Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 175 Naruto's Request

"It's so slow, Xia Li." Naruto stood on top of the electric pole nearby, looking around, but still couldn't find Xia Li.

He learned from Sinai that Xia Li would be back today and had been waiting here for a long time. As a result, he still hadn't waited for Xia Li.

It's not surprising, after all, Xia Li spent a lot of time with Tsunade.

"Yo, Naruto."

Naruto was startled when he heard the sudden voice coming from behind him. His foot slipped and he fell directly from the telephone pole and fell to the ground.

Xia Li took a step forward, walked from the wire to Naruto's original position on the wire bar, and looked at Naruto who was half lying there, rubbing his head.

"Xia Li, when did you come here? Why didn't I notice?" After Naruto kneaded it, he also looked at Xia Li.

"Just came back." Xia Li said and jumped down from the power pole and came to Naruto's side.

"That's great. I wish I could fly Thunder God. That would be fine..." Naruto also reacted, then thought of Sakura and showed a silly smile.

Xia Li knew what Naruto was thinking at a glance, and he couldn't help but want to remind him at this time.

"Naruto, you can actually observe your surroundings. Maybe there are people paying attention to you just like you pay attention to Sakura."

"Huh? Is there any?" Naruto scratched his head.

"Well, please pay more attention."

"All right."

Xia Li didn't make it too clear. After all, it might not be good to be too clear about emotional matters, but let Naruto discover it slowly by himself.

Or maybe one day Hinata will be able to muster up the courage...

However, Xia Li thought about Naruto's stubborn head and Hinata's loss of sense when seeing Naruto, and felt that if there was nothing special, it might be really difficult for them to get together.

Xia Li sighed for the couple and then asked, "Tell me, do you have any business coming to see me this time?"

"Hey hey hey." Naruto scratched his hair and said with a smile, "Xia Li, I want to ask you to do me a favor."

"Well, let's go in and talk." Xia Li looked around and then said.

"Oh, okay."

In the small living room of Xia Li's house, Naruto sat on a chair and looked around as if he had ADHD.

This was the first time he came to Xia Li's house, and it felt a little shabbier than he imagined. It was much simpler than his own home, and of course it was also cleaner.

Xia Li handed Naruto a cup of tea and sat across from him.

"Tell me, what exactly do you want me to help with?"

"Thank you." Naruto held the tea cup with both hands. Although he didn't like drinking tea, he thought about it and said, "It's about the Kyuubi."

"Huh? Kyuubi?" Xia Li was a little surprised. He thought he was being asked to teach Wind Release - Spiral Shuriken. Originally, he was still thinking about how to refuse, but if it was Kyuubi, then he seemed to be the only one who could help. .

"Well, the power of Nine-Tails has really helped me a lot, and does Xia Li know about the recent mission in the Land of Snow?"

Naruto said and saw Xia Li nodded before continuing.

"In the Land of Snow, if there were no Kyuubi, I would be drained of chakra by that device, so Xia Li, I want to help Kyuubi unlock more seals."

Naruto expressed his thoughts, but Xia Li frowned. In fact, the seal he opened for Naruto was already somewhat beyond what Naruto could bear, and now the other party wants to continue to open it...

If it is opened again, there may be a risk of going berserk. This is not something Kyuubi can control. After all, the nature of its chakra is like that, unless Kyuubi really fully reconciles with Naruto.

But at present, this is almost impossible. Even the original Naruto actually 'conquered' the Kyuubi before making peace with it.

Naruto actually knew what Xia Li was worried about and said proactively, "No problem, I won't go berserk, and even if I go berserk, won't you still be there, Xia Li?"

Suddenly, Xia Li became even more silent, then sighed and said, "You will really find trouble for me."

"So you agreed?!" Naruto's eyes suddenly lit up.

"You have come to ask me for help, and you have your own reasons. Of course I will help."

Xia Li finally agreed. After all, with his current strength, even if Naruto showed up with four tails, he would still be able to approach and seal Naruto.

Although he has never tried it, Xia Li also has this confidence. After all, Naruto retains his Flying Thunder God mark and sealing technique.

"Great, Xia Li, there's one more thing." Naruto said happily.

"Tell me." Xia Li felt something was wrong. This phenomenon of human-to-human transmission was wrong. Naruto didn't seem to be around at the time. Human-to-human transmission through the air?

"I would like to ask, can the Nine-Tails also see the scenery I usually see? I always feel that the Nine-Tails has been staying in the sealed space, which is quite monotonous and pitiful." Naruto said his own idea.

"Yes, yes, but are you sure it is pitiful?" Xia Li glanced at Naruto.

"Well, I don't know what Kyuubi did before, but I feel pretty good about Kyuubi now. Every time I ask him to pay the rent, he pays it on time." Naruto scratched his head.

"Have you ever thought that maybe it was acting like that on purpose to relax your vigilance? After all, foxes have always been cunning." After Xia Li finished speaking, she saw Naruto stunned for a moment.

"What's wrong?"

Naruto squinted his eyes, as if listening to something, and then heard Xia Li's question, and said, "The Nine-Tailed Fox said, 'You humans are cunning.'"

