Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 37: Survival Wisdom and First Place

Chapter 37: Survival Wisdom and First Place

Unlike the happy family at Xia Li's house, Mr. Kawauchi walked dejectedly from the Hokage's office to his own home.

He did not go to the Hokage to complain, but was called there by the Anbu.

Then, the Hokage had a very cordial exchange and heart-to-heart talk with Mr. Kawauchi.

Although it seemed that he was encouraging him not to care about what happened yesterday, Mr. Kawauchi was not young anymore, and he was old and wise, and he also understood the meaning of the Third Generation.

Wasn't it just asking him not to cause trouble for Xia Li, worried that Xia Li would bring harm to the village?

Although he felt a little sad, Mr. Kawauchi naturally expressed that he would not cause trouble for Xia Li, and then the Third Generation let him leave with satisfaction.

In fact, Mr. Kawauchi never thought of taking revenge on Xia Li. Not to mention that he was also a teacher, he had lived in Konoha for so long, what else could he not see?

Wasn't it just a loss of face? Compared with his own life, what's the point of worrying about it? The other party is so talented that he will become a big man sooner or later in the future.

Even if he can't become a big man, he can become a strong enough ninja. At least it's easy to kill him.

So, Mr. Kawauchi is not stupid. A teacher who can't be more ordinary still has some survival wisdom. At most, he will disgust the other party a little within the scope allowed by the rules.

For example, if he is responsible for the graduation exam, he will definitely let Xia Li draw the substitution technique as the assessment ninjutsu for the graduation exam.

However, Mr. Kawauchi feels that even if this is the case, it will not be difficult for the other party. What can he do?

At most, he can disgust the other party, and he can't offend the other party. There is no super genius in the class to help him vent his anger.

At this time, Mr. Kawauchi couldn't help but sigh deeply. He really envied Iruka!


Time passed quickly, and Xia Li also practiced step by step.

And what made Xia Li most helpless during this period of time was that his title of the first-year big devil seemed to be irremovable.

During this period, another incident happened, and just when his reputation was about to fade.

The protagonist this time was not Naruto, but Akimichi Choji, and Xia Li felt that they were not right.

Because, after seeing Choji, the other party just casually said that he was fat...

Then the furious Choji went straight to the other party to make trouble.

Although it is a bit impolite to discuss other people's fatness, Xia Li looked at Choji's figure and it seemed that what the other party said was not wrong.

But even if he knew that he was not right, Xia Li decided to help Choji. After all, he was his own man. At most, he would take Choji to apologize after the matter was resolved.

However, when Xia Li arrived, the other party's people quickly recognized Xia Li's identity, and the other party's anger slowly dissipated, thinking about whether they could beat Xia Li.

In the end, it felt that they probably couldn't beat him. Even if they won, the other party was a freshman and felt no sense of accomplishment. If they lost, they would be embarrassed in school like those people before.

This was not worth it at all, so they chose to stop and reason.

Xia Li was also happy about this. What if his reputation rises again? You know, there are still some people around him now, which is very troublesome.

In the end, Dingci apologized to those people, saying that he shouldn't be so impulsive, and the person who said that Dingci was fat also apologized and said that he shouldn't say that.

However, at the end, the man looked at Dingci's body shape and couldn't help but said again, "But you are really fat..."

Suddenly, Dingci was furious again and wanted to do it again, but was directly dragged away by Xia Li and his group.

"You bastard, I call it plump, not fat!!" While being dragged away, Dingci was still shouting there, leaving these senior students speechless.

Plump? What's the difference between this word and fat for boys...

Originally, Xia Li thought that this matter would never spread again, but he was naive.

Soon, Xia Li's reputation for winning without fighting spread, and then Xia Li looked at his seat surrounded by people again, and his face darkened.

Well, he didn't want to say anything, anyway, he was getting used to it slowly.

Instead of thinking about these, it's better to read more books to cope with the upcoming final exam.

Although Xia Li had already read these, in order to avoid forgetting some knowledge points, he still chose to review them for the first place in all aspects.

There was nothing special about the final exam of the first grade.

"Sure enough, that guy is still the overwhelming first place." Shikamaru looked at Xia Li next to him and sighed. He was convinced by the other party's efforts.

After that incident, Shikamaru carefully observed Xia Li, and he also specifically asked his father if there was any ninjutsu that could be learned with clones.

The answer is that there is, and the level of that ninjutsu is not low and the side effects are not low.

So Shikamaru was sure that Xia Li came over every day as a shadow clone, and the rotation was probably at Iruka's place, after all, he would go there once every time he had extracurricular training.

Shikamaru was a little worried at first, but seeing that Xia Li was in normal condition every day and that teacher Iruka didn't stop him, he felt relieved. Maybe the other party had some method that didn't require him to worry about side effects.

Anyway, even if there were no side effects, Shikamaru felt that he would not use it. It was already very troublesome, so using a shadow clone would be twice as troublesome.

When Xia Li looked at his results, it was not beyond his expectations, but this time in terms of theoretical results, there was another person with perfect scores besides him, and that was Sakura, who got rid of her troubles with Ino's help.

He already got full marks so early. Xia Li also lamented that he was cheating in this aspect, but the other party really relied on his theoretical talent.

This made Xia Li feel lucky. Fortunately, the Ninja School only lasted for six years. He was still sure to get full marks for the six years of knowledge. If it was like middle school or high school in his previous life...

Then Xia Li felt that when her theoretical scores could no longer reach full marks, she would be surpassed by Xiao Ying, who was a real top student.

In terms of sports, Xia Li is still the number one in Fault. No one can catch up with him. However, Sasuke, who was originally in second place, was caught up by Naruto who cheated...

After all, Naruto relied on the recovery power of the Kyuubi to make physical progress at such a speed that even Xia Li was amazed. Now if you let Naruto fight alone with the seniors who bullied him before, he will most likely be able to fight. And won.

Of course, it is still difficult for Naruto to catch up with Xia Li. After all, Xia Li has practiced for so long longer than Naruto, and Naruto has a plug-in for Nine Tails. Xia Li himself also has the blessing of Thunder Release, and as he progresses , the effect of Lei Dun's blessing is getting better and better.

"This is the reward for first place. I will definitely get it next time!" Naruto said with a little envy at this time, looking at the special silver kunai in Xia Li's hand.

"Here." Xia Li handed the kunai to Naruto and said, "I'll give it to you to play with, but I can't give it to you. As for you wanting it too, I think it's probably impossible. After all, I will always be the first. ”

"Hmph, I will definitely surpass you!" Naruto vowed after taking the kunai.

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