Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 138 Konoha's Arrangements

Xia Li is still very satisfied with the changes after breaking through the Kong Ming state this time. Apart from these obvious changes, there must be more subtle changes, but they need to be felt carefully in the battle.

In addition, Xia Li also went to the library and even the ANBU's reference room to check the imprint, but found no records.

This makes Xia Li a little helpless. In this case, let's put it down for now. If there is a chance to see it in the future, we will investigate it carefully.

Feeling the wonderful feeling that her body had never experienced before, Xia Li also felt that the decision to spend this month solely to break through the void state was the right one.

In this way, time slowly came to the next day, and the third round of the Chunin Exams was about to begin.

Xia Li asked Sinai to bring a flying thunder god kunai, and Sinai looked at Xia Li's solemn look, plus the inexplicable holiday notice from the barbecue restaurant.

It also made Sinai understand what might happen today, and he promised to bring the Flying Thunder God Kunai with him so that Xia Li wouldn't worry.

Then, Xia Li also came to Ino's home.

At this time, Ino had dressed up carefully and stood in front of the door as if waiting, standing tall and graceful.

Xia Li came quietly behind Ino, then stretched out her hand to hug Ino, and at the same time, her voice rang in Ino's ears.

"Ino-chan, who are you waiting for?"

"You still ask even though you know it." Ino's body stiffened for a moment, and then she couldn't help but say after feeling the familiar embrace and familiar voice.

"What if?" Xia Li raised an eyebrow.

"Hey~ I'm waiting for the person I like, a Jonin named Xia Li. Have you seen him?" Ino followed Xia Li's words with helplessness and a hint of a smile. .

"Xia Li, of course I saw it~" Xia Li did not continue to play around, let go of Ino, and pulled Ino towards the examination room of the third chunin exam, chatting while walking, feeling very uncomfortable.

Soon, Xia Li and Ino separated, and Xia Li chose a position that was convenient for observation. At the same time, her eyes scanned the surroundings, looking for each ANBU figure.

Until the end, Xia Li only saw a few ANBU personnel, which made Xia Li sigh. Sure enough, the third generation had sent out almost all the ANBU personnel, and only a few of the few remained here.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the ANBU here may not all be from our side, which makes it even more troublesome.

But fortunately, Jiraiya must have been secretly watching here after his own persuasion. Knowing this, Xia Li felt a lot more relieved.

"This way." At this time, Yaya came here with Hinata. After seeing Xia Li, his eyes lit up and he came to Xia Li and sat down.

Hinata's face at this time was still a little pale after a month of training, so she needed to be accompanied by her teammate Kiba because she was worried that Hinata would suddenly faint.

"Xia Lijun..." Hinata looked at Xia Li at this time and said.

"Well, what's the matter?"

"Well, I have listened to what Teacher Hong said about your suggestion. I will seriously consider it. Thank you very much for Xia Lijun's concern." Hinata said seriously. In fact, she also found her own path during the battle with Neji. .

But even if she has firmed up her inner decision, this does not conflict with Xia Li's suggestion. What Xia Li said is also a way that can make herself play a role in the team, and it may really be more suitable for her.

As for the affairs of the Hinata family, Hinata has actually been prepared to be a caged bird for a long time. She has never had the idea of ​​​​competing with her sister Hinata Hanabi for the position of the clan, but she doesn’t know why her father has never It's just a caged bird for her, she has obviously been given up...

"Well, after all, I am your assistant teacher. It is normal to think about my students, so there is no need to thank you." Xia Li looked at Hinata. In fact, it was quite normal to talk to Hinata. Hinata only She was often speechless in front of Naruto, then Xia Li said again.

"However, what I gave is just a suggestion. In the end, it depends on you to decide whether it is suitable or not."

"I have already thought about it and asked Teacher Hong to find me a suitable teacher in the medical department. If I really have medical talent in the future, I will listen to Xia Lijun's advice." Hinata said seriously.