"Well, so can't it already sense the outside world?"

"But this is just sensing, the picture should not be clear, right? I asked that this is only occasionally."

Xia Li looked at Naruto seriously, and then said, "It seems that you really want to help the Nine-Tailed Fox?"

"Well, after all, it has paid the rent on time, and the rent may increase in the future, so I think I should arrange a better room for it." Naruto gave a simple and easy-to-understand example. From this, it can be seen that Naruto is not suitable to be a capitalist. He actually wants to add more accessories when the price is increased?

"Well, then you enter the sealed space now, say what you are going to do loudly there, and then come back and tell me how you feel." Xia Li thought and finally said.

"Ah?" Although Naruto didn't quite understand why he had to do this, he at least saw the hope that Xia Li would agree.

Naruto didn't ask any more questions and agreed. Then he closed his eyes and entered the sealed space of the Nine-Tails in front of Xia Li.

After all, with Xia Li watching, Naruto felt that there were few places safer than here.

Xia Li was sipping tea and thinking at the same time. It seemed that Naruto and the Nine-Tails got along very well, so the chat window he left at that time seemed to be quite effective.

However, Xia Li looked at Naruto and wondered if this was a bit of a hassle.

Xia Li felt that Naruto was not like Sasuke. His foundation was not solid, so he really needed to learn from Jiraiya.

After all, Xia Li remembered that Jiraiya was also the last one among the three ninjas before. He probably knew best how to teach Naruto to learn. This was the bond of the last one!

From the original work, this is also the case. Naruto studied with Jiraiya for two and a half years. Although the upper limit did not increase much, the lower limit was really made up a lot.

If Naruto before the trip was not actually like a ninja, then Naruto after the trip had become at least a qualified ninja.

This change is not small.

Even now, Xia Li still thinks that Naruto still needs to learn from Jiraiya. His foundation is better than the original, but not much better.

As Xia Li was thinking, he suddenly saw Naruto with his eyes closed suddenly shed tears and smiled. It seems that he has met.


Nine-tailed seal space.

"Boy, I don't need your pity, don't pretend there!" Nine-tailed roared immediately after seeing Naruto come in.

"I just think that you helped me, so I have to help you." Naruto looked at the big fox in front of him without any fear.

Long-term getting along made him slowly not as scared as at the beginning, knowing that the other party just had a louder voice.

"Humph, I just think it's fun to help you, and if you are too weak, wouldn't it be a loss of face for me, the strongest tailed beast of the Nine-tailed!" Nine-tailed continued.

"No matter what the reason is, you helped me, so... I will definitely help you if I have the chance." Naruto said seriously.

"Hmph, help me? Why not just open the seal?" Kyuubi laughed.

"Xia Li said that if the Jinchūriki loses the tailed beast, he will die, and I haven't become the Hokage yet, so I can't die yet!" Naruto answered very seriously.

Then Naruto scratched his head and showed a Naruto version of a smile, "And I don't want to die either."

Naruto's words were very straightforward, but also very clear, leaving Kyuubi speechless, after all, no one wants to die.

As for what Naruto said about the death of the Jinchūriki after the tailed beast left, Kyuubi knew it should be true, so he snorted coldly and lay there without saying anything.

After Naruto saw that Kyuubi was no longer moving, he followed Xia Li's request and began to speak loudly about what he wanted to do.

What Naruto didn't see was that when he was shouting, Kyuubi's ears seemed to stand up.

After he finished speaking, Naruto was still a little puzzled, so what was the use of this?

Then, Naruto opened his eyes wide. Although he didn't see anything, he seemed to feel something hugging him. Such an embrace was so warm, and he felt from the bottom of his heart that he missed and was so happy.

"Okay~" Naruto's ears seemed to have a gentle voice, and it seemed to be a relatively gentle and clear voice.

Unconsciously, Naruto seemed to feel that his tears seemed to flow down as if he couldn't control himself. What happened?

The Nine-Tail looked over there. After feeling the familiar breath, its whole body immediately exploded, and the chakra in its body was rioting at this moment. Damn the Fourth Hokage, you guys really have a backhand!

However, before it roared, it also heard the vague voice and froze in place.

Then it saw Naruto's tears again, and the rioting chakra slowly subsided, and then turned its body and faced Naruto with its butt.

Out of sight, the heart is quiet!

At this time, the Nine-Tails also recalled what happened at that time. The Fourth Hokage sealed it, but...

It did kill the Fourth Hokage and Kushina. Although it was under control at the time, does that mean it doesn't matter at all?

The Nine-Tail didn't quite understand why the two people it hated and killed agreed to such an absurd decision? Shouldn't it be revenge?

Which is more important, freedom or life? The Nine-Tail didn't know, but it knew that the two people's words made it look particularly stingy.

Moreover, it was the first time it saw the always optimistic Naruto cry. At that moment, it seemed a little touched. It seemed to see the miniature version of Naruto curled up in the corner and cried secretly in countless nights...

The Nine-Tail realized at this time that the other party did not have no tears, but had cried dry when he was a child.

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