Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 435 Masked Army!

Present world, Karakura Town.

At this time, Xia Li stared at the two people who blocked his way. One of them was a short man with an unhappy face, blonde hair, and two pigtails.

The other one also had blonde hair, but was of normal height, with a feminine side bangs. At this moment, the other party was smiling at Xia Li, and he looked a little careless.

"Who are you?" Xia Li did not feel the spiritual pressure from the other party, but if it was a human, why would he block him.

"You are the god of death, Xia Li?" The short man asked with an unhappy face.

"Yes, so who are you?" Xia Li looked at the two people in front of him, especially the careless man who seemed a little familiar. He seemed to have seen him in the library of the Gotei 13.

"Hirako Mako, this is Saru Kazuki Hisori." The irritable little girl with some freckles did not answer, but the careless man next to her answered Xia Li's question normally.

"Hirako Mako, the former captain of the 5th Division?" Xia Li reacted, then chuckled and said, "Indeed, you should be here, after all, you should have come to the human world with Urahara Kisuke."

"I didn't expect that after so much time, there would be new Shinigami who knew us?" Hirako Mako was a little surprised. After all, according to their investigation of Xia Li, the other party should have become a Shinigami in recent decades.

And they left the Soul Society and came to the human world for nearly a hundred years.

"I just read history occasionally." Xia Li said, then looked at the other party and said.

"I don't know what's the matter with you appearing in front of me? After all, I am still the vice-captain of the 4th Division of the Gotei 13, and you are fugitives from the Soul Society. I have the obligation to catch you back."

"But in fact you won't." Hirako Mako said.

"That's not necessarily true." Xia Li yawned and said, "Your artificial body should also be provided to you by Urahara Kisuke, right?"

"That's right."

"Sure enough." Xia Li sighed. No wonder he couldn't sense the other party's spiritual power. It was probably this artificial body that was causing trouble.

"Tell me, what do you want to find me for?" Xia Li didn't think that the other party would suddenly appear in front of him for no reason.

"We hope you can help us deal with someone." Hirako Mako said solemnly.

"Is it from the Gotei 13?" Xia Li asked casually.

"Yes." Hirako Mako nodded. It was not difficult to guess.

He decided to take the initiative to find Xia Li after listening to Urahara Kisuke's talk about the other party's combat power and personality and making a comprehensive assessment.

First of all, Xia Li's combat power is needless to say. He easily defeated the current captain of the 11th Division. Hirako Mako also knew that monster-like guy.

Secondly, Xia Li's personality is not oriented towards the Soul Society, especially the Central 46th Chamber, so even if they appear in front of the other party, as long as they don't provoke the other party, Xia Li probably won't arrest them.

What made them finally make up their minds was naturally Kurosaki Isshin. The other party almost violated the rules of Soul Society in front of Xia Li, but the other party just watched and even wanted to help.

For all these reasons, Hirako Mako thought that if they could get Xia Li's help, then they would have a greater chance of successfully dealing with that person.

Xia Li looked at Hirako Mako. He naturally knew who the person he was talking about was. Aizen Sosuke could be said to be the mastermind behind everything.

But the problem is...

"Although I am not interested in arresting you, why should I help you?"


Saruki Hiyori next to him looked at Xia Li and had the urge to curse, but was stopped by Hirako Mako.

According to Saruki Hiyori's personality, he probably wanted to start a fight directly and then take the person back.

But the problem is that this guy in front of him is not a guy who can be defeated casually!

"I heard that you like fighting very much, right?" Hirako Mako asked. He knew that he had to give him some benefits.

"Did Kisuke say that? That's true, but you may not meet my requirements for fighting." Xia Li said bluntly.

"Whether it meets or not, shouldn't we know after fighting?" Hirako Mako asked.

"That's true, let's go, lead the way." After thinking for a while, Xia Li smiled and agreed.

