Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 397 Common enemy, various opinions

Longevity, no matter in which world, is the common pursuit of mankind.

And in the world of Naruto, where life is generally short, it is even more so. Ordinary people do not live long, and ninjas... are more likely to live even shorter.

Therefore, the temptation of longevity thrown by Xia Li is tantamount to a very effective weapon, and almost no one can refuse it.

After waiting for a long time, Xia Li saw that most of the people in front of him had come back to their senses.

However, although the spirit has returned, the burning eyes, heavy breathing and attitude that have changed quietly cannot be changed back!

In response, Xia Li just chuckled and did not want to say anything more. After all, the mystery still needs to be retained.

Then he looked at the sky and said, "The last thing is that I learned something when I was fighting Kaguya Otsutsuki."

At this moment, everyone's attention was focused on Xia Li, wanting to know what explosive news Xia Li would bring to them.

"That is..." Xia Li paused for a moment and said, "The Otsutsuki clan is not the native human beings of our world, but aliens."

After Xia Li finished speaking, the crowd, who had experienced many shocks, thought that they would not be easily shocked again, but when Xia Li really said it, they were surprised again.

Is it the first time for them to know that the ancestor of chakra is actually an alien? No one thought of this.

Xia Li continued, "So, as I said before, the chakra is what they brought us, but it is also only suitable for their own path, not for us."

At this time, many people also reacted. In this way, the families mentioned by Xia Li before, don't they have alien blood?

No wonder the average level of these families is so strong.

"Of course, this is not what I want to say now. What I want to say is... Kaguya Otsutsuki told me that in the future, perhaps a few years or perhaps decades later, the Otsutsuki clan will come to our world again." Xia Li said with a smile.

After Xia Li finished speaking, many people opened their eyes wide. The Otsutsuki clan, one Otsutsuki Kaguya, has made the world like this. If it is a clan, what changes will it bring to the world?

Moreover, many people probably know that this change is definitely not a good change.

If it really comes to that time, how should they compete with the Otsutsuki clan?

At this time, most people's eyes involuntarily shifted to Xia Li. Although they were reluctant to admit it, once they thought of this problem, the first thing they thought of was Xia Li!

Perhaps at that point, Xia Li is still the only one who can lead them to resist the invasion of the Otsutsuki clan?

It is better to hand over this world to our own people than to aliens, right?

But there is another possibility, that is, Xia Li said a lie... in order to let them put their hopes on him again, so that he can unify more easily?

Xia Li did not say much. This time he did not leave too much time for the people below to think, but directly snapped his fingers, attracting everyone's attention to him again.

"That's all I want to tell you. Whether you believe it or not, you have to know that I don't need to deceive you." Xia Li said casually, and then showed an evil smile.

This time Xia Li's voice was no longer gentle, but echoed directly between the heaven and earth of this world!

"So, next, if you want to resist me, please raise your flags, form your alliances, organize your slogans, abandon your lives, and implement your beliefs to resist my steps~"

After that, Xia Li's laughter seemed to resound between the heaven and earth.

Then, Xia Li snapped his fingers again. This time, Xia Li's figure disappeared, and it was not just Xia Li who disappeared, but all the ninjas of Konoha under Xia Li.

Only the ninjas and samurai of the five countries outside Konoha were left looking at each other, wondering what they were thinking...

"Damn it!"

At this moment, the body of the Fourth Raikage was full, and he punched the air angrily, but he didn't know what to say next.

"What should I do next?" Ohnoki asked, not knowing what he was thinking at the moment.

"What else can we do? Of course, we should form a coalition to resist the abominable Sixth Hokage!" The Fourth Raikage roared loudly.

"Haha, that's not necessarily true." Ohnoki suddenly laughed sarcastically.

"What do you mean!" The Fourth Raikage glared at Ohnoki.

