Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 418 Xia Li's Shikai and Bankai!

Mao Spiritual Academy, in the dormitory.

Xia Li sat cross-legged on the bed, and the Asabi was placed flat on his legs.

At this moment, Xia Li was in a state of sword Zen, synchronizing his thoughts with the Zanpakutō, so as to achieve the purpose of communicating with the Zanpakutō.

In fact, when Xia Li got the Asabi from him, he could force a dialogue with the Zanpakutō.

However, after thinking carefully, Xia Li decided to open the Shikai according to the normal process, after all...

Zanpakutō is probably a weapon that will accompany him for a long time, and it is obvious that the Zanpakutō also has its own will, so it is best to respect the Zanpakutō's own ideas.

As a result, Xia Li's progress was a little slower, and he was constantly using his spiritual power to wash his Asabi, leaving his mark on all of the opponent.

However, Xia Li's spiritual power was too strong and too much.

This also led to the fact that it didn't take long for Xia Li to carve his own mark on the Asabi, and made the consciousness in the Asabi succumb.

In the last sword meditation, Xia Li could clearly feel that he was not far from the day of Shikai.

This feeling was not inexplicable, but the consciousness of the Zanpakutō had such an idea, and then notified him through this feeling.

At this moment, Xia Li was still washing his shallow hit with his spiritual power as usual.

Soon, Xia Li opened his eyes and looked at the pretty woman in black palace clothes with long black hair in front of him.

"Have you finally decided to come to see me?" Xia Li looked at the woman in front of him without surprise and asked.

The palace-dressed woman was not surprised, she looked at Xia Li calmly and sighed, she also knew that this day could not be avoided.

From the moment the other party held her hilt, she could feel how powerful her master was, and even she couldn't hide under the other party's perception.

However, the palace-dressed woman thought that the other party would find her as soon as possible and call her name to complete the Shikai, but the result was a bit beyond her expectations.

Xia Li was able to be patient in the face of her power, slowly practicing sword meditation, analyzing himself bit by bit, which was considered to be giving her enough face.

"You could have come to see me at the beginning." The woman in palace dress said so.

"Although a forced melon quenches thirst, it is not sweet. If it is just a temporary tool, then I will do so, but you are not." Xia Li replied.

"If it is not a temporary tool, then it is a long-term tool?" The woman in palace dress sneered.

"Yes, it is a weapon that accompanies me for a long time. Of course, if you want, I can also regard you as a companion, but..." Xia Li narrowed his eyes.

The woman in palace dress listened carefully, which was related to her future life.

"I am the master of the sword!" Xia Li said word by word.

Since the Zanpakutō has its own consciousness, it will also have its own ideas. Xia Li can also respect the other party's ideas, but...

In battle, Xia Li will not allow his weapon to go against his will. His will will dominate everything in the battle, even if it is wrong.

The woman in palace dress was startled. She looked at Xia Li in front of her. She felt the spiritual power contained in the other party's words, and her heart was trembling at this moment.

She could feel the horror of the spiritual pressure, as if if she dared to answer no, the spiritual pressure would crush her directly...

This kind of power...

After a long time, the woman in palace dress smiled and said, "Yes, you are the sword master."

After that, the woman in palace dress immediately felt her body relax...

"Then, Lord Sword Master, please call out my name..."

As she said that, the woman in palace dress stared at Xia Li and gave her own reminder, "People should not learn from flowing water, but from still water. Only still water can stop all stillness. My name is..."

At this time, Xia Li listened to these familiar words, and an inexplicable feeling also emerged in his heart, and he blurted out as if he had a blessing.

"Mingjing Zhishui!"

At the moment Xia Li said this name, the appearance of the shallow sword placed on his legs emitted a white light, and seemed to be changing.

Soon, a very strange sword appeared in Xia Li's hand. Its appearance was the same as Xia Li's guess, that is, the appearance of the Ink Shadow Sword, but the name was not...

At this time, Xia Li seemed to have thought of something and murmured.

"A clear mirror and still water can clear the mind, and a Taishan and Qiaoyue can establish oneself."

