Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 236: A cornered dog jumps over the wall

What is the best way to destroy a person?

That must be to completely crush the goal that the other person has been working hard for his whole life in front of him, so that the other person can't see any hope.

Just like Danzo now, Xia Li has lifted the "ban" on Danzo at this time.

At this moment, Danzo listened to the shouts that seemed like a tide, all shouts for him to die, and the whole person was in a trance, with a distorted face.

Xia Li looked at Danzo's expression and was very satisfied in his heart. He always felt that killing Danzo like that was actually a bargain for Danzo.

Xia Li didn't even want to kill Danzo after the trial. He wanted to destroy Danzo's chakra and make him a de facto useless person.

Then Xia Li was too lazy to continue to torture him, so he let the other party stay there, and he slowly dug out what Danzo had done before.

The most important thing is to let Danzo see with his own eyes that Konoha will be more prosperous without his participation.

More prosperity is not terrible, but whoever is missing during this period will be embarrassed.

What Xia Li wanted was to kill people and destroy their hearts. If Danzo could commit suicide in despair in the end, that would be the most perfect ending.

Unfortunately, there are still too many uncertain factors in this world, and there are too many people who want to see Danzo die now, such as Sasuke...

Xia Li didn't even dare to tell Sasuke his thoughts. After all, once he said it, he felt that Sasuke's eyes would change when he looked at him.

Because Xia Li himself felt that the idea was too devilish.

In fact, if it was just Xia Li's own business, it would be enough to kill Danzo.

But the key is that when Xia Li read the original work in his previous life, he was particularly disgusted with Danzo, and the idea of ​​killing him directly was not smooth.

"Fools, they are all a bunch of fools! What do they know!"

Suddenly, Danzo shouted loudly. He didn't want to explain anymore. Now whatever he said would seem so pale and powerless.

And what's the point of explaining to a group of stupid guys? It's better to wipe out all those who resist him!

As long as he can kill everyone here, then he still has a chance!

The position of Hokage must be his, and no one can stop it!

The next moment, Danzo's hands began to form seals.

"Wind Style - Vacuum Jade!"

Danzo's target was the crowd watching below.

The people below did not expect that the other party would use ninjutsu against them to kill them.

Facing such a powerful ninjutsu, panic is inevitable.

But before they began to panic, they heard a soft voice in their ears.

And this voice was so familiar to them, because the owner of this voice was still telling them about Danzo's crimes.

"Don't be afraid, don't worry, Danzo can't hurt you."

Everyone only heard Xia Li say this, and Xia Li's voice could be heard so clearly in such a noisy environment.

Instantly, the situation that should have caused panic dissipated, and they all believed that the sixth generation Hokage they chose would not lie to him.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of the vacuum jade, and with a wave of his hand, the vacuum jade had dissipated.

As for Xia Li, the most it affected was just a breeze, which made his hair sway gently in the breeze, looking chic and handsome.

"He's gone crazy." Tsunade said at this time.

She was not worried when she saw Danzo attacking the crowd, because she knew Xia Li's arrangement.

Even if Xia Li didn't stop it, the vacuum ball couldn't hurt anyone. At most, it would make the barrier team work harder. After all, it's still a bit difficult to stop such a powerful ninjutsu.

Knowing that Danzo might jump off the wall, they were of course prepared.

The two consultants were speechless at this time. Looking at Danzo who was looking at Xia Li with a distorted face, they didn't understand why the other party would go to this step?

Obviously, he is already in a high position, why must he be the position of Hokage?

When they were young, they also thought about this position, but as they grew older, they no longer had any desire for the position of Hokage.

Even if they were asked to become Hokage, they might not accept it. They still knew their own weight.

Sighing, the two advisors also retreated from here like the third generation. There was no point in staying here any longer.

Moreover, they estimated that if Danzo saw them, he would definitely not hold back. They didn't want to toss their old bones anymore.

Let them watch the end of Danzo below.

"Damn it!" The third generation's face turned black when he saw the vacuum jade. Although he knew that there was a barrier, the people would be fine.

However, the third generation really didn't expect that the other party would actually attack ordinary people!

At this time, he finally realized that what Xia Li did was right, and Konoha must not be handed over to Danzo.

Even if he was in a high position and could attack ordinary people, who knew what terrible things he could do with the convenience of his position.

At this time, the third generation really regretted his indulgence in Danzo.

At this time, Tsunade listened to the cheers around her, especially the fact that there were too many female voices.

