Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 260: Sage Mode in the Wet Bone Forest

Wet Bone Forest.

Xia Li himself has been here for a few days with Hashirama cells.

During this period, Xia Li also conducted various experiments on Hashirama cells according to his own ideas.

If possible, Xia Li does not want to transplant Hashirama cells in himself.

But if the experiment is not successful, then it can only be like this.

After all, Xia Li does not have much time to figure out the Sage Mode of the Wet Bone Forest.

And the experiment soon produced results.

After Xia Li injected the natural energy of the Wet Bone Forest into Hashirama cells, Hashirama cells did not move, and it really didn't work.

Hashirama cells cannot produce chakra by themselves and then combine with natural energy by themselves.

Even if Xia Li tried to inject his original chakra into it, he lacked the most critical spiritual energy.

So, can only Hashirama cells be transplanted...

Xia Li was thinking, and finally looked at the Slug Sage. Suddenly, a possibility flashed in his mind, and his eyes lit up, and he decided to do the final experiment.

Xia Li asked the slug to split a small clone and completely cut off the connection with the clone, leaving only an empty shell.

Then, Xia Li took out a part of Hashirama's cells and transplanted them into the clone of the Slug Sage. Finally, Xia Li used the spirit transformation technique to enter this clone.

Since the clones of the Slug Sage are quite special, they have entities, and it is more appropriate to call them split bodies, so only this kind of split body can transplant Hashirama's cells.

Now, the consciousness of this clone has been cut off, so after Xia Li used the spirit transformation technique, this clone completely accepted Xia Li's control.

Originally, Xia Li was still worried that Hashirama's cells would not be very compatible with the cells of the slug, but in the end Xia Li was a little surprised to find that.

Hashirama's cells are indeed very compatible, and they are almost perfectly compatible with the cells of the slug.

It can be said that Hashirama cells can be compatible with almost anyone. Of course, the premise is that this person has the ability to control Hashirama cells, otherwise, he will be swallowed by Hashirama cells.

Now, what Xia Li needs is Hashirama cells, not slug cells, so he converged all the chakras and let Hashirama cells swallow the slug cells.

After Hashirama cells were completely swallowed, Xia Li began to extract the chakra of Hashirama cells and also began to absorb the natural energy in the Wet Bone Forest.

This process actually has the risk of being swallowed by natural energy. After all, this is not Xia Li's original body, and Xia Li's control over the chakra produced by the gradual cells is not that high.

However, Xia Li is also confident that before this slug's split body is swallowed by natural energy, he can remove the spirit transformation technique and return to his body.

By that time, natural energy is nothing to his original body.

However, although the plan is good, it is completely useless.

Because in this process, Xia Li did not feel any risk of being swallowed by natural energy at all, because the chakra extracted from Hashirama's cells seemed to have a good affinity with natural energy itself.

So even if Xia Li has not mastered the method of opening the Sage Mode of the Wet Bone Forest, there is no risk cost.

This discovery made Xia Li a little silent. No wonder Hashirama Senju could grow to that point without the guidance of his predecessors.

It turns out that basically all talents in all aspects have been maxed out.

He can reach this point just by using Hashirama's cells, so you can imagine Hashirama's own talent.

Xia Li no longer thought about it. Since there was no risk, he could continue the experiment with peace of mind.

The process of this experiment was not short, because the chakra of Hashirama's cells was not his own, so it was a bit unfamiliar to control.

Secondly, even if the slug's clone was completely controlled by him at this moment, it was not Xia Li's own body after all.

Finally, Xia Li had never been exposed to the Sage Mode of the Wet Bone Forest before, so he could only explore it little by little by himself.

A day or two later, Xia Li's soul returned to his own body.

At this moment, Xia Li felt uncomfortable returning to his own body, after all, the difference between the slug's body and the human body is still too big.

In the future, it is possible to try not to stay in a non-human body for too long.

He returned to his original body from the slug's clone not because he had completed the final experiment, but Xia Li was stuck at the last step.

Xia Li also inferred that this step was because it was not his own body, so Xia Li lifted the spirit transformation technique and returned to his own body.

