Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 246 Shennong

"It's a bit of a coincidence." Nara Shikaku thought for a while and said.

"Even if a ninja wants to keep up with the flying speed of the air ninja, it is almost impossible, and the other party actually came to Konoha at the same time as the air ninja."

"Well, let's go and see." Xia Li stood up and put the shadow hat on his waist and walked towards the Konoha hospital.

"Yes." Nara Shikaku followed Xia Li.

Soon, the two came to the Konoha hospital.

"Hokage, please come this way." A medical ninja saw Xia Li and immediately greeted him.

"How is the boy?" Xia Li asked.

"The other party is not in serious condition and is being treated by Shennong." The medical ninja replied.

"Shennong?" Xia Li was stunned. Why was the other party in Konoha Hospital.

"Yes, Shennong, a doctor with superb medical skills." The medical ninja sighed at this time.

"He should not be from Konoha, why is he in Konoha Hospital and is still responsible for treating patients?" Xia Li frowned.

"Hokage-sama, he came here after the boy was sent here, because he seemed to be the boy's teacher. When the boy was sent here, he saw the boy and followed him." The medical ninja replied.

"And, because we have all heard of Shennong's medical skills, and he is also a master-disciple relationship with the boy, so he asked him to help with the treatment."

"Is that so." Xia Li nodded and said nothing more.

Soon, the group came to a ward, and Xia Li also saw several people in the room.

The boy lying on the bed who had not woken up was the boy mentioned by Shenyue Izumo. The middle-aged man with a hat next to the boy should be Shennong mentioned by the medical ninja.

Seeing that the treatment was still going on, Xia Li and Nara Shikaku did not interrupt.

After a long time, the treatment finally stopped, and the medical ninjas around were also sighing at Shennong's superb medical skills.

"Hokage-sama, I'm sorry that I was treating just now and didn't say hello." Shennong also saw Xia Li at this time, and his heart skipped a beat, and said.

"It's okay, the patient is important." Xia Li said, looking at Shen Nong, and said, "I heard that he came to Konoha because his village was attacked by the air ninja, causing most of the villagers to be injured. He wanted to come to find you and Konoha to help his village."

"Did such a thing happen?" Shen Nong said with some sadness.

"Well, I don't know why you came to Konoha, Shen Nong?" Xia Li looked at Shen Nong and asked.

"Because Tsunade, one of the legendary three ninjas, has unparalleled medical skills, I also want to visit Tsunade to improve my medical skills, but now it seems too late." Shen Nong looked at the boy and said that he needed to accompany the boy back.

"Well, there will be a chance." Xia Li nodded.

At this time, Xia Li also ordered the medical ninja next to him, saying, "When the boy wakes up, take them to the Hokage's office."


Then, Xia Li and Nara Shikaku left.

Shennong felt that his whole body was wet with cold sweat at this time.

Just now, Xia Li's gaze was like a knife cutting through his whole body, as if he would be killed by the other party in the next moment.

Shennong also regretted why he chose this time to launch the attack.

Those air ninjas were also his subordinates that he had accumulated with great difficulty, and they were wasted in vain.

But Shennong did not expect Xia Li to be so strong, although he had heard that Xia Li showed very strong strength at the succession ceremony of the Hokage.

However, that was just a rumor. Shennong believed that the strength in the eyes of ordinary people had no reference value.

Just like there were rumors that the third generation Hokage was the strongest Hokage before? So Shennong did not believe it very much.

The result of disbelief was that reality gave Shennong a hard lesson, and part of his years of hard work was destroyed...

Shennong gritted his teeth. The reason why he chose this time point was because he heard that the Hokage executed Danzo at the succession ceremony of the Hokage.

Although Shennong did not know who Danzo was, he also heard that the other party's identity was no less than that of the Hokage consultant.

Therefore, such a person died at the succession ceremony of the Hokage, so in his opinion, Konoha will definitely have turmoil in the near future.

Then, he started this action, but when he came to Konoha Village, he found that it was not the case at all.

Konoha Village is still very peaceful, even more peaceful than when he came before.

This is not right, and it is not scientific!

At that time, Shennong felt a strong sense of uneasiness, but when he found out, he had already arranged for the air ninja to attack the village of his apprentice Yu Liu, which is now the village of the "boy" lying on the bed.

Once this plan started, it was too late to turn it back, and he could only hold on to it.

At the same time, Shennong was uneasy and excited at the same time.

In the past, although he only knew about powerful strength, he didn't know how to show the power.

