Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 243 Primary Cells, Handover

"Since you have a plan, I won't say much."

Tsunade nodded at this time, which was considered to be agreeing with Xia Li's plan.

"Tsunade teacher, there is something I want to ask for your consent." Xia Li suddenly said.

"What?" Tsunade was stunned, a little puzzled.

"It's about the cells of the first generation of Hokage. I need some for research." Xia Li said.

In fact, even if Xia Li didn't say it, it wouldn't be a problem. He is the Hokage now.

But after all, the first generation of Hokage is also Tsunade's grandfather. Given the relationship between Tsunade and Xia Li, Xia Li thinks that using the first generation's cells for research still needs the consent of Tsunade, the only granddaughter of the first generation of Hokage.

"Hmm? I don't mind you using it, but with your strength, you shouldn't need that thing, right?" Tsunade frowned and said, "And is that thing really that magical?"

"Well, I'm not going to transplant the cells of the first generation, but to use it to study the Sage Mode of the Wet Bone Forest. After all, probably only the first generation of Hokage has practiced the Sage Mode of the Wet Bone Forest." Xia Li said so.

Then Xia Li couldn't help but look at Tsunade again and said, "As for the magic, from my point of view, it is indeed powerful enough."

In fact, Xia Li was also a little surprised about Tsunade's strength. She was obviously a direct descendant of the Senju clan and the granddaughter of Senju Hashirama.

But in fact, Tsunade's talent did not seem to get any bonus. Of course, it was much better than ordinary people, but it was completely inferior to the Uchiha or the branch Uzumaki clan...

Maybe it was just a little stronger in terms of strength? But even without the physique of the Senju clan, Tsunade's control over chakra will definitely not be weak in supernatural power...

So, no matter how you look at it, the three of them can actually be regarded as ordinary people.

"Is that so? Then use it if you want." Tsunade nodded, and then asked, "But can you find those things?"

"Don't worry about that. As soon as the ceremony ended, Sasuke took the Anbu to the Root base and started to raid the house." Xia Li smiled.

"Yeah." Tsunade nodded after hearing this.

"Teacher Jiraiya, now you can tell me about the information about the two members of the Akatsuki organization." Xia Li looked at Jiraiya at this time.

"Okay." Jiraiya's face became solemn at this time, and he began to talk about his discovery this time.

Although Jiraiya did not collect specific information about Feidan, he learned that the evil god organization had a very powerful evil technique.

Being able to die together with the other party by getting the other party's blood, according to the Tang Ninja Village, after the evil god cult got the blood, their lives were connected together.

If the other party died, then the person whose blood was taken would also die.

Jiraiya also quickly connected it to the Feiduan mentioned by Xia Li, who seemed to have an immortal body. If this evil technique was added, it would be really outrageous.

He couldn't die, but the other party was fatally injured!

Then there was information about Kakuzu, and Jiraiya also collected a lot of it. From the information, it can be seen that the other party has lived for a long time, and he used to be alone, and no one was willing to team up with him.

It seems that almost all the people who teamed up with him died, and most likely died at the hands of Kakuzu...

Xia Li was listening there. Some of the information he was familiar with was already known, and some of it was not mentioned in the original book.

At this time, Xia Li couldn't help but sigh at Jiraiya's intelligence ability. It was not too long, but he was still able to dig out the background of Kakuzu and Feiduan.

Moreover, from Xia Li's point of view, they are basically correct.

"Is there such a sorcery in this world?" Tsunade was also a little surprised after hearing it.

"The world is so big that there are all kinds of things." Xia Li also sighed, and then looked at Shizune.

"Shizune, the secretary I chose is not in place yet, so I have to trouble you to send this information to the villages with tailed beasts." Xia Li asked.

"Okay." Shizune nodded and started working without hesitation.

"There is another thing, I am not sure whether it is true or not. On the way back, I heard that the two-tailed beast in the Cloud Village seemed to have disappeared, and it is estimated that it has been captured by the Akatsuki organization." Jiraiya said again at this time.

After the words fell, there was silence in the office again.

Although Jiraiya only heard it, based on their understanding of the strength of the members of the Akatsuki organization, the probability that the two-tailed beast has been captured is very high.

"I don't know how the organization got together." Tsunade rubbed her forehead and said, as for the members they know now, none of them are easy to deal with.

"Who knows?" Xia Li said with a twinkle in his eyes.

After that, there was nothing else to do.

Jiraiya also left to visit Naruto in the back mountain, and Tsunade began to tell Xia Li the things that the Hokage needed to do.

Originally, these things should have been handed over before taking office, but Xia Li had his own plans, so he didn't have time to complete the handover, and could only make up for it slowly now.

Xia Li listened to the things that came out of Tsunade's mouth, and felt a little overwhelmed. Not only were there too many, but they were also very complicated.

And, most importantly, there were indeed many things that were obviously small, but in the end, because there was no specific person in charge, they needed to be handled by the Hokage.

This made Xia Li's decision deepen. After Nara Shikaku arrived, he would discuss the system reform with him.

There was no need to submit trivial matters to the Hokage. Xia Li finally understood why Naruto would not be able to handle them even with his shadow clone.

On the one hand, it's because Naruto himself is really not the kind of person to deal with things, so he can only make up for his shortcomings through diligence. On the other hand, it's probably because there are really many things to do.

Xia Li looked at Tsunade who was still explaining things, and couldn't help but sigh. The position of Hokage was busier than he thought!


The news of the change of Konoha's Hokage spread quickly.

In particular, what happened during the Sixth Generation Hokage's succession ceremony was widely spread.

The village in Konoha was naturally applauding. In the past, they didn't know that there was such a dirty place in the darkness of Konoha, and it seriously affected their interests.

Now, as soon as the Sixth Hokage came to power, he dug out a big pest in Konoha, how could they not be happy?

Among the other villages, Sand Ninja Village, which knew Xia Li relatively well, was not too surprised.

Because Xia Li's reputation is not only very high in Konoha, but also in the Sand Ninja Village.

If Xia Li's reputation in Konoha is high because of the events during the ANBU period and his performance in the Konoha Collapse Plan, then his reputation in the Suna Ninja Village is truly earned through fighting.

Some of the killings even included people from the Suna Ninja side, but most of them were Sound Ninjas. Of course, the most important thing was the deep pit left by Deidara's self-destruction. There are still many Suna Ninjas there today. Looking at the deep pit, I was terrified.

It will probably take a lot of time to fill this deep hole with natural time.

As for the other three ninja villages, there was no special reaction. It was probably equivalent to the status of reading but not replying.

And this is not difficult to understand. The Mist Ninja Village has finally emerged from the shadow of the Blood Mist and has not yet developed for a long time. It has no big ideas about many things.

The same is true for Iwa Ninja Village. Their talents are somewhat inactive and have been recuperating for a long time.

However, now that Orochimaru has beaten him hard again, it is estimated that it will take a long time to recover. During this period, Iwa Ninja Village may have lost interest in the changes in the ninja world.

The only one with this strength is probably the Cloud Ninja Village, but they are still worried about the loss of the second tail, so how can they have time to pay attention to the changes in Konoha.

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