Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 293 Nagato and Konan

On an inland lake, which is not a place suitable for human habitation, there is actually a ninja village here.

This village is full of tower-shaped buildings, and from the appearance, it can be seen that it is equipped with a developed drainage system, which is a bit out of tune with the style of other villages.

At this time, it was drizzling above the village, and this drizzle seemed to never stop, and it seemed that the sun would never shine. Perhaps this is the reason for the formation of the inland lake.

And here is the Rain Village, which is best at assassination missions. Most of the ninjas in the village are wearing gas masks and walking in this village that is flooded by rain all day long.

And at the highest point of this village, a man with short orange hair is sitting there, seemingly looking at this village. It is the Heaven Path of the Six Paths of Pain.

At this time, next to Heaven Path Pain, a beautiful figure wearing black and red cloud clothes of the Akatsuki organization is standing there.

He has short light blue-purple hair, tied in a bun, and a light blue paper flower on the right side of his head. Below it is a pair of light orange eyes with light purple eyeshadow. At this moment, he is staring at Tendo Pain with a little worry. His red lips with lip studs moved, but he didn't say anything in the end, and his face became cold again.

Because, a person suddenly appeared around them, and it was the masked man with a rotating pattern mask who had met Xia Li and Sasuke before.

"You are here." Tendo Pain did not turn around, still looking at the Rain Village, and said lightly.

"Well, I came to inform you that the power of the one-tail to the seven-tail has been obtained, and now the eight-tail and the nine-tail are missing. The remaining members of the eight-tail Akatsuki organization have gone to the Cloud Village, and they will not encounter too much trouble." The masked man paused and did not continue to speak.

"Is the nine-tail the only one left?" Tendo Pain asked.

"That's right. Because of your indulgence, Konoha is now more powerful than ever. Not only does it have the Nine-Tails and the Sixth Hokage, it may also have a pair of Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan." The masked man's tone revealed dissatisfaction.

He was very dissatisfied with Nagato for letting Uchiha Itachi go to his death.

"Hmph, I will bring back the Nine-Tails myself. The Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan you mentioned is not worth mentioning in front of the power of God." Tendo Pain still did not look back, and just said after hearing this.

"I hope so." The masked man did not say anything else, and left after hearing this.

Tendo Pain and Konan were left behind.

"Nagato, what should we do next?" Konan looked at Nagato with some concern.

In the past, Konan would never worry about Nagato's power, but since the four members of the Akatsuki organization failed to ambush Xia Li and returned, and seriously injured two people, Konan felt that Nagato might not be invincible.

At least there is still a power in this world that can confront Nagato's Samsara Eye head-on.

Now, Nagato is going to Konoha to capture the Nine-Tails, which means that Nagato will inevitably meet Xia Li. Even if he wins, it will probably be a miserable victory. With Nagato's current body...

At this time, the worry that has not come for a long time returned to Xiaonan's heart.

Nagato seemed to hear Xiaonan's worry and replied, "Xiaonan, the power of God is invincible. This time the battlefield is in Konoha. Since the opponent is the sixth Hokage of Konoha, he will not abandon Konoha and escape, and I don't need to maintain the barrier to trap the opponent. This time I will let him see the true power of God."

Xiaonan opened her mouth when she heard it, but she couldn't say anything in the end. Since Nagato has made a decision, she will not refute anything and just do it according to Nagato's plan.

At this time, Xiaonan also changed the subject, looked at the position where the masked man was before, and asked.

"Nagato, do you think he is the legendary Uchiha Madara?"

Hearing this, Nagato also fell into silence for a long time, as if he was thinking about something, and finally he could only answer, "Not sure."

From the beginning, when the other party said that he was Uchiha Madara, he was somewhat suspicious of the other party's identity. It is impossible for you to say that you are Uchiha Madara and you are Uchiha Madara, right?

However, the power displayed by the other party afterwards was indeed strong enough, which increased the possibility of Uchiha Madara.

Of course, there are still many doubts, but for Nagato, it is not important whether the other party is Uchiha Madara or not. What is important is the other party's plan, which can help him realize Yahiko's dream.

Although the method may be different from Yahiko's idea, past experience tells Nagato that Yahiko's idea is too idealistic to be realistic.

Since Yahiko's death, Nagato has understood.

This world is a cursed world. There will be no real peace, and people will never understand each other.

So, in order to achieve the goal of peace, we must first let the world feel pain, and derive peace from the pain and fear of war.

For this reason, the other party's words about being able to use the power of the nine tailed beasts to create tailed beast weapons to form absolute power are necessary.

And do the nine tailed beasts have that kind of power? Yes.

Nagato is very confident in his judgment. Even if he only collected a few tailed beasts, he can still feel the power contained in the tailed beasts.

This is just a weaker tailed beast, not to mention the legendary Nine-Tails and the next-level Eight-Tails.

"But, it doesn't matter." Nagato thought, and then said again.

Konan nodded. She actually didn't believe the other party's words from the beginning, and now it is obvious that she can feel the fear of Konoha from the other party's mouth.

This made Konan more determined in her inner thoughts. If it is really the legendary one, would he really be afraid of Konoha today?

According to the records in history, even if Konoha's strength is really strong enough to make everyone difficult, the other party should not be so afraid, or even shrink.

This is completely inconsistent with the records.

Compared with the record being wrong, Konan is more willing to believe that the other party is not Uchiha Madara at all. After all, even if Uchiha Madara is really not dead, he should be old and have lost his previous strength.

Konan said this, naturally there is still a little idea of ​​wanting to stop Nagato.

After all, not to mention that Konoha's current power is already very terrifying, Konoha still has their teacher Jiraiya, and she doesn't want to be an enemy of him.

However, it is obvious that Nagato's idea is very firm, and she can't change it...

In this regard, Konan can only sigh in her heart.

If the hope for world peace is Yahiko's idea, and Nagato inherited Yahiko's idea, then Konan doesn't actually have such a lofty ideal.

Konan's idea is just to accompany Yahiko and Nagato, and to protect their ideals as her own ideals.


Between Nagato and Jiraiya, although Konan doesn't want to see the two sides become enemies, if it really comes to that time, Konan will also have her own choice.

But, is there really no perfect ending?

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