Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 144 Sasuke's confusion and the Sand Ninja

"By the way, Jiraiya, take the Third Generation to the medical center. The equipment there should still be there. I still need to go to Naruto to check on the situation." Xia Li said at this time.

"Huh? Don't you want to take a break?" Jiraiya was startled.

In Jiraiya's opinion, Xia Li should have been very tired.

Before the other party arrived, Jiraiya didn't think Xia Li was idle. After arriving, he used Flying Thunder God to save the Third Generation, and then he had to provide medical treatment for the Third Generation. After so many things, he had to continue to act.

"How can I have time to rest? Although I believe in them, I still have to go and see them for safety." Xia Li said, feeling the chakra in his body. The medical treatment just now didn't cost much, but Xia Li continued to put a soldier pill in his mouth.

"Thank you for your trouble." Jiraiya sighed and didn't stop him. He wanted to replace Xia Li, but he couldn't do it. Who told him that he didn't know how to use Flying Thunder God? When he rushed over, the cucumber dishes were cold.

Xia Li didn't say much, and his figure disappeared from the spot.

Jiraiya looked at Xia Li's disappearing figure, and after a moment's pause, he took the third generation to the medical center.

When Xia Li appeared beside Naruto, he also discovered the situation here. The crushed woods showed the tragic situation that had happened here.

At this time, Naruto had fainted, and there was Sakura who had fainted beside him, and it seemed that she had tried her best.

"Xia Li, you are late this time." Sasuke also found Xia Li at this time, and clapped his hands and said.

Xia Li looked at the three Sand Ninjas who had fainted and were tied together by Sasuke, and couldn't help but smile. It was an improvement over the original work, and they were captured alive.

However, Gaara fainted? Xia Li couldn't help but look at Gaara and found that he really fainted, but there seemed to be no other movement, which was a bit strange. Xia Li also asked Sasuke while thinking.

"You did it?"

"No..." Sasuke was silent for a while and looked at Naruto beside Xia Li, saying, "I just finished the job. Most of it was done by Naruto. Naruto... has become really strong."

Sasuke's tone was also a little complicated. He seemed not only to be caught up, but also surpassed!

"Tsk, do you feel that you can't keep up with Naruto?" Xia Li asked.

"Yeah." Sasuke said and turned his head away.

"You are indeed not as good as Naruto at this stage." Xia Li did not mean to comfort Sasuke and said directly.

Sasuke was silent and did not speak. Xia Li continued.

"After all, Naruto can use shadow clones to learn. His starting advantage is much greater than yours." Xia Li said with a sigh. If he really stayed in the ninja school step by step, then he would probably have been surpassed by Naruto now, right?

Even if the talent is good, it takes time to accumulate. He himself graduated a few years earlier to have the current strength.

"However, you don't need to be too anxious. Naruto's growth is too fast, but his own talent is not that good. You can feel this, right?" Xia Li said, "He can reach his current level entirely by relying on the advantages of his shadow clones and his own efforts."

"However, being able to use shadow clones is also Naruto's advantage. There is nothing wrong with making reasonable use of his advantages." Sasuke retorted.

"Of course it is. Naruto's advantage is almost unique to him, but Naruto's growth has reached the limit of his current foundation. Even if Naruto learns a ninjutsu similar to your Chidori, it will actually have limited effect on his enhancement. If Naruto wants to make further progress, he needs to lay a more solid foundation. This is your opportunity."

Xia Li stared at Sasuke and said, "So, don't belittle yourself. Your foundation has been laid very well, and you will always be in an upward period in the future. It is quite easy to catch up with Naruto with your talent, but whether you can surpass him depends on yourself."

"Basics?" Sasuke looked at his hands. Is he really talented?

To be honest, with Xia Li by his side, Sasuke really didn't feel how good his talent was, but there were many people praising his talent, and now even Xia Li said so, he really couldn't tell the difference.

"However, continuing to do some ordinary tasks in Team 7 is really not very helpful for you. After this matter is over, I will tell Kakashi to let you go to the Anbu for some experience." Xia Li thought for a while and said.

"Anbu, that's where you, Xia Li, have been before, right?" Sasuke was startled, and then suddenly thought of Xia Li's name of Konoha Little White Fang, which I remember was the name of the most famous Anbu in the past.

"Yes." Xia Li nodded.

"Thank you." Sasuke said after a moment of silence.

"Haha, why are you saying thank you to me?" Xia Li couldn't help but reach out and mess up Sasuke's messy hair.

"Xia Li, why are you helping me so much, obviously there is no relationship between us." Sasuke did not resist, and then after a long silence, he asked the doubts in his heart.

"Well, why?" Xia Li was startled, and then fell into thought, "Why?"

Finally, Xia Li shook his head and said, "There are so many reasons. I think you guys who graduated this year are like my brothers and sisters, and helping your brothers and sisters is the right thing to do, right?"

