Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 227 Another Nine-Tailed Fox?

In front of the Hokage building.

Xia Li looked up at the Hokage's office and frowned, because he felt a very familiar chakra from there.

Generally speaking, Xia Li can't feel the special chakra, but there is one exception.

That is the chakra of the Nine-Tails!

Xia Li felt a chakra belonging to the Nine-Tails from the Hokage's office, and Xia Li hadn't felt the Flying Thunder God mark yet.

You know, Naruto, as the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, has the Flying Thunder God mark engraved by him!

Xia Li felt the chakra of the Nine-Tails at first and thought Naruto was inside, but later he realized that something was wrong.

Naruto had just come back with him, so he shouldn't have been found in the Hokage's office so quickly, and there was no Flying Thunder God mark on him.

So, who is in the Hokage's office?

Thinking about it, Xia Li stepped into the Hokage building, but when he was about to walk to the door.

Xia Li suddenly stopped and took a step back.


The next moment, a white and tender arm emerged from the place where Xia Li had just stood...

Yes, it emerged from the wall, but now it has retracted.

Xia Li looked at the gravel on the ground, so who had provoked Tsunade?

With doubts, Xia Li opened the door of the office and walked in.

Then, Xia Li saw that in addition to Tsunade and Shizune, Sasuke was also in the office, and there was also a boy in monk's clothes.

However, the boy at this time looked like he had seen a ghost, and sweat was still flowing on his forehead.

Xia Li couldn't help but look at the boy a few more times, because the chakra breath of the Nine-Tails came from him.

However, when he was close, Xia Li could also feel that although the amount of chakra was not small, it was obviously not enough compared to the real Nine-Tails.

"Tsunade-sama, what happened?" Xia Li asked at this time.

"Huh? When did you come back?" Tsunade was also a little surprised when she saw Xia Li, and said in surprise.

"I just came back. I heard Kakashi was looking for me, so I came here." Xia Li replied, and then pointed to the wall that Tsunade had punched through.

"Oh, nothing happened, right?" Tsunade looked at the boy with a very 'kind' smile.

"Yes... yes." The boy replied with a stiff face.

"See." Tsunade looked at Xia Li with satisfaction.

Xia Li was speechless, and Shizune also covered her head helplessly beside her. She was used to it.

Sasuke was watching all this over there, his mouth twitching, and when he saw Xia Li coming, his eyes lit up.

At this time, Tsunade also returned to her seat, looked at Sasuke, and asked, "Can you explain why you want to bring a member of the Fire Temple back to Konoha? Are you going to join Konoha again?"

Tsunade was very suspicious about this. Did Sasuke's habit of bringing people to Konoha break again?

After Juugo and Karin, he was going to bring back another boy.

Xia Li was also a little surprised that it was Sasuke who brought him back, but after thinking about it, Xia Li was not surprised. Sasuke should have used his Sharingan to see that the boy had the same power as Naruto, so he brought him back.

Sasuke also had a black line on his forehead after hearing Tsunade's words. He didn't bring everyone back...

However, Sasuke still spoke about the process of his mission this time.

Recently, the cemetery around the Fire Temple was not peaceful and was often dug up. It was obvious that there were gravediggers.

And Sasuke's mission this time was to capture or eliminate the gravediggers.

The mission was not too difficult, especially with Karin's perception, but he encountered a few tricky enemies.

Of course, it was just a little tricky, but Sasuke still solved it.

At this time, Sasuke couldn't help but look at Xia Li. He was able to solve it so easily because of that kind of power.

Then Sasuke, who was supposed to return, saw a boy named Kong in the Fire Temple, the one he brought back.

Sasuke saw that the power of Sora was very similar to Naruto's. Sasuke knew that Naruto's power came from the Nine-Tails, so what about Sora's power?

Could it also come from the Nine-Tails, or was there something wrong with him?

So Sasuke chose to bring Sora back.

"Nine-Tails?" Tsunade frowned after hearing this. How could there be a second Nine-Tails?

Xia Li was also a little surprised after hearing this. He seemed to remember such a thing.

"What Nine-Tails? Is there something wrong with my body?" Sora asked with doubt.

"Let me see if there is any problem." Xia Li said, and then began to check Sora's body.

During this period, Sora also tried to resist, but this resistance was destined to be useless.

Soon, Xia Li's inspection was completed, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Did you find anything?" Tsunade was also a little concerned at this time, after all, it was about the Nine-Tails.

Xia Li nodded, let go of Sora, and began to explain Sora's situation.

There was no second Nine-Tails in Sora's body, and he only had the Nine-Tails' chakra in his body.

Someone must have collected the Nine-Tails' chakra before and transplanted it into Sora's body in order to train Sora into a second Nine-Tails.

"Impossible, even if it's the Nine-Tails' chakra, it can't exist forever. Even if it's transplanted into someone else's body, it will eventually dissipate." Tsunade directly refuted.

Xia Li also nodded and continued to explain.

Sora's physique is not suitable for the power of the Nine-Tails, so the Nine-Tails' chakra has always been detached from his body and then disappeared, but the person who transplanted the Nine-Tails' chakra to Sora would not watch this scene.

He used countless seals to seal the Nine-Tails' chakra in Sora's body, and this seal cannot be broken and must be maintained all the time, otherwise the Nine-Tails' chakra will still disappear.

"And, it seems that this seal has been partially opened before." Xia Li thought for a while, and then asked Tsunade.

"Tsunade-sama, has there been any major loss in the Fire Temple before?"

"Yes..." Tsunade didn't say anything, but Kong's eyes were a little dull at this time, and he said, "The Fire Temple was attacked by a monster before, and the loss was heavy."

Kong didn't say anything after that. He recalled that those people looked at him as if he were a monster, and he was always puzzled. Now it seems...

It turns out that he is really that monster, and he has hurt them before, no wonder...

"Well, Xia Li, you should be very good at sealing. Do you have a way to safely take the power of the Nine-Tails out of Kong?" Tsunade asked.

"Of course." Xia Li smiled, saying so, he had this intention.

However, Xia Li remembered that he didn't seem to come to the Hokage's office for this matter.

Forget it, no hurry, let's finish the things in front of us first.

After all, the chakra of the Nine-Tails, and it has been raised for so many years, its amount is not small...

Xia Li's eyes flashed, and I don't know what he was thinking.

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