Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 231 Engagement

The two consultants actually knew that it was basically impossible for these families to oppose Xia Li becoming the sixth Hokage.

In other words, as long as Tsunade agreed, then Xia Li becoming the sixth Hokage was a foregone conclusion.

After dinner, Tsunade leaned back comfortably on the chair and said with a smile, "In a few days, I can live a retired life! I have always envied the old man's life."

Hearing this, Xia Li blinked his eyes, but did not say anything.

He didn't think of letting Tsunade really retire like this, that would be too wasteful.

However, Tsunade was obviously in high spirits now, and he felt that if he said something to spoil the fun at this time, he might face the other party's iron fist.

"Mom, I have something to discuss with you." Xia Li suddenly said.

"Hmm? I shouldn't be able to help with the succession of Hokage, right?" Sinai asked a little strangely. She was just an ordinary person, how could she have the experience to deal with such things, and she had never even heard of it.

"It's not about the succession of Hokage, it's something else." Xia Li said so.

Xia Li looked at Tsunade who was still motionless.

"Is there anything I can't know?" Tsunade asked, having just finished her meal and not wanting to move.

"Not that I can't." Xia Li thought about Tsunade's identity, and finally sighed and didn't force Tsunade to leave.

Then, Xia Li pulled Ino, who was a little confused, over. She was still helping Sinai with something when Xia Li pulled her over.

Looking at this scene, Tsunade paused, and suddenly understood what Xia Li wanted to do. She couldn't help but smile and looked around. It was a pity that there was no alcohol, otherwise she really wanted to have a few drinks.

"Mom, I plan to complete the engagement with Ino first."

After Xia Li finished speaking, Sinai was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Okay, I'll go to the Yamanaka family to discuss this matter in a few days."

And Tsunade showed an expression of "as expected", and Shizune next to her looked at all this with shining eyes.

"Engage... Engagement?!" Ino, one of the protagonists, was stunned there. When she reacted, her face had already turned red.

"What? Don't you want to?" Xia Li said, holding Ino's cheeks with both hands, feeling the hot temperature of Ino's cheeks at this time.

"No, no, I do." Ino said hurriedly, not caring about the others around, and said, "It's just too sudden, I'm a little unprepared."

"Well, originally wanted to wait until we were 16 years old to decide, but now that I'm going to become Hokage, let's do it a while in advance, and let my parents-in-law feel more at ease." Xia Li also said the reason.

Xia Li felt that Ino didn't seem to worry about this kind of thing. After all, his performance was still good and trustworthy.

However, her parents might not be sure, and they would have some concerns more or less.

Moreover, Xia Li is actually being targeted by many people now, and it is estimated that more people will target Xia Li after he really becomes Hokage.

Which family wants to get rich overnight? Even if everyone knows that Xia Li has a girlfriend, doesn't that mean he is not married? Not even engaged...

In order to prevent this kind of thing, Xia Li made this decision.

"Yeah." Ino nodded when she heard this, her eyes were like autumn water, a little intoxicated.

"Ahem, I didn't expect that I would still eat dog food at such an old age. I'm full of food, and now I can't eat dog food anymore, Shizune, we should go back." Tsunade finally stretched and said.

"Okay, Tsunade-sama." Shizune also looked at Xia Li and Shizune over there, with envy in her eyes. She also wanted to meet a partner who was like... no, it would be great if she could have a partner who was half as good as Xia Li.

After hearing Tsunade's voice, Ino realized that she was still in Xia Li's house, and her teacher was still there, and she suddenly became shy.

However, even if she was shy this time, Ino still chose to stick to Xia Li. At this moment, she didn't want to be separated from Xia Li.

After Tsunade and Shizune left, Xia Li also took Ino and Sina and said something before walking towards the Yamanaka family.

"Ino, we have known each other for 9 years." Xia Li sighed a little at this time. He was obviously going to buy a bouquet of flowers at that time, and he didn't expect so many things to happen later.

"Well, you didn't know where the cake shop was at that time, and I took you there." Ino also fell into memories, thinking of the first meeting, and smiled.

Ino was also glad that she met Xia Li at that time. If there was no intersection at that time, then Xia Li's attitude towards her would probably be the same as those girls in the class.

In that case, Ino felt that her possibility was not too great, after all, the other party was too outstanding.

"Yes." Xia Li also nodded, and was also thinking about why it came to this point.

After thinking about it, Xia Li remembered that his thoughts at that time were not that complicated.

First, it was because Ino was one of the female characters in the original Naruto that best met his aesthetics.

Although Ino was a little young at the time, Xia Li knew what Ino would look like when she grew up, so he started the cultivation mode.

In fact, he didn't have any other age group to choose from. It's impossible for a child to drive a big car...

Secondly...of course it was Ino's identity.

Ino-Shika-cho was able to help him during his growth period, and now, she is the main force that supports him most firmly. Even after becoming the Hokage, there are many things that need Ino-Shika-cho's help.

So, it is not surprising that he chose Ino.

"Your physical strength was not good at that time, and I still needed to carry you back on my back on the way back." Xia Li paused suddenly, then leaned over to Ino's ear and said something to Ino.

Ino was also stunned after hearing it, and then nodded.

Then, like when he was a child, Xia Li carried Ino on his back and walked steadily in the familiar direction, talking as he walked.

"Ino, although you can get engaged very early, you may not get married so early. The ninja world may be very chaotic in the next few years. It is better for us to get married after the chaos is over." Xia Li thought about it and said again.

Xia Li did not want to get married and have children in the next few years. The engagement flag has been raised a little. Getting married and having children, that flag is simply...

"Well..." Ino obviously had no resistance to this topic, and her face flushed again.

Besides, she wasn't really in a hurry. After all, they weren't that old.

Xia Li didn't say anything more. Feeling the touch of her body against Ino, she couldn't help but sigh that Ino had a really good figure.

Although she wasn't as big as Tsunade, she was better in proportion, fair skin, beautiful face, and long legs.

Soon, Xia Li carried Ino to the door of the Yamanaka family. Ino pulled Xia Li reluctantly, not wanting Xia Li to leave.

"Okay, there's still a lot of time to go. When you go in, tell your parents-in-law about the engagement so that they can rest assured." Xia Li smiled and pinched Ino's cheek again.

"Yeah." Ino nodded, then suddenly stepped forward and leaned against Xia Li's arms, then raised her head and looked at Xia Li.

In Xia Li's eyes, Ino blushed and closed her eyes.

In this situation, how many people can bear it? At least Xia Li couldn't bear it.

Xia Li hugged Ino and lowered his head.

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