Hirako Mako and Saruka Hiyori looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, Hirako Mako was a little surprised at Xia Li's confidence in himself, and he didn't care about the possibility that they would set a trap.

However, Hirako Mako also thought that Urahara Kisuke's guess about Xia Li's Zanpakutō might be of spatial attribute, and this kind of Zanpakutō did make most of the traps ineffective.

Perhaps this is the trump card that the other party doesn't care about?

Hirako Mako thought, and then took Xia Li to an ordinary house.

Xia Li looked at the house in front of him. He didn't sense it before, but now he realized that there were also masters of ghost arts in it.

Xia Li followed Hirako Mako into the house, and then came to a very empty underground space through a tunnel.

And here, there were already several people waiting for them.

"Tsk, they are all here as expected." Xia Li looked at the group of people in front of him, especially a few of them.

"Former captain of the 7th Division, Aikawa Luowu. Former captain of the 3rd Division, Fengqiao Loujuro. Former captain of the 9th Division, Rokuguruma Kensei."

If we add Hirako Mako here, there are actually four captain-level combat forces, and those who can be with these captains are probably vice-captains.

Therefore, the forces gathered here are definitely not small.

"Well, so handsome!" At this time, a girl with pigtails in a sailor suit saw Xia Li, and her eyes lit up.

"Hirako, has the matter been done?" At this time, Rokuguruma Kensei looked at Hirako Mako beside Xia Li and asked.

"Not yet, just as I thought before, we probably need to do something." Hirako Mako said.

"So, are you coming one by one, or together?" Xia Li had no patience at this time. Seeing so many captains and vice-captains appear in front of him, he was a little excited.

After Xia Li finished speaking, the air suddenly became silent.

They all knew Xia Li's record, but Xia Li's words undoubtedly offended everyone present. Only the very round and tall uncle over there had a very gentle personality and did not react.

"Tsk tsk, he is indeed the one who can defeat the monster of the 11th Division. He has this kind of personality." Hirako Mako sighed helplessly. When he first met Xia Li, he had not shown it.

But now, Xia Li's "arrogance" is fully demonstrated.

"Since I brought you in, naturally I will be your opponent first." Hirako Mako came to the opposite side of Xia Li and drew out his Zanpakutō.

After seeing Hirako Mako's actions, although the others were also angry, they did not explode. They wanted to see Xia Li's performance.

Xia Li looked at Hirako Mako's Zanpakutō at this moment. It was also a Zanpakutō compared to other ones. The handle was rectangular, the pattern was square, and there were four rectangular hollows around the knife.

It seemed that it was already in the state of Shikai.

"Since you want me to help you, you naturally need to have this qualification, so show all your strength to please me." Xia Li smiled. At this moment, Xia Li had already left the artificial body.

If the artificial body is used again in the next battle, it will undoubtedly destroy it, so it needs to be detached in advance.

Then, Xia Li looked at this vast space that seemed to be specially used for fighting, and he also released his spiritual pressure without hesitation.

In just a moment, the endless impact made everyone around him open their eyes wide.

The few people who were originally at the captain level were fine, but the vice-captains had a strong sense of oppression that made it difficult for them to breathe.

At this moment, Xia Li's arrogant words just now resounded in their minds, but at this time they felt that perhaps...

This is not arrogance, but the other party has the qualifications to say so!

Xia Li held Mingjing Shisui and pointed directly at Hirako Mako, smiled, and said, "Come on, use your full strength!"

Hirako Mako broke out in cold sweat on his forehead. He originally wanted to rely on the slashing technique to test the opponent's strength, but now it seems that he has no chance at all.

So, Hirako Mako didn't think about it anymore, and held the strange hilt of the Zanpakuto with one hand.

"Fall down, Nifu!"

As Hirako Mako said the words of his Shikai, his Zanpakuto changed, becoming a hollow circle at the end of the handle, and five small round holes on the blade.

Hirako Mako put a finger through the hollow and shook the Zanpakuto there.

