Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 216 Strange Orochimaru! ?

"So... is that so?" Sasuke suddenly showed a bitter smile. Originally, what he investigated was enough to make him desperate.

Then, after listening to Xia Li's words, he realized that there was something even more desperate.

As for Itachi's matter, Sasuke didn't need to ask anymore. He already understood that Itachi was a member of the Anbu at that time, so Itachi probably chose the village between the family and the village.

At this time, Sasuke clenched his fists. Since the clan was going to be exterminated, why did he leave himself?

Is he so important? What is a person compared to the continuation of a clan?

Instead of keeping himself, can't he use himself to exchange for those more innocent people?

Sasuke seemed to feel the deep "love" from Itachi, but Sasuke felt that he really couldn't bear this kind of "love". He only felt suffocation and despair...

Xia Li sighed as he looked at Sasuke's lifeless eyes.

He also understood that Sasuke asked him these questions to make a final struggle, or to get a better answer.

Unfortunately, the real answer is always cruel.

Xia Li also stood up and cleaned up the mess on the table. In the end, he didn't find any medical supplies here. In the end, he could only use Flying Thunder God to go back and get some and put them in front of Sasuke.

"Think about it carefully. I'm leaving first."

Now, what Sasuke needs most is to think carefully and calm down.

Sasuke didn't send Xia Li off. He sat there alone, looking at the familiar environment here, and vaguely saw those familiar figures again.

His father was reading the newspaper seriously, and his mother was busy in the kitchen with an apron...

The more he knew, the more painful it was.

Sasuke didn't know how long he sat there. The moonlight had fallen in through the window, and he slowly came back to his senses.

At this time, Sasuke staggered to get up, and suddenly saw the mess on the table that had been cleaned up, and the eye-catching medical bag.

Only then did he realize that his hands had been cut at some point, and at this moment, they had scabbed...

Sasuke was silent for a while, then began to pick up the medical bag and began to bandage himself.

Finally, Sasuke came to the front of the courtyard, looking at the bright moonlight in the sky, and the confusion in his eyes slowly dissipated.

Haven't you made a decision long ago? Then let's go on.

The truth is indeed a sharp knife, but Sasuke would rather be hurt than be kept in the dark.

Now that he has learned all the truth, Sasuke has made the final decision based on all the truth.

No need to be confused, no need to hesitate.

On this day, Sasuke seemed to have changed something, and he seemed to be the same Sasuke.


After Xia Li came back from Sasuke, he was also thinking about whether this curse seal could be promoted.

But Xia Li finally gave up. If these people didn't have the help of Chongwu, it would be difficult to accumulate the corresponding natural energy.

And it is impossible to let others sign the spiritual contract of the three holy places at will.

So if most of them really want to engrave, it will not only waste Xia Li's time, but also waste their own time.

After all, if they really want to engrave, do they use it? The power of the Sage Mode is so strong that they should be greedy for such power.

However, this is an external force after all. If you focus all your attention on it, you will inevitably ignore the original path, and finally form a result of putting the cart before the horse.

If such power can be used all the time, it will be fine. However, it cannot be used all the time. The time occupied by accumulation is the most important, that is, the so-called charging for dozens of days and bursting for a few minutes... It is meaningless.

Helping Sasuke to engrave the seal is also because Sasuke has the possibility of learning the Sage Mode in the future. His chakra is barely enough to learn the Sage Mode, so he just lets Sasuke use it in advance.

Others, it is estimated that there is no possibility of learning the Sage Mode in this lifetime, and the amount of chakra has completely blocked them.

Therefore, Xia Li also gave up the idea of ​​promotion.

Since he thought of the Sage Mode, Xia Li also thought of Naruto. Now Naruto has learned the Wind Style Rasenshuriken. Although it is still not perfect, it is enough.

Therefore, it is time for Naruto to go to Myoboku Mountain to learn the Sage Mode.

However, it was not so urgent. Jiraiya was now investigating the information of Kakuzu and Hidan, and Xia Li had other things to do. In his spiritual space, there was still the spiritual mark of Orochimaru obtained from Sasuke's curse seal.

At this time, Xia Li also felt the trace of Orochimaru's spiritual mark in his mind.

He couldn't help but sigh a little. It was really amazing that Orochimaru could be completely resurrected from such a little spiritual mark.

After sighing, Xia Li looked at the spiritual mark of Orochimaru that was slowly dissipating. After all, without supply, it would disappear completely in a short time.

Therefore, Xia Li couldn't waste this spiritual mark. If it was wasted, he could only go to Red Bean and extract it from her curse seal. Xia Li didn't want to be so troublesome.

