintain as it should be.

Unlike the Thunder Release Raikiri, this acceleration effect is based on the body and is so fast that ordinary eyes cannot see clearly and cannot react.

If the difficulty of learning is low, this paralysis effect is worth trying, but it will not be easy to add the thunder attribute, and it has nothing in common with the learning of thunder escape and thunder cutter, so in the end Xia Li crossed out the question mark, and then Added an ×.

In this way, the close-range ninjutsu is almost enough, but for the long-range, use the wind cutting technique first, and then see if there is a suitable ninjutsu.

That's about it for the ninjutsu. Finally, there is the change of chakra properties. Needless to say, these two are must-learn items.

However, how to learn is the problem that Xia Li has to think about now. If you practice without a direction, the efficiency will be very slow, which is suitable for Naruto's use of shadow clones.

Xia Li doesn't have that cheat, so he can only find the right direction first.

First, the wind attribute chakra property, Xia Li is more familiar with this, after all, it is Naruto's attribute, and there are relatively more introductions. The most important property is cutting.

Xia Li recalled the memories of his previous life. He had never seen an air blade, but he had seen a similar video, that is, a water knife, which is a sharp thing like a knife formed at extreme speed.

But water is water after all, a tangible thing, and it is very difficult to make its speed extremely fast, but what about the wind attribute? The speed must be faster, and it should be more than that. Sufficient pressure is also necessary, just like the sharper the knife, the thinner the blade. Although the knife may not be easy to use, the wind attribute is not like a knife that will break. The greater the pressure, the greater the cutting force.

Therefore, if you want to learn the nature change of the wind attribute, you must start with the compression and flow rate of the wind attribute chakra.

On the contrary, Xia Li is a bit troubled by the thunder attribute. Although he knows that there are properties of conduction and acceleration, as well as the side effect of paralysis, he doesn't know how to practice it specifically.

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