Feeling the ability of his first release, Xia Li smiled. A heart as still as water and as stable as a Taishan is the best interpretation of this first release.

It does not have any special ability, but it allows Xia Li to enter the realm of the heart of a clear mirror and still water. Use the mind's eye or the sixth sense to fight, and will not be confused by any illusion or sleight of hand.

It is purely to concentrate all the power of the Zanpakuto on Xia Li's own ability.

And this is also Xia Li's most fundamental idea. His actions in Naruto can reflect this. He never believes in external forces, nor does he want to rely on external objects to improve his strength.

Only the improvement of oneself is the most fundamental way. When you are strong enough, everything will belong to you. You can use it, but you can never rely on it.

Ming Jing Zhi Shui took this point to the maximum.

"The God of Death's version of the state of emptiness and darkness?" Xia Li thought, and finally shook his head. It was not the state of emptiness and darkness.

The state of Kong Ming is to let go of oneself and replace one's five senses with one's own mental perception, while Ming Jing Shishui's heart is to a higher level, observing everything in the world with the eyes of the mind and fighting with intuition.

Although the two states seem to be similar, if someone is good at using mental attacks, the former's perception will be affected, while the latter has nothing to affect it.

Of course, this is Xia Li's feeling. Xia Li doesn't know whether there are specific things that can affect Ming Jing Zhishui. Maybe there is... maybe.

After all, everything in the world is too magical. Even if this world doesn't have it, I dare not say that other worlds don't have such abilities.

However, Xia Li was a little curious.

Can he enter the realm of Ming Jing Shisui without borrowing a Zanpakutō?

The woman in palace clothes also showed a helpless expression at this time. As a sword master, she had just seen her ability for the first time, and she was thinking about how to get rid of herself and use her ability alone.

It’s really…

There is nothing to say, but because of this, she has such an ability. After all, the Zanpakutō transforms into the Zanpakutō's unique abilities based entirely on the user's abilities.

"Sword Master, do you need to go further?" The woman in palace clothes suddenly asked.

Xia Li was startled, then looked at the woman in palace clothes and asked, "Go further? Swastika solution? Shouldn't I be familiar with Shijie first, and then open Swastika solution?"

Xia Li remembered that the teacher in the beheading class said that the swastika solution was very difficult, and it was much more difficult than the initial solution.

"Because, I think the sword master does not need the familiarization process." said the woman in palace clothes.

"Well, that's true." Xia Li was not polite about this, and then suddenly realized something and said, "Just call me Xia Li. It's a bit embarrassing to keep calling me Lord Sword Master."

The woman in palace clothes did not speak, but just stared at Xia Li, and then said, "Sword Master, this matter is not related to combat, right? So I should be able to have my own will."

Xia Li was startled, then smiled bitterly and nodded.

"Since you like it, then so be it."

After saying this, the woman in palace clothes also showed a smile and continued, "Actually, the sword master can use the swastika now, but please forgive me for wanting to fight with the sword master just this time. ”

With that said, the woman in palace clothes also had a sword in her hand that was exactly the same as Xia Li's.

Xia Li was startled. Is he already qualified to use Swastika now?

So what exactly are the requirements of swastika?

Xia Li didn't know that the swastika itself allowed the Zanpakutō to materialize and make the Zanpakutō subdue.

It is easy to understand the manifestation. Xia Li's own spiritual power is too powerful and has many magnitudes. After washing his spiritual power these days, his Zanpakutō can already do it after opening the Kaikai. materialize.

As for making the Zanpakutō surrender, Xia Li had already succeeded in what he had done before opening the Kaikai, and when he made the woman in palace attire call him Sword Master with all her heart.

Perhaps, Xia Li is the only one who has completed the conditions for swastika solution before opening the initial solution.

"Since this is a battle to open up the swastika, it is okay for the swords to face each other this time. There is no need to apologize." Although Xia Li was a little confused, but since the woman in palace clothes had already said such a thing, then he continued .

The woman in palace clothes smiled when she heard this. The palace clothes on her body were quickly changed into a smart outfit, which highlighted her figure vividly and was not as restrictive as the previous clothes.

