Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 267 Sasuke VS Itachi (Part 1)

"Hmph, it seems you don't believe it. Unfortunately, that's the truth." Itachi looked at Sasuke and said.

"Hand over your eyes, Sasuke, and become one with me. I will take your power to new heights!"

"I have my own judgment on the facts." Sasuke said calmly.

"And no matter what your true thoughts are, I will kill you and avenge my father and mother, as well as the clansmen you killed."

With that said, Sasuke pulled out his sword and spoke again, "Besides, after I kill you, you will be Madara in your mouth, no matter whether he is the legendary founder of Konoha or he is just pretending to be a ghost. I will kill him!"

"Really? It's a pity that you can't defeat me, let alone Madara!" Itachi also arranged his clothes at this time and was ready to fight.

Sasuke looked at this scene and did not think about starting an attack. Instead, he remembered the first meeting in Konoha after the Uchiha clan was exterminated.

At that time, I couldn't control my emotions at all. It could be said that the opponent used illusions to kill him without even touching him. If Xia Li hadn't helped him treat him, he might have needed to stay in the hospital bed for a long time before he could recover.

Now, everything will be different. Facing Itachi, Sasuke has strong confidence that he can defeat him!

When everything was ready, Sasuke and Itachi seemed to have a telepathic connection, each took out countless shurikens and began the first round of fighting.

It kept shooting at the opponent, and was intercepted by the opponent's shuriken. The sparks generated by the collision of the shurikens exploded between the two people all the time.

At the same time, Sasuke and Itachi's Sharingan did not pause at all, rotating rapidly, playing its role of insight.

At this moment, as long as either of the two people is careless, they will be directly broken through by the shuriken and gain the advantage!

This is a feast of shuriken duel, and it is also a situation that only the Uchiha clan can fight!

Although the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan is superior in insight, the opponent does not use shuriken very much, and the skill of shuriken throwing happens to be the ability that Uchiha is good at!

Jue, who had been hiding among the rocks above, was also watching this scene. He had seen the two people completely motionless before.

White Zetsu was still confused, but Black Zetsu revealed that Sasuke and Itachi were competing in genjutsu.

Now, White Zetsu and Black Zetsu looked at the dazzling shuriken duel below, and couldn't help but sigh. Maybe the power doesn't look very powerful, but there are only a few that can do it!

"But, it's time to end, right? Itachi's abilities go beyond shurikens." Bai Zetsu looked at the situation and said.

"Keep watching." Hei Jue said in a hoarse voice.

"But Sasuke should have been hit by Tsukuyomi. No one can break this ability, right?" Bai Zetsu asked.

Hei Jue didn't reply...

Itachi was panting and looking at Sasuke on the opposite side. He finally succeeded. The next step is...

Suddenly, Itachi half-knelt on the ground and looked at Sasuke in disbelief.

"You actually...really cracked Tsukuyomi?!"

"Hmph, I said it before, I have seen roads that you have never seen, and I will completely reject you, including your Tsukuyomi!" Sasuke snorted coldly, staring at Itachi.

Immediately afterwards, the two people did not speak again and started fighting again.

Since the illusion technique has no effect this time, the competition of techniques begins.

However, Sasuke's Chidori and the use of various ninjutsu were also a bit eye-opening for Itachi, who really grew up a lot.

Itachi gritted his teeth and felt his body being exhausted. Even so, he still had to teach Sasuke a lesson.

So, Itachi used the Mangekyō Sharingan, which was almost completely blind, to use the second ability of his Mangekyō Sharingan, Amaterasu!

Amaterasu is a jet-black flame that can only be used by the Mangekyō Sharingan, and it will not go out until the target is burned out!

Itachi looked at Sasuke who was constantly dodging Amaterasu. Both his flexibility and various adaptability methods were exhausted. His eyes were also bleeding at the moment, and his pupils had very little power left.

In the end, Itachi finally used Susanoo.

However, after using Susanoo, his body also completely reached its end...

Itachi dragged his half-footed body into death, and with the fiery red Susanoo, he approached Sasuke who seemed very surprised by this, and looked at him.


Itachi looked at Sasuke, who was still blurry. Why could he still not see the other person's face clearly despite being so close?

Is this his punishment?

Itachi had no time to think. Feeling the vitality that was flowing away from him, he used up his last strength, raised his hand, and gently tapped Sasuke on the forehead like he did when he was a child.

The next moment, the vitality in Itachi's body dissipated, and his body fell to the ground in front of Sasuke, ending his sinful life.

Itachi fell to the ground with a smile on his face. Finally, he had reached this step.

After that, his eyes should also be taken away by Sasuke, right?

Even if the opponent doesn't want to, if he wants to defeat Madara, he still needs the power of the Eternal Kaleidoscope...

Moreover, he also arranged a last resort for Sasuke, hoping it would succeed.

Itachi thought, and when he regained his sight, he saw his long-dead parents, Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto.

So that's it, is he in the afterlife?

Itachi looked at them, not knowing what to say for a moment, and could only keep apologizing there...

After that, Itachi began to work hard for forgiveness, and finally succeeded in gaining everyone's forgiveness.

However, after an unknown amount of time, Itachi fell silent, and he suddenly felt that something seemed wrong.

Can what he did really be forgiven?

Moreover, what exactly is Sasuke's Mangekyō ability? Obviously, the other party also awakened the Mangekyō, so why hasn't he seen the other party's power?

"Itachi, are you leaving again?" At this time, Uchiha Mikoto suddenly asked sadly.

Looking at his mother, Itachi also opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

"Since you want to leave, I will keep you here even if my soul is scattered!"

Suddenly, the expression of his mother, who had always been gentle in his memory, changed, becoming so strange, and she took out the kitchen knife from their home and cut him without resistance.

In a blink of an eye, he seemed to have been tied to the execution platform, surrounded by the tribesmen he had killed before.

At this moment, they all had hatred on their faces, completely different from those who had forgiven him before.

"Why do you want to leave? If you want to leave, then pay for our death!"

Countless shouts rang in Itachi's ears, followed by countless knives carving into his body, and the piercing pain made his spirit collapse.

After an unknown period of time, Itachi found an opportunity to free himself from the execution platform.

Itachi, who came down from the execution platform, also took out the familiar sword in his hand, his face dull, as if he had no thoughts, and once again began to swing the sword at them.

Finally, Itachi came to his father and mother, holding the sword stained with blood.

"Itachi, are you going to kill us again?" Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto questioned Itachi.

"You are already dead..."

Itachi trembled and swung his sword again.

When he killed Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto again, everything in front of him seemed to have changed.

This... was still the Uchiha clan land he chose to fight with Sasuke.

Itachi knelt on the ground panting, looked at Sasuke over there, and asked.

"Is your ability... also Tsukuyomi?"

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