Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 219 Arrangement

"Tsunade-sama, you are the Hokage." Xia Li looked at Tsunade who threw the question to him, a little speechless.

"Well, Xia Li, you are also the future Sixth Hokage." Tsunade said with a smile.

"Besides, this is the information you brought back. I believe you have already thought about the countermeasures on the way back. Tell me about it."

Xia Li looked at Tsunade with a smile on her face, and suddenly felt that the other party seemed to have learned "bad things", but who did she learn this from?

With doubts, Xia Li also said, "These evidences cannot be used directly. I believe Tsunade-sama can understand this, right?"

"Of course." Tsunade also nodded.

"So, the investigation of Danzo should continue on the surface, let him continue to shrink there, and on the other hand, arrange an experienced ninja to verify this matter inside Konoha." Xia Li said.

"Experienced ninja, Kakashi?" Tsunade thought for a while and thought of a very suitable candidate.

Xia Li nodded and continued, "We can arrange a mission for Kakashi that requires him to leave the village, preferably an S-level one, and then help him get an identity as an Anbu, and he also needs to have the power to make people in Konoha cooperate."

"That's easy." Tsunade also nodded.

"In this way, even if those consultants still doubt the source of this evidence, they can't deny the authenticity of this evidence. Of course, call the Third Hokage."

Xia Li's eyes flashed. Didn't the Third Hokage want conclusive evidence? Then he would just hand him the evidence.

"Old man..." Tsunade also sighed and didn't refute.

"As for the other thing, the evidence above is actually sufficient, but it happened a long time ago, and it is not easy to investigate it again in Konoha.

But you can let Tenzo give it a try. If you can find out, it will be icing on the cake.

Even if you can't, it doesn't matter. As long as the first thing is found out, you can force it on the other party."

Xia Li thought about it and continued. Orochimaru wanted to take revenge for too long, but since he promised Orochimaru, Xia Li still had to do it.

"Let Tenzo investigate? He is also one of the orphans." Tsunade's tone was also a little sighing. How many things did Danzo do in secret? How could the old fool of the third generation make Danzo so arrogant?

"Yes, so Captain Tenzo himself should be very curious about this, and he used to be a member of the root, so he is more familiar with it, and maybe he can give us a surprise." Xia Li said so.

"Okay, then do as you say." Tsunade said, waving her hand and letting Shizune start to summon Kakashi and Tenzo.

Shizune was also very serious at this time. She didn't dare to be careless about such a big thing. She immediately started to act after hearing it.

"Well, Master Tsunade, don't you need to think about it again?" Xia Li was a little speechless.

"What to think about again? I think your suggestion is already very good. Speed ​​is of the essence. I don't know how long Danzo will shrink, but it is definitely impossible for him to shrink all the time, so it must be done as soon as possible." Tsunade said.

Xia Li could only nod helplessly. Okay, but Xia Li felt that Tsunade just wanted to be lazy.

Soon, Kakashi came to the Hokage's office with his still lazy look. Tsunade also told Kakashi about this mission and handed the scroll to Kakashi.

Kakashi's face had become serious at this moment, and then he couldn't help but glance at Xia Li.

Kakashi knew that Xia Li would definitely not swallow his anger, but he didn't expect Xia Li to act so quickly and get such detailed information...

Danzo would definitely not keep such traces, so was it from Orochimaru?

"How is it, are you sure?" Tsunade asked after Kakashi finished reading.

"Of course, we have investigated so thoroughly, and it would be unreasonable if we can't complete it if we only check from Konoha." Kakashi said, with a glimmer in his eyes.

Kakashi certainly investigated the White Fang incident, but there was very little information left.

Including the 'companion' who was saved by White Fang, who died in a mission not long after White Fang committed suicide.

Moreover, Kakashi later discovered that there were not so many voices in favor at that time, but those voices were concentrated around White Fang...

Therefore, Kakashi was happy to see Danzo fall, and he didn't even mind pushing it personally.

Kakashi was a little sorry at this time. At that time, Danzo arranged for him to assassinate the Third Hokage, but it was just a verbal order, and there was no evidence left.

Otherwise, maybe it could be taken out now.

"Well, Shizune." Tsunade nodded and called.

Shizune also handed Kakashi a mask and a seal representing the identity of Hokage.