If you have to say it, Xia Li saw the character he liked before, so he naturally wanted to help. Unfortunately, this reason could not be brought out, which led to Sasuke's misunderstanding.

"Brother...?" Sasuke's eyes lit up, and then he turned his head quickly, not letting Xia Li see his emotional changes.

Then, Sasuke suddenly thought of something and said, "What about Ino?"

Suddenly, Xia Li was stunned, and then his face turned a little red, and he said, "Well, there must be a special case."

It was the first time that Sasuke saw Xia Li's embarrassed look, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly. Finally, he knew one of Xia Li's... well, it was a weakness.


Xia Li suddenly frowned, because in his perception, it seemed that there was a figure approaching this side quickly.

Who would it be at this time?

But no matter who it is, you have to be careful. After talking to Sasuke, Sasuke also became serious and began to hide Naruto and Sakura. Then he thought about it and hid in the dark.

As for Xia Li, he came to the Sand Ninja trio and swallowed the ration pills that he had held in his mouth before. He still had to be careful.

Soon, Xia Li knew that the other party should be an enemy rather than a friend. After all, the other party's figure had stopped, and it seemed that he was still looking for an opportunity to rescue the Sand Ninja trio from him.

"I advise you to come out, otherwise the Sand Ninja will be gone. And these few are the children of the Fourth Kazekage. It seems that their status is not low. If they all die here, I don’t know if you will be punished after you go back?" Xia Li’s voice with a hint of sarcasm was accurately transmitted to Maki’s ears hidden over there through the wind.

This made Maki, who was hiding in the dark, pause for a moment. Knowing that he had been exposed, he could only walk out from there.

Maki also knew that from this moment on, he had no chance to save Gaara and the others from the other party.

Then Maki looked at Xia Li and the other party's sword in his hand, which was already on Gaara's neck.

This shocked Maki. Why didn't the automatic protection of the sand start at this distance, and why did Gaara fall asleep and the one-tail didn't run out?

Xia Li also roughly guessed this question. It was probably Naruto's work. After all, he was able to beat Naruto like this, and Naruto probably used the power of the Nine-tail, and Shukaku probably contributed a lot.

At this time, Xia Li estimated that Shukaku was also in a tired period, which was a bit miserable. He just had a chance to come out and bubble up, but was forced back by the Nine-tail. Now he has a chance to come out and doesn't want to come out for a while.

What Xia Li didn't know was that there was actually a reason for this. The Nine-Tail and the One-Tail didn't get along well, so the Nine-Tail didn't even ask and directly put the blame on the One-Tail for exposing its name. Then when it saw the One-Tail, it was so angry that it became more energetic and kept sending power to Naruto. Naruto fainted not because he was beaten, but because he couldn't bear the power of the Nine-Tail...

Then the One-Tail, which had just been released to breathe, was beaten into autism and shrank back...

However, this saved a lot of trouble. Otherwise, Xia Li would have to look at an unstable Gaara, which was quite troublesome.

"Please show mercy. I already know that all this is Orochimaru's plan, and we are also the deceived party." Maki said anxiously.

"Did you kill Moonlight Gale?" Xia Li suddenly said.

Suddenly, Maki's breathing stagnated, and finally nodded, feeling a little uneasy.

"So, now you tell us that you are the deceived party, and then want to get our forgiveness? Are you thinking too much?" Xia Li looked at Maki sarcastically.

"Then what do you want? As long as you promise not to hurt Gaara and return them, we can agree." Maki gritted his teeth, but still said so.

"This is not something I can decide alone, so what you have to do now is to return to the Sand Village and prepare your apology gifts, so that we can see the sincerity of the Sand Village."

"It's a deal." Maki was afraid that Xia Li would go back on his word and then cut Gaara with a knife, so he hurriedly said, and then left directly to show his sincerity.

By then, their Sand Village would not only be deceived by Orochimaru and suffer so many casualties in vain, but also lose the One-Tailed Shukaku and these very potential ninjas.

It's just... Maki felt his heart bleeding when he thought of this.

Oh, and their Kazekage...

At this time, Maki was full of hatred for Orochimaru who had deceived them, and there was a glimmer of hope in his heart, hoping that the Fourth Kazekage was just trapped somewhere by accident, and not by Orochimaru.

"Okay, come out." In Xia Li's perception, after Maki had indeed walked away, Xia Li also said to Sasuke.

"Xia Li..." Sasuke didn't know what to say.

"Okay, I'll take you back, don't ask so many questions, these things belong to the upper level, you don't need to think so much for them." Xia Li said.

"Okay." Sasuke thought about it and nodded in agreement. Indeed, he knew that it was useless and he couldn't change anything.

So, Xia Li led a group of people back to Konoha Village.

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