The woman in palace clothes held the hilt of the sword with both hands, and Xia Li did the same.

The two looked at each other, and the next moment, the two figures disappeared from the place at the same time.


I saw that Xia Li and Ming Jing Zhishui, the names of the women in palace clothes, had already collided with each other.

At this time, Xia Li didn't think about using Kidō or Shunpo. She even sealed away the extra spiritual power she had over her opponent. She just used the same power as her opponent to compete.

You strike with a sword and I strike with a sword, and we go back and forth like this for dozens of rounds.

Ming Jing Zhishui sensed Xia Li's thoughts at the first moment of the battle, and had no objection at all. He competed with Xia Li with a smile.

However, based on the basics, Xia Li is not weaker than anyone else.

In this basic swordsmanship competition between the two, Xia Li also had the absolute upper hand.

Soon, the sword in Ming Jing Zhi's hand was knocked away by Xia Li, and Xia Li also put the sword in his hand on the opponent's neck.

"As expected, I lost, Lord Sword Master." Ming Jing Zhishui smiled bitterly, thinking that in such an absolutely fair battle, she might be able to gain a slight advantage, but it turned out that she was overthinking.

Just when Ming Jing Zhishui was about to hand over the real Swastika to Xia Li, Xia Li said, "No hurry, continue."

Ming Jing Zhishui was startled, then looked at Xia Li and understood. Did the sword master want her to become his sparring partner?

This seems good, being able to witness and accompany the growth of the sword master.

Ming Jing Zhishui took back his knife and looked at Xia Li.

"Be careful." Xia Li also gave a rare warning, holding the handle of the knife with one hand, and a scene that was difficult to forget even after so many years appeared in his mind.

In the past, it was difficult for him to imitate this move, or when he could use this move, he no longer needed to use it deliberately, but now, perhaps it is the right time.

Xia Li took a deep breath, and then in an instant, his figure disappeared directly in Ming Jing Zhi Shui's eyes. It was a visual illusion that was extremely fast.

Then, Ming Jing Zhi Shui seemed to hear a thunder in her ears, and she had to block her sword in front of her.


The next moment, there was a broken sword in the sky, which was constantly rotating, slowly falling and inserted into the ground.

Xia Li was already standing in front of Ming Jing Zhi Shui, and his knife was also on Ming Jing Zhi Shui's neck. Looking at the intact sword in Xia Li's hand, it was obviously the same sword, but the result was completely different.

"Master Sword Master, what is this?" Ming Jing Zhi Shui asked. She could feel that Xia Li did not actually use more power than her, but... she just couldn't see clearly, and couldn't understand, so she couldn't cut it.

"The first form - Thunderbolt Flash." Xia Li replied. He was too lazy to change the name. Although it was not Thunder Breathing, the principle was similar.

With the characteristics of instant step, this swift slash was hard to defend against.

Due to the difference between the characteristics of spiritual power and chakra, even if chakra is concentrated in the feet, the speed it brings to the user is improved, but not so much.

So although Xia Li knew this move a long time ago, he didn't have a good way to use it. When there was a way, there was already Flying Thunder God... There was no need to practice this move.

The nature of spiritual power is a little more violent than chakra, and since Xia Li himself is also a soul body, most of it is composed of spiritual power, so instant step can make Xia Li's speed reach the maximum in an instant to achieve the effect of Thunderbolt Flash.

Moreover, Xia Li thinks that the use of instant step is definitely not just fast speed, but also has many special uses.

For example, Xia Li occasionally thought of using instant movement while fighting with Renci, using his own spiritual power to temporarily construct a shadow of himself in the original place to confuse the opponent.

Therefore, the usage is not unique, those teachers only teach the most basic part, and constructing his own instant movement on it is what Xia Li should do.

"I lost, Master Sword Master." Mingjing Shisui said so, and then her body turned into a ray of light and poured into Xia Li's sword.

At this time, in the dormitory, Xia Li also opened his eyes.

The initial release has been completed, and at this moment, the bankai has also been opened! (End of this chapter)

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