Now, Xia Li taught him a good lesson.

It turns out that the real powerful force is beyond his imagination!

Shennong believes that when his plan is completed, his "Zero Tail" will definitely be so powerful, no, even stronger!

Thinking of this, Shennong's whole body was shaking with excitement. When that time comes, he will definitely avenge the Second Ninja World War!


On the way back to the Hokage's office.

"Hokage, there's something wrong with that Shennong." Nara Shikaku said at this time.

"Yes, he was scared when he saw me." Xia Li also said, and then a strange smile appeared on his face.

"I don't know where this fear comes from. Is it because I just shot down all those air ninjas?"

Nara Shikaku nodded. Sure enough, Xia Li could see it all. In this case, Xia Li must have his own ideas for not exposing it. He just watched from the side.

After returning to the office, Xia Li thought about the candidates and asked the Anbu to call Naruto, Hinata and Sakura over.

At this time, Xia Li looked at Nara Shikaku and said, "It's a pity that Shikamaru has been borrowed by Kakashi, otherwise it would be more suitable to let Shikamaru lead the team."

Although Naruto is strong enough, his personality is not so stable and he is easy to be deceived. Moreover, what he arranged probably cannot be told to Naruto, he can't hide things.

As for Hinata and Sakura, they are medical ninjas. Most of the medical ninjas in the village are actually in the hospital, and they don't have much combat power.

They usually don't accept missions that require leaving the village. Only Tsunade's apprentices are both medical ninjas and have certain combat power.

In this regard, Nara Shikaku also showed a proud smile, and he was very satisfied with his son.

"It's a pity that you didn't have more children, otherwise the tasks wouldn't have to be arranged so urgently." Xia Li sighed.

Nara Shikaku somewhat understood Kakashi's helplessness, and he decided to bypass this matter.

It shows that there are still some doubts about the candidates arranged by Xia Li, after all, this three-person team seems to have no one who can take charge.

"Don't worry, Naruto is stronger than you think. His strength no longer cares about ordinary calculations, and I have other arrangements." Xia Li said.

Nara Shikaku nodded in surprise. Since Xia Li said so, then Naruto's strength...

It's really scary when you are young, Nara Shikaku sighed.

Soon, Naruto, Sakura and Hinata came to the office and learned about the mission from Nara Shikaku.

These three people were already used to what happened before, and they were not surprised at what Xia Li could do.

"But Xia Li, I don't seem to know medical ninjutsu." Naruto scratched his head, a little puzzled. The mission was to go to the village over there to heal the villagers. What's the point of him going there?

"Your mission is to protect them to reach the village smoothly." Xia Li said a little helplessly.

"Oh, so that's the case, leave it to me!" Naruto smiled.

"Is it really okay to give him such a mission?" Sakura complained, a little distrustful of Naruto.

"I... I believe Naruto-kun can do it!" Hinata said shyly beside her, looking forward to this mission, and finally she could do the mission with Naruto-kun again.

"Hmm?" Sakura looked at Hinata, then at Naruto who was grinning over there, and finally sighed, okay, it's a good mission, which can let the two of them have more contact.

"Hokage, is the target of the mission that needs to be escorted in the hospital? We want to go there in advance to contact him." Sakura said at this time.

"Yes." Xia Li nodded, agreeing with Sakura's words, and said, "Go to the mission system before you leave. The level of the mission has not been determined yet."

After responding, the three people left and rushed to the hospital.

After they left, Xia Li called two people again, Hyuga Neji and Chougo, and told them about this mission.

It was probably that Shennong might have a problem, so they asked them to keep an eye on Shennong in the dark and protect the few people in the open.

"Yes, Hokage." Hyuga Neji looked at Xia Li with a complicated look, and then responded.

Chougo next to him just nodded and didn't say anything.

Then, Hyuga Neji and Chougo left.

Xia Li looked at Hyuga Neji's figure and sighed a little. This person is also very useful, powerful, and calm.

The biggest problem is that he has always been worried about the caged bird. Even though Naruto talked him out of it once, he actually just reconciled with Hyuga Hiashi.

"A caged bird?" Xia Li murmured. In his previous life, he also hated this seal.

However, if he wants to deal with the caged bird, he will have to involve the wealthy Hyuga clan in Konoha, which is also quite troublesome.

Xia Li rubbed his forehead and decided to see how to deal with it later.

"Shikaku, set a meeting time and notify those consultants." Xia Li said at this time.


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