It can be said that during this period, Kakashi had more rights than just investigation. After seeing this identity certificate, Kakashi couldn't help but look at Tsunade. Did she trust him so much?

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and soon, a masked figure walked in. It was Tenzo.

"Hokage, what do you want to talk to me about? And are Kakashi and Xia Li here too?" After coming in, Tenzo also saw Kakashi and Xia Li.

"Hmm? It's Tenzo." Kakashi also recognized Tenzo and greeted him lazily.

"Captain Tenzo, long time no see." Xia Li also greeted him.

"Well, I asked you to come here because I want you to investigate the past of the Root." Tsunade interrupted their conversation and threw a scroll to Tenzo.

Tenzo also quickly opened the scroll, and then the whole person paused there, because he didn't expect that one day he would come into contact with such a thing.

Moreover, at that time, not only Orochimaru, but also Danzo participated? And it was Danzo who proposed it from the beginning? And the children were also provided by Danzo?

Tenzo's hand holding the scroll suddenly clenched very tightly, making Kakashi next to him a little curious about what information was contained in the scroll. It seemed to be related to Tenzo.

After a long time, Tsunade spoke again.

"After all, that incident was too long ago, so if it can be investigated, it would be the best. If there is really no clue, you can give up."

"Hokage-sama, my memory is the best clue." Tenzo suddenly said.

"Since he and Orochimaru have had a deep cooperation, I should have seen him when I was still a baby, but I can't remember that memory."

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Tsunade was a little surprised. After all, not everyone is willing to let others check their memories, and as Tenzo said, that part of the memory is hidden so deeply.

So, Tenzo is equivalent to showing everything about himself.

As for whether the memory of the baby period can be checked, Tsunade also heard from Yamanaka Inoichi that if the person involved cooperates, it is still possible, but it is also very difficult.

"Yes, for so many years, I have always thought that only Orochimaru was involved in the matter at that time, and the other party has betrayed the village because of this, but I didn't expect that there were other people involved, and even the mastermind." Tenzo's tone was full of resentment.

"For those babies who were experimental subjects like me and eventually died tragically under the experiment, what can my memory count for?"

Suddenly, Kakashi also understood what Tenzo was talking about, but... Kakashi didn't expect that the matter was also masterminded by Danzo.

However, it seems okay to think about it. After all, it is the power of Wood Release, and it is normal for Danzo to have plans for it.

"In that case, you should be prepared, Xia Li, is it you or Yamanaka Inoichi who will come?" Tsunade also knew that Xia Li had learned the art of spiritualization, and could also do memory exploration.

"Uncle Inoichi, I am too incompatible with Danzo, and I will be suspected even if I explore it at that time." Xia Li said.

"Well, then Yamanaka Inoichi, but I think it will be the same even if Yamanaka Inoichi comes." Tsunade couldn't help but look at Xia Li. Who doesn't know what the relationship between Yamanaka Inoichi and him is now?

"It's better than me." Xia Li shrugged and said.

"Well, Shizune, go and ask Yamanaka Inoichi to come over, and Tenzo, you go to the next room and wait for a while." Tsunade also made arrangements.

Afterwards, only Tsunade and Xia Li were left in the Hokage's office, and Kakashi had already left to start this mission.

"Then I'm leaving too. I have other things to do." Xia Li also spoke at this time.

"What else do you want to do?" Tsunade was a little surprised.

"Find a place to practice." Xia Li replied.

Suddenly, Tsunade was speechless, then looked at Xia Li and said, "Why do you have to fight so hard? Obviously you are already strong enough?"

Tsunade was also a little confused. What exactly has been supporting Xia Li to become stronger? The more she understood, the more she knew that in fact, Xia Li spent no less time on practice than that Xiao Li.

However, Xiao Li spent most of his time practicing physical skills, and it was also more conspicuous. Most people could see him practicing.

But Xia Li was different. Basically no one knew his practice process, but Tsunade, as the Hokage, still knew how long Xia Li spent on practice.

So, why not stop and rest?

Xia Li had already prepared for this, and he said directly at this time.

"Tsunade-sama, you also know the prophecy of Jiraiya teacher, right?"

"That prophecy, of course I know, you don't believe it too, do you?" Tsunade frowned and said.

“Although it’s not right to not believe in something at all, it’s also a bit foolish to blindly pursue something that’s uncertain.”

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