Then, Xia Li started the final experiment with his original body.

Xia Li had the confidence that even if the experiment failed, he would not be in trouble.

Moreover, it was probably successful, but it was not as perfect as Naruto.

After a long time, dark eye shadow suddenly appeared around Xia Li's eyes. At this time, Xia Li slowly opened his eyes, and his pupils were still as black as ink, and it seemed that there was no change.

"Did it work?" At this time, the Slug Immortal looked at Xia Li with some surprise. Has he mastered it in just a few days?

"It can be considered a success." Xia Li nodded.

His current state is exactly the Sage Mode, but as Xia Li expected, he has not reached the same level as Naruto, and is still short of the last point.

However, this last point is enough for him to make up for it by himself, and there is no need to transplant Hashirama cells.

Although it has not reached the most perfect state, it can be regarded as completing Xia Li's goal, mastering the Sage Mode of the Wet Bone Forest.

"Okay." The Slug Sage just said so, and then there was no movement.

This kind of thing does not need to be too surprising to it, after all, what Xia Li did before is the most surprising.

In the case of such scarce natural energy, forcing to walk on that ancient road is something that the three great sages have never thought of, not to mention that Xia Li succeeded...

Compared with this, it is not strange that Xia Li can master the Sage Mode in such a short time.

At this time, Xia Li is also feeling the difference between the Sage Mode of the Wet Bone Forest and Myoboku Mountain.

If the Sage Mode of Myoboku Mountain is an all-round enhancement, then the Sage Mode of Wet Bone Forest is a partial enhancement of the physique.

Of course, other aspects are far better than before the enhancement, but they are not as good as the Sage Mode of Myoboku Mountain.

However, in terms of physique, Xia Li felt the unprecedented fullness of power and the endless vitality in his body.

Xia Li suddenly cut a wound on his arm, and then, Xia Li did not use any medical ninjutsu, and let it recover naturally.

But even so, the wound was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is the effect of the Sage Mode of Wet Bone Forest combined with Yang Dun. Xia Li's Yang Dun is not very profound now. Xia Li has a feeling that if his Yang Dun continues to be profound.

Then in this Sage Mode, as long as his soul is not shattered or burned to ashes, he can recover!

Even Xia Li dripped a drop of blood in his hand, feeling the changes in it.

Although it came to the outside world and had no nutritional support, it did not have a tendency to die.

Is it possible that he can even be reborn by dripping blood in the end? Why does it feel a bit... fantasy?

Xia Li shook his head and stopped thinking about it. It was probably impossible.

However, this characteristic also made Xia Li think of Hashirama's cells. It seems that his cells in the current Sage Mode are no less than Hashirama's cells, and his cells are even more compatible with natural energy.

If Yang escape is added later, Xia Li will find it a bit funny. It turns out that his cells are almost becoming a treasure with better effects than Hashirama's cells.

Back then, Xia Li also thought about whether to transplant Hashirama's cells to increase his chakra.

In the blink of an eye, everything has changed!

PS: I had another sleepless night. It's not complete insomnia. It's the kind of half-asleep and half-awake state, as if I was asleep and as if I wasn't... Anyway, it felt terrible.

There was a mistake in the previous chapter, that is, it said that the eldest son of the third generation, Shinnosuke, died in the Third World War. After someone reminded Konohamaru, I went to dig it up and found that it was wrong.

My original calculation was that Shinnosuke died on the eve of the peace talks with the Kumo Ninja (in 1954), and Konohamaru was born as a posthumous child in the second year (in 1955). In this way, the time is right, Konohamaru is four years younger than Naruto (in 1951).

But yesterday, I checked again and found that Konohamaru's birthday is December, which proves that he was still alive two months before 1955, and the Kumo Ninja kidnapping incident happened in 1954... Instantly, all the logic is wrong.

But the question is again, how did Konohamaru's parents die after the truce? Or did they not die? It should be impossible, Konohamaru's memories are only about the third generation... It's a bit confusing.

That paragraph has been deleted now, and the chapter comments in it have also disappeared because of the changes.

I'll give a reminder here if you have read it before the change.

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