Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 276 Forced opening of Susanoo

After Xia Li opened the Sharingan, he also frowned.

Because he found that it seemed that it was not so easy to open the Sharingan, which should be related to the first time he used the Sharingan.

But there was no other way. Xia Li could not occupy Sasuke's body all the time.

Regardless of whether Sasuke would agree, Xia Li himself would not do such a thing, which was not good for Sasuke and himself.

After taking a deep breath, Xia Li once again concentrated his spirit and explored the power of the Sharingan.

At this time, Sasuke could probably see the difficulties Xia Li encountered and began to give instructions.

After a long time, Sasuke's three magatama Sharingan finally transformed into a six-pointed star Mangekyo, but...

Xia Li also had a feeling that it was the limit for him to use Sasuke's body to open the Mangekyo. If he wanted to use the power of the Mangekyo further, he needed to be more familiar with the power of the Mangekyo.

Whether Xia Li opened the Sharingan or the Mangekyo, he relied on his own strong mental power to open it, wasting a lot of mental power.

If you can use more of Sasuke's power, you can use less power to open the Mangekyō after getting familiar with it, which is the so-called practice makes perfect.

"Xia Li, why don't you stop here this time? If you need it, you can come to the Uchiha clan to find me at any time." Sasuke also saw it and said to Xia Li.

Xia Li's eyes condensed. What Sasuke said was also a method, but it was not the best method. Since practice does not make perfect, then continue to flood and use stronger spiritual power to make up for the lack of proficiency!

"Wait a moment."

Xia Li also made a decision.

In the Hokage's office, Nara Shikaku had returned at this time to help Xia Li deal with affairs. Xia Li's spiritual shadow clone frowned at this time.

Xia Li did not expect that a Mangekyō Sharingan would be so difficult.

Although the Mangekyō Sharingan is also one of the powers standing at the top of the pyramid in this world, Xia Li is now in a higher position than it.

Besides, spiritual power has always been a point that Xia Li is very confident about, so he thinks he should not encounter any problems.

However, the result was obviously not like this.

"Shikaku, I have to go out for a while. Please help sort out the rest of the things. If you need me to make a decision, wait until I come back." Xia Li said.

"Okay." Nara Shikaku did not ask anything. After so long, he could see that Xia Li was not like Tsunade who wanted to be lazy all the time and needed Shizune to watch all the time.

Therefore, Xia Li must have something important to say, and there was no need for him to disagree.

After Xia Li nodded, he used Flying Thunder God to disappear in the Hokage's office.

In fact, Xia Li could directly choose to remove the shadow clone, so that he would return to his original body, but...

It is not good to let others know that the Hokage who has been working all the time is just a shadow clone, so at least he has to wait until there is no one to remove the shadow clone.

After Xia Li's spiritualized shadow clone came to the Wet Bone Forest, he looked at "Sasuke" and the Mangekyō Sharingan, and nodded at the same time.

At this time, Xia Li's spirit shadow clone was released, and the next moment, Xia Li's other soul finally entered Sasuke's body.

"This is..." Sasuke looked at Xia Li's soul body that appeared again.

Is there another one? How did he do this?

Although it is not as strong as the original one, it should not be underestimated, and it can be fused together?

At this time, Sasuke finally understood why Xia Li's shadow clone was so special. Maybe that shadow clone can really be regarded as Xia Li's original body except that it has no flesh and blood!

Sasuke looked at Xia Li's soul after the fusion, and the huge soul power made Sasuke feel amazed. It was already very strong, and now it has been greatly strengthened.

Xia Li naturally noticed Sasuke's surprise, and smiled at Sasuke, saying, "This is also my secret all the time. I have had two souls with a sense of communication since I was a child."

Sasuke nodded when he heard it. At this moment, he also had a little sudden realization and a little surprise.

No wonder Xia Li learned so fast since he was a child. Is this the reason?

Isn't it? One person is very strong, and he can also do two things. How can he not learn quickly? The speed of becoming stronger is also explained.

However, this is something Sasuke can't envy. This can also be regarded as his talent.

Surprisingly, he also knew some of Xia Li's secrets. This feeling is good.

Xia Li didn't say anything more. He used the suddenly extra spiritual power to start further exploration.

Even if the second soul is integrated, it is still impossible to achieve it in one go when facing unfamiliar things.

Fortunately, Sasuke can still be used as a guide.

After a long time, purple chakra fluctuations emerged around Sasuke's body. That was the prototype of Susanoo's formation.

But Xia Li was not so anxious to let Susanoo take shape, because he didn't want to use the power of Susanoo, but wanted to understand the process of Susanoo's formation in detail.

At this moment, with the help of Sasuke's Mangekyō Sharingan, Xia Li gradually immersed himself in the ocean of Yin Dun.

This scene was far more significant than the illusion and spirit transformation techniques that he was not very skilled at using!

Even Xia Li could feel that after this time, when he used the spirit transformation technique again, his control over the spirit transformation technique would be significantly improved.

For example, if Xia Li were to control Hoshigaki Kisame at that time, then Hoshigaki Kisame might not have the possibility of struggling at all...

So at that time, Xia Li controlled Hoshigaki Kisame to attack Itachi, and Itachi would have died on the spot without waiting for the battle with Sasuke.

After a while, the slug sage who had been sleeping also opened his eyes and looked at 'Sasuke' over there.

Especially when he saw the purple chakra fluctuations on the other party, he was a little amazed. He didn't expect to see such power at this time.

Then, the slug sage saw that the purple chakra condensed into a small skeleton.

Indeed, compared to the size of the Slug Sage, the height of Susanoo at this time is not that high.

"The power of Indra's descendants is still so strong." The Slug Sage murmured and fell asleep again.

Anyway, it was Xia Li who was doing it, and it would not destroy its habitat. Even if it was destroyed, it would just find another habitat, so Xia Li could do whatever he wanted.

"Is this... Susanoo?" Xia Li looked at the purple skeletons around him and said in amazement.

"Yes, this is Susanoo." Sasuke also said affirmatively. He also looked at the skeletons around him and was amazed. What amazed him was that Xia Li actually used his body to use the power that he himself could not easily use.

This made Sasuke once again confirm that if Xia Li really had the blood of Uchiha, then opening the Mangekyō should be a piece of cake for the other party.

Moreover, after opening the Mangekyō, the opponent was not as unfamiliar as using his body. The Susanoo that could be used with the spiritual power that could be controlled might be more powerful, and it might even be possible to reach the complete form of Susanoo...

Xia Li nodded and released Susanoo. Although he wanted to experience it for a while, he also understood that the use of Susanoo also required the consumption of Sasuke's Mangekyō pupil power.

So since he had already fully observed the condensation process of Susanoo and experienced a Susanoo in the form of a skeleton, there was no need to waste Sasuke's pupil power.

Then, Xia Li did not directly release the spiritual transformation technique, but once again mobilized a part of the immortal chakra of the Ryuchidong in the curse seal.

Although these were not perfect immortal chakras, they were enough for Xia Li.

He now had the perfect chakra of Myoboku Mountain, and the immortal chakra of the Wet Bone Forest had almost reached the perfect state.

With these experiences, it would only be faster to touch the perfect state of the Ryuchidong.

Then Xia Li finally released the spirit transformation technique and returned to his body.

At this moment, Xia Li and Sasuke opened their eyes, looked at each other, and smiled.

It seems that the harvest is good.

Xia Li harvested Yin Dun, and Sasuke also had his own harvest.

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