"What do you mean? Since the Sixth Hokage was able to defeat Uchiha Madara and the legendary Kaguya Otsutsuki, it proves that he is stronger than these two people. The strength of Uchiha Madara and even Uchiha Obito is beyond our understanding. So how powerful can the Sixth Hokage who defeated them be?" Ohnoki asked back.

Suddenly, the Fourth Raikage was a little unable to refute. He also clearly understood this matter. Whenever he thought of this, he felt a little powerless.

"Moreover, Konoha not only has Xia Li, but also Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke. They are also obstacles that we can't cross..." Ohnoki continued.

"Uzumaki, Uchiha..." The Fourth Raikage suddenly murmured, his face changed.

"Yes, most of the descendants of the Otsutsuki clan mentioned by the Sixth Hokage are from Konoha families, and the Fourth War has been fought so far, and our coalition has suffered more than half of its casualties. We really have the strength to continue to resist their footsteps. "?" Onoki said and sighed.

Although there are also casualties in Konoha, and they are not low, as long as those few people are still there, the threat to Konoha is still very great.

"After all that, do you really want to join Konoha?" The Fourth Raikage glared at Ohnoki.

At this moment, Onoki stopped talking, and his thoughts drifted to nowhere. Anyway... they had planned to join Konoha before, but it was ruined by Uchiha Madara.

Now that Uchiha Madara is dead, this obstacle is gone.

The most important thing is that no one knows how tempting the possibility of immortality is to an old man who has already been buried for most of his body. It is a temptation that can almost shake his foundation.

Even if there is a high probability that the cultivation method of the Way of Nature will be spread out in the future, he may have died by then...

However, he also did not want to hand over the Iwa Ninja Village that he had run for decades to others... Onoki's heart was also full of struggles.

In fact, the Fourth Raikage's heart is also full of gloom, because he has a Kirabi on his side. How long can he survive?

And at the moment, Xia Li may be the only one who can save his brother...

However, the Fourth Raikage was also filled with unwillingness and anger, as well as a hint of helplessness.

Because, although what Onoki said was hard to hear, it was right. Can they really resist Xia Li?

At this time, not only Ohnoki had this idea, but Terumi Mei, who was still relatively young, didn't have much resistance.

After all, this girl gave up the most times when facing Uchiha Madara in the original work. She did not have as firm a belief as other Kage.

At this moment, Terumi Mei was also thinking. Although she was not that old, as a woman, she still cared about her age.

This is especially true since Mei Terumi is still unmarried at this age.

When Xia Li was still there, she had observed details that the other shadows present had not observed, that is, Xia Li's skin was the best she had ever seen.

Terumi Mei clearly remembered that although the Xia Li she met before had good skin, it was definitely not as perfect as it is now. Even she couldn't help but feel jealous, because even her skin when she was young was not as perfect as it was when she was young. so good.

So this made her couldn't help but think, could the natural way mentioned by Xia Li still have the effect of preserving beauty?

Terumi Mei thought to herself at this moment, this makes sense, after all, the lifespan is so long, so the age of aging will definitely be delayed for a long time.

At this moment, Terumi Mei's body seemed to burst into black flames, and Ao behind her broke out in a cold sweat. She didn't know what their Mizukage was going crazy about.

"Gaara, what should we do?" At this time, Temari couldn't help but look at Gaara and asked.

Gaara stared at the place where Xia Li disappeared for a long time, unwilling to come back to his senses. Then, he still said, "I didn't expect that Xia Li would make such a choice..."

"Indeed, I didn't expect his ambition to be so big!" Kankuro next to him nodded in agreement.

Gaara closed his eyes, thinking about the past scenes, and said, "If it were him, it would be better than everyone in the world living in illusion."

Gaara thought back to everything he experienced during the Infinite Tsukuyomi. To be honest, he still couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat, because if Xia Li hadn't defeated Kaguya Otsutsuki, he would have even been willing to sink himself into it. Infinite monthly reading...

The feeling of having no way to resist is really scary.

