Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 263 Kaleidoscope

After packing up everything at home, Sasuke looked at the sky outside, thought for a while, and then changed into black clothes and went out.

It was late, but Sasuke had his own destination, which was also a place he had to go.

Finally, Sasuke came to a cemetery, which was full of Uchiha clan graves.

Sasuke stopped in front of a relatively large tombstone, which was the tombstone of his parents, Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto.

Sasuke stood there, not knowing what he was thinking. After standing for a long time, he slowly spoke.

"Father, mother, maybe at that time, you were also willing to be killed by Itachi."

"But I can't accept it, I can't forgive it, and I can't agree with Itachi's choice to kill all the clan members."

"Now, Danzo, who murdered the Uchiha clan, has been punished and died by my friend Xia Li, and he died miserably. Soon, I will kill Itachi myself to help you and everyone else get revenge."

As he spoke, Sasuke's whole body trembled again, paused and continued.

"I know you may not want to see Itachi and I fight to the death, but this is my decision, please understand."

"This is... the idea that I have been hiding in my heart and working hard for since then, no matter what, it will not and cannot change!"

Sasuke's emotions burst out involuntarily at this moment, and the pair of three-magatama Sharingan was involuntarily exposed with the change of emotions, spinning there wildly.

After a long time, Sasuke calmed down a little, and then he bowed deeply to the tombstones of his parents.

Then, when Sasuke was about to leave, his steps paused again, turned around, and looked at the cemetery...

He closed his eyes, and there, facing the cemetery of all the clansmen, there seemed to be one figure after another standing there, looking at him.

Sasuke bowed again, and then said in a firm tone.

"I will definitely... avenge you!"

The next moment, Sasuke stood up, and in a trance, he seemed to feel some breeze blowing, taking away the fatigue of his long practice.

Sasuke was silent, and took another deep look at the cemetery, then turned around and left without looking back.

Returning to the Uchiha clan, Sasuke walked on this familiar road.

In the past, he would deliberately avoid this road and take other roads to return to his home.

Because every time he walked on this road, he inevitably thought of the things at that time, especially the electric pole. Sasuke still remembered the other party's figure like the god of death under the blood moon.

And this time, Sasuke walked slowly here. He did not see those hallucinations that made him breathless again, but saw himself as a child.

Every time he came back from school, those grandpas and grandmas greeted him with a smile.

There were also many people who were very kind to him. Of course, Sasuke at that time probably thought that it would be better if the other party did not mention Itachi.

Looking at all this, Sasuke slowly smiled at the corner of his mouth. At this time, Sasuke did not make a seal, but his Sharingan had already appeared.

The three-magatama Sharingan began to rotate. Sasuke did not use any special illusion, but slowly revealed his vague memories in front of his eyes.

There were painful, sad, happy, and joyful times...

At that time, most of his sadness came from his father. The other party only had Itachi in his eyes and could not see his efforts.

Sasuke looked at those familiar figures, but most people's faces were a little blurry.

It has been a long time, and Sasuke can't remember too many people's faces clearly.

"So, how can I forgive?"

Sasuke murmured, recalling that time when he wanted to force open the Mangekyo and was stopped by Xia Li.

Now, Sasuke has an idea again, and this time, Sasuke has the confidence that he can succeed and must succeed!

His Sharingan can no longer stop like this, because he wants to defeat Itachi head-on when fighting him, including the opponent's Mangekyo!

Even now Sasuke does not think that he can defeat the opponent's Mangekyo Sharingan with just the three-magatama Sharingan.

If he lets the other party go, then his revenge will be meaningless.

At this time, Sasuke showed a firm look in his eyes, and everything he should prepare was ready.

The next moment, Sasuke's three-magatama Sharingan began to spin wildly, and his spirit reached its peak at this time.

At this time, Sasuke's own actions did not stop, he opened the door of his house.

In a trance, Sasuke saw his mother smiling and welcoming him home, saying that dinner was ready and asked him to prepare it and eat.

He also saw his father, sitting at the table and looking at the newspaper in his hand with a serious face.

Finally, Sasuke even saw the figure he had hated for a long time, who seemed to be smiling at him, and seemed to be laughing at him.

Laughing at his overestimation of his own ability, laughing at his desire to open the Mangekyo with his own power.

"Wait a moment, I will find you soon." Sasuke looked at this figure and said firmly.