He couldn't help but look at Xia Li, who was standing in the air, looking so showy under the 'breeze' formed by the vacuum jade...

He wanted to laugh, but also wanted to curse.

After this day, Xia Li will probably become the fantasy object of most women in Konoha. Even men will fantasize about having the same power as Xia Li!

Tsunade knew that Xia Li did it on purpose to show her power and win people's hearts.

Otherwise, with Xia Li's strength, Danzo would not be able to succeed no matter what he did. That was the gap in levels.

Now it seems that Xia Li's idea has been successful.

At this time, Xia Li looked at Danzo and said, "You deserve death for attacking ordinary people in Konoha."

"Execute Danzo!!"

As Xia Li finished speaking, another burst of shouts rang out. It was obvious that Danzo's attack on them just now also shocked them.

At this moment, if they had the ability, they would all want to replace Xia Li and execute Danzo.

"Damn it!" Danzo knew that he could survive from that organization. Xia Li's strength had exceeded his imagination, but it was still beyond his understanding to dissolve the vacuum jade so easily.

Since vacuum jade doesn't work, then...

"Wind Release - Vacuum Dayama!"

Suddenly, another high-pressure wind ball was ejected from Danzo's mouth. If the vacuum jade just now was like a bullet, then the vacuum jade at this time is a cannonball!

Seeing this, Xia Li simply made a seal. At this time, Xia Li's eyes had turned golden, and she had entered the immortal mode.

In fact, you don't need Sage Mode to deal with Danzo, but you have to perform in front of the crowd anyway, so let's make this performance more thorough!

"Immortal Technique - Wind Release - Vacuum Jade!"

The next moment, a vacuum jade that was completely solid compared to the big vacuum jade appeared in everyone's eyes. Moreover, the vacuum jade should have been a wind ball composed of invisible wind.

But at this time, a strong white color was formed due to the incomparable agglomeration.

In an instant, the vacuum jade destroyed Danzo's vacuum jade, as if it was not affected at all. It was so powerful in terms of power and speed, and it hit Danzo who had not yet reacted in a moment.

Vacuum Dayama was defeated by Vacuum Jade? Danzo didn't understand...and it was too late to understand.

The power of the vacuum jade was greater than he imagined. Almost instantly, Danzo felt that his body was directly shattered by the vacuum jade.

Is this... really the power that the Wind Release Ninjutsu Vacuum Jade he is familiar with can possess?

With doubts, Danzo flew out with his broken body.

Is this the end? The people below looked at this scene and felt a little happy in their hearts. People in this world, especially people in the Ninja Village, would not be frightened by this scene. They just felt relieved.

Didn't you hit us with vacuum jade? Now that I was killed by the Vacuum Jade, am I getting retribution? !

However, Xia Li looked at this scene and just said lightly, "This is the punishment for your attack with the vacuum jade just now. I will kill you once."

Suddenly, Xia Li's words confused everyone. Is this just punishment? And why do you say kill once? Could there be a second time?

This time, not only ordinary people, but all ninjas, including those from big families, were confused.

What do Xia Li's words mean?

"Izanagi, the ultimate pupil technique of the Sharingan. Using Izanagi, the holder of the Sharingan can change the things that are not good for him in a period of time into never happening, and only choose things that are good for him. For reality, even if you die, you can change reality.”

Xia Li's voice rang in everyone's ears, making everyone's pupils dilate instantly.

Does he actually have such a powerful pupil technique? Why have they never heard of it?

Just when they were suspicious, they suddenly discovered that Danzo, whose body was shattered by the vacuum jade, suddenly appeared there again, as if nothing had happened before.

And this scene proves that what Xia Li just said is true!

Suddenly, everyone was shocked, including Sasuke, who didn't know the Sharingan had such an eye technique!

If this is the case, doesn't it mean that if you have the Sharingan and can use this ninjutsu, you will be invincible?

Fortunately, at this time, Xia Li's voice appeared again, dispelling their doubts.

"There is no need to worry as each use of Izanagi will blind the Sharingan and make it impossible to use it again."

Hearing this, many people finally breathed a sigh of relief, while still sighing at the power of the Sharingan. Even though it has this side effect, it is a pupil technique that can change life and death!

Even with this limitation, it still looks extremely powerful!

At this time, Danzo glared at Xia Li tightly and gritted his teeth.

"Why do you know this ninjutsu!"

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