But apart from that, there seemed to be no special movement.

Xia Li watched this scene happen, and suddenly seemed to smell a strange smell, and then everything seemed to change in his vision.

The land that was originally below suddenly appeared above, and the space that was originally above appeared below...

Up and down, front and back, left and right, all turned upside down in Xia Li's vision at this moment.

"Is this your Shikai?" Xia Li was also a little surprised at this time. It was indeed a rather strange Shikai, and it was quite practical.

In this world that was completely reversed immediately, generally speaking, no one can get used to it in a short time.

Therefore, in the process of getting used to it, the opponent can occupy an absolute advantage with this, and even directly win the battle.

Unfortunately, Hirako Mako touched him. For Xia Li, his control over his body was absolute, especially in the state of the heart of the mirror and water, he could change his movements at will.

Even now, Xia Li does not need to use vision to fight, and can complete it only by intuition!

"Tsk, did you react so quickly?" Hirako Mako was also surprised and said.

"Of course, after all, this thing is... useless to me." Xia Li chuckled.

At this moment, the alarm bells in Hirako Mako's heart rang loudly. Although he did not believe that his first release was really useless to the other party, the other party was definitely not a boastful person...

For a moment, Hirako Mako seemed to hear the explosion of thunder and lightning.

Then, a voice came to his ears.

"One form-thunderbolt flash."

The next moment, Xia Li's figure appeared not far behind Hirako Mako, and Hirako Mako looked at his torn clothes, with cold sweat on his forehead.

He did not believe that Xia Li was not sure to cut his neck, but the other party did not do so.

Moreover, Hirako Mako could feel that when he heard the voice, he had no chance to dodge, because...

Xia Li's speed was much faster than the sound. When he heard Xia Li's voice, it meant that Xia Li had completed the slash.

Hirako Mako turned around with difficulty and looked at Xia Li in disbelief. His Shikai... really had no effect?

In fact, it was very simple to see the effect of his Shikai, but habits are not so easy to change. How did Xia Li... do it?

However, in any case, the opponent did completely crack his Shikai.

At this moment, Xia Li looked at Hirako Mako and said softly, "You should know Bankai, right? Use your full strength."

"Sorry, my Bankai cannot be used here, and my Bankai has no effect on one person." Hirako Mako looked at his companions around him, smiled bitterly and said, "So I lost."

Xia Li looked at Hirako Mako and frowned. Judging from the opponent's Shikai, it should also be inverted. The inversion of Shikai is a sensory inversion, so will Bankai be mental?

Moreover, the opponent obviously looked at his companions when he spoke, indicating that the opponent's Bankai may not be able to control the range, and it will work on both enemies and friends...

Xia Li shook his head, and it was a bit hard to guess the opponent's specific ability, but he thought it should not be weak.

This Shikai just happened to touch Xia Li, so it couldn't show its power, which does not mean it is weak.

"However, this only means that I, as a god of death, lost!" Hirako Mako suddenly showed a strange smile.

"What do you mean?" Xia Li raised his eyebrows, and then saw Hirako Shinko take out a mask from his arms.

Suddenly, Xia Li's eyes shrank, because from that mask, Xia Li felt the power of Hollow, or rather, this was the mask of Hollow!

Then, Xia Li saw with his own eyes that Hirako Shinko put on the mask representing Hollow on his face.

The moment Hirako Shinko put on the mask, the aura of the other party changed completely, and his spiritual pressure was the same as that of Hollow, and his spiritual pressure also improved significantly.

Soon, when the fluctuations calmed down, Xia Li saw that the mask had turned into a helmet that completely covered Hirako Shinko's head, and its style was similar to that of a samurai's armor helmet.

At this moment, Xia Li's eyes lit up, not because of the other party's sudden increase in strength.

Rather, Xia Li became interested in Hirako Shinko's ability to become Hollow! (End of this chapter)

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