Sasuke closed his eyes. From the moment he opened the door, blood had been flowing from the position of his eyes. The intense pain had been stimulating Sasuke's spirit.

However, these were all pains that could be endured. Compared with the torture at that time, what could these be counted as?

Sasuke opened his eyes again in pain. His eyes looked a little scary at this time. The three magatama seemed to be connected together at this moment, and the place where the white of the eyes should have been was now stained red with blood.

And Sasuke didn't care about the pain from his eyes and continued to walk towards his room.

Then, Sasuke came to his bed and looked at the photos in front of the bed. Some of them were of himself, Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi.

There was also a photo pressed on the table... Sasuke looked at the photo, his face seemed a little embarrassed, and then silently pressed the photo down again.

That photo was the photo of Naruto accidentally kissing him at that time, and this one was given to him by Xia Li.

Originally, Sasuke wanted to destroy this photo directly, but the problem was that Xia Li still had the draft, and there was no point in destroying this one. In the end, Sasuke kept it and didn't look at it.

Of course, there was a photo at the end, which was a photo of him and Xia Li.

That was when he was still young, and he was a little shy to find each other's photo. Sasuke looked at Xia Li in the photo still rubbing his hair, and his face was dissatisfied and reluctant but actually enjoyed it a little, and he couldn't help but smile.

At this time, Sasuke remembered Xia Li's words again.

There are still many people waiting for him in Konoha.

Yes, he is no longer alone! He has his own companions, his own teammates, and his friends who are like family.

So, he can't die here, nor can he die in the battle with Itachi.

He will successfully open the Mangekyo here, and he will successfully win the life-and-death battle with Itachi, and then return to Konoha with a brand new attitude, and return to his companions!

Sasuke took a deep breath, and the pain in his eyes was still increasing, making his spirit seem to be trembling.

However, Sasuke felt that there was no moment when he was so awake as now!

Sasuke slowly closed his eyes and let the blood flow down his eyes.

However, even if he closed his eyes, the pain continued to rise. Sasuke knew that he only needed to give up, and then the pain would disappear.

However, how could Sasuke give up, how could he be willing to give up like this.

At this time, Sasuke's spirit seemed to be boiling, rioting, and rising...

The next moment, Sasuke suddenly opened his eyes.

The three magatama had disappeared long ago, and what was replaced was an inexplicable pattern, and the whites of the eyes that were originally stained red by blood once again returned to white.

It's just that the pattern seemed to be trembling, as if it could collapse at any time.

At the moment when the pattern was trembling the most, everything seemed to stop, and the pattern was finally fixed into a special pattern.

Sasuke also felt that all the pain disappeared completely in a certain moment, and what was left was an unprecedented feeling.

Sasuke smiled, he looked at everything around him, and finally came to the mirror, looking at his pale face, and the traces of dried blood on his face.

But these are not the point!

Sasuke looked at himself in the mirror, what kind of eyes were they?

It was completely different from the three-magatama Sharingan. The original three-red pupil background had turned black, and in the middle of the pupil, there was a blood-red six-pointed star pattern!

"Is this... my Mangekyo?"

Sasuke looked at this pair of eyes, even if he hadn't used it yet, he could feel its power!

At this moment, Sasuke smiled, and then couldn't help laughing wildly.

Not only because he opened the Mangekyo, but also because he was happy that he really opened the Mangekyo in a completely different way from Itachi.

"Itachi, you are wrong! I will completely overrule you!"

After a long time, Sasuke controlled his emotions, and the pair of Mangekyo looked a little scary at the moment.

Sasuke was also a little relieved at this time. During this process, he also felt that if he hesitated even a little, perhaps this process would fail completely.

The result of failure is not to return to the state of three magatama Sharingan, but perhaps he can't use Sharingan at all...

But now, everything is worth it.

Sasuke slowly put away the Sharingan and then made a seal.

"Mangekyō, open!"

The next moment, the pair of Mangekyō Sharingan appeared again. Sasuke looked at his Mangekyō and smiled.

As long as it is opened once, it will not require such a painful process to use the Mangekyō again.

Sasuke felt that even if he let himself do it again, it might not succeed.

And then, Sasuke calculated the date agreed in the letter. There was still a short period of time, and he needed to get familiar with his Mangekyō first!

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