As for Xia Li's unification, Gaara recalled the prosperous scene in Konoha and felt that he might be able to believe Xia Li's wave, and more importantly...

Don’t believe it, do you want to lead everyone in the village to death?


Kankuro also nodded in agreement, because no one in other villages knew Xia Li better than Suna Ninja. Even now in Suna Ninja Village, there are still a lot of people who regard the opponent as invincible. gods.

After this war, the fanaticism of these people is expected to become even more prosperous. Coupled with the weak status of the Sand Ninja themselves, Kankuro sighed. Do they really have a choice?

At this time, not only the shadows of various ninja villages, but also ninjas, ordinary people and those in high positions were discussing.

It's just that the attitude of each party is different.

Generally speaking, it is easy to understand the choice of ordinary people. They don't care who rules them, and the temptation given by Xia Li is enough and he even saved their lives. Therefore, among these people, they prefer Xia Li. It accounts for the largest proportion.

Secondly... the ninja, because only they understand how powerful Xia Li is, and wanting to resist Xia Li is tantamount to asking for death in their eyes.

Finally, of course, it is the powerful people in high positions. This part is easier to understand, because no matter what the reason is, they do not want to be pushed down from their positions, and what Xia Li does will undoubtedly subvert their So, this is unacceptable to them.

At the same time, they were also eager to find the secret of longevity, which made them almost crazy. They wanted to think of various ways to obtain longevity without losing their status!

However, these were none of Xia Li's business.

Because he had already done everything he could do. The threat to life, the temptation of interests, and the common enemy, all of which he had clearly shown to everyone in this world.

In this way, Xia Li believed that he would definitely be able to achieve considerable results, but it would certainly not be smooth sailing.

So, next, what he needed to rely on was the war of iron and blood. He just wanted to reduce casualties as much as possible, but these were just things he did in the preparatory stage.

In the war, there could be no more concerns. What he wanted was to conquer and flatten everything as quickly as possible.

At this moment, Xia Li was walking on the way home with Ino. After he returned to Konoha with the ninjas of Konoha, he knew that many people must want to find him.

But he did not go to see anyone. He just left the message of a meeting in the conference room tomorrow in their minds and left.

"Are you surprised?" Xia Li looked at Ino and asked.

"Yeah, a little surprised." Ino nodded. At this time, she didn't come back to her senses. She thought her boyfriend would be the Hokage of Konoha, but now it seems that he may become the ruler of the whole world.

And she will also change from the wife of the Hokage to the wife of the Lord of the World. This change of identity makes Ino a little confused.

Then, Ino hugged Xia Li's arm, her eyes curved into crescents, and said, "If it's just Xia Li, then it will definitely be done."

After Xia Li laughed twice, he also rubbed Ino's hair, and then said, "I'm also seventeen this year."

"Well..." Suddenly, Ino's face also flushed, and she understood what Xia Li meant.

"In another year, we can get married." Xia Li sighed. Fortunately, the legal age of marriage in this world is eighteen, so he doesn't need to wait for two more years...

"Well." Ino leaned on Xia Li's shoulder and smiled happily.

Soon, Xia Li took Ino back to the familiar home and knocked on the door.

Soon, Sinai opened the door in an apron. After seeing Xia Li and Ino, she smiled gently and said, "Come in quickly. You have worked so hard in the Fourth World War. You must be hungry, right? Wait a minute, the meal will be ready soon. Today we have your favorite dishes."

"Hehe, that's great. I'm almost starving after fighting for so long..." Xia Li smiled and scratched his head, and walked in with Ino. Ino quickly packed up everything and went to the kitchen to help Sinai.

Xia Li lay on the sofa, enjoying this moment.

This family has never changed at any time.

Sinai will never have any doubts about what Xia Li does. She will unconditionally support what Xia Li does...

Even if what Xia Li does may not be so beautiful, it is still the same.

However, Xia Li looked at the scene in front of him, which was no different from usual, and smiled. That's good. (End of this chapter)

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