Then, Xia Li made a seal with both hands. It was the seal of the spiritual transformation technique. The soul perception learned after learning the spiritual transformation technique also played an important role at this moment.

Under normal circumstances, even if he had the spiritual transformation technique, he couldn't sense Orochimaru, but this spiritual mark provided Xia Li with a possibility.

After a long time, Xia Li looked in a direction. The mental mark could only provide him with a vague direction. Only when he got close could he determine its location, but this was enough.

Without hesitation, Xia Li set off immediately after notifying Tsunade.


In a deserted place, Xia Li walked alone in this forest.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being the base chosen by Orochimaru. If there is no mental mark to guide, if he only relies on the Anbu and the snakes in the Ryuchi Cave to search, it is unknown how long it will take to find Orochimaru.

And now, Orochimaru also appears within Xia Li's perception range?

Xia Li frowned, because the Orochimaru he sensed seemed to be a little wrong. The other party seemed... not quite the same as the mental mark he got from Sasuke.

But how is this possible? Can the soul still change?

Xia Li was a little confused, and with doubts, Xia Li walked directly through the gate.

At this point, Xia Li no longer needs to prepare anything when facing Orochimaru. Instead, when Orochimaru sees him, he should think about how he can escape.

Xia Li walked in this somewhat dark passage. Each light in the passage was a little far apart, and Orochimaru's base was an underground building, which made the environment a little gloomy as a whole.

However, this is also in line with Orochimaru's usual style.

However, what Xia Li didn't expect was that he didn't encounter a trap along the way, which was a little unlike Orochimaru.

However, Xia Li didn't think much about it. Soon, according to his perception, Xia Li pushed open the last door.


When Xia Li pushed open the door, he saw a dark hall, and from the depths of the hall, there was a figure clapping and walking towards him.

And this figure was the 'Orochimaru' perceived by Xia Li, but what surprised Xia Li was that, from this look, did the other party have anticipated his arrival?

As the figure moved, the lights around the hall slowly lit up one by one.

Slowly, the figure was also lit up by the lights, and it was Orochimaru!

"As expected of Xia Lijun~ I knew you were looking for me before, and I was still wondering how you could find me, and whether I needed to take the initiative to find you, but I didn't expect that Xia Lijun would find me so quickly." Orochimaru looked at Xia Li, licked his lips, and his pair of snake eyes seemed to be shining, revealing a strong interest.

Xia Li felt a little disgusted when he heard Orochimaru's address at this time. In his memory, Orochimaru always called his full name viciously.

Why did he suddenly call his name now, and even added Jun, and even dragged the sound after Jun every time.

What exactly made Orochimaru's attitude change so much, Xia Li didn't understand, he just felt a little disgusted, and it was not a good thing to be remembered by Orochimaru so much.

However, he soon frowned, and then his pupils shrank. He stared at Orochimaru and asked, "Are you Orochimaru now, or someone else?"

At this moment, Xia Li's heart was a little turbulent, because he finally found out that Orochimaru's soul was wrong. Why was it so mixed, as if it was mixed with other people's souls.

The other party's double souls were different from Xia Li's. Xia Li had two souls and one consciousness, while the other party obviously had two consciousnesses but merged into one soul...

But how did this happen? Xia Li was a little confused.

The other party's rebirth should not involve the soul, right? Xia Li remembered that the Orochimaru he had seen before had already used the rebirth, and the Orochimaru at that time did not give him such a feeling.

Although Xia Li did not know the art of spiritualization at that time, Xia Li could still be sure of this.

"Hehehe..." Suddenly, Orochimaru covered his face and laughed loudly, which made Xia Li frown. What was he laughing at? Xia Li was also confused about Orochimaru's state now.

"You are indeed worthy of being the one I favor, Xia Li-kun~ You actually saw my condition at the first sight." After a long time, Orochimaru finally stopped laughing, and then he looked at Xia Li, with his hand still on his face.

Soon, Orochimaru used the Defacement Technique and transformed into a face that Xia Li was familiar with. Only to see that 'Orochimaru' smiled at him again.

"Xia Li-kun, I have become like this, thanks to your ninjutsu back then."

"Yakushi Kabuto..." Xia Li looked at the face in front of him, and his pupils shrank again. He had never thought that Orochimaru would actually be mixed with Yakushi Kabuto...

After hearing what Orochimaru said, Xia Li was also stunned. So the effect of the wind escape spiral shuriken he used at that time was so good?

He actually mixed the early boss of the original work with the late small boss.

So, was he so awesome before? !

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