"Well, it's fine as long as it's suitable, but do you want Hong to look for her?" Xia Li felt that Hong's energy wasn't too great, so it would be better to ask Hinata Hiashi, the patriarch of the Hyuga family, to look for her.

Hinata also understood Xia Li's words, looked a little depressed, and said, "My words won't trouble Father."

Xia Li didn't say anything when he heard this, but sighed in his heart. He didn't have a deep relationship with Hinata, so he shouldn't interfere in the other's family affairs.

However, if Kurenai was smart, she would have found Hinata Hinashi, so the result should be the same.

"Hey, Xia Li, I've heard it all. You've given advice to many of your colleagues at the same time. Why have I never heard you give me advice? My words should be suitable for fighting ninjas!" Shi Ya said carelessly.

"You are indeed suitable, but your path needs to be coordinated with Akamaru, so I don't have any good suggestions for the time being, but Hong has already taught you the basics very well." Xia Li said a little helplessly.

"Haha, it's okay. I know Xia Li is not omnipotent, but I am really suitable for fighting." Ya laughed loudly. He didn't care about these things.

"Well, the game is about to start." Xia Li looked at the nine players in the arena and Ino over there, and Xia Li also smiled.

To be honest, if I didn't know what would happen in the future, it would be nice to just live like this, practice, and then accompany my girlfriend, how happy.

The reason why there are nine people is that Tos from the Sound Ninja side doesn't seem to be there, and his two companions don't seem to be in the audience either.

So, what happened?

Xia Li only knew that during this period, Moonlight Gale seemed to be dead, and no one notified him about the others. Xia Li definitely didn't remember the endings of these extras. Maybe they are dead? Xia Li could only guess.

After all, no matter how you look at it, these three Otonin are just three sacrifices. The real Orochimaru...

Xia Li looked at the veiled Kazekage next to the Third Hokage. Even though he knew that the other party was Orochimaru, it was better not to act rashly, because Orochimaru was already prepared, while Konoha was still preparing.

Just like Konoha's countermeasures, under Xia Li's suggestion, the second stage has actually started in advance, but in order to make it look good, most of the people who are being transferred now are women, children and the elderly who have no ability to fight and resist.

The reason for not taking action before was because they were worried about alerting the enemy, and now the opening of the third round of exams has also focused the attention of all parties on this exam, which has given them the opportunity to transfer further.

It can be said that the longer the current situation drags on, the better it is for Konoha. The preparations for the battle have been made, and the only thing missing is the transfer of civilians.

Thinking of this, Xia Li's eyes flashed with a haze again. Obviously, in this emergency situation, all the Anbu took action.

This includes the forces in the hands of those advisors who also began to act. Of course, not all of them still retain the power to protect themselves, which is understandable.

However, there is still an organization in Konoha that refuses to act in public because they are not suitable to appear in public and need to protect the foundation of Konoha.

Yes, this organization is the root, the organization under Danzo who always says that it is for the good of Konoha.

But it is not difficult to understand, because Danzo probably wants the third generation to die in this turmoil, so that he will have the opportunity to become Hokage.

Although these are not reflected in the original work, it can be imagined that Danzo's actions will not be small. Unfortunately, he did not expect that the two old advisors and the third generation have surprisingly consistent ideas in this regard.

That is, if there are other people who are suitable to become Hokage, then don't let Danzo become Hokage, just like the two advisors in the original work wanted to push Jiraiya, who has not been in Konoha for many years, to the top after the death of the third generation.

Even if it's not Jiraiya, Tsunade, who has been away from Konoha for many years, can also do it. Danzo's priority should be after these two, and only when Jiraiya and Tsunade are gone, will Danzo be considered...

It must be said that although the two consultants, Mito Kado En and Utatane Koharu, are a bit stubborn and conservative, they are actually really thinking about Konoha, but their thoughts do limit them.

Of course, these two will generally consider themselves, but as long as they don't hurt Konoha, it is also human nature to consider themselves, and it is not incomprehensible.

This is completely different from Shimura Danzo. This person keeps saying that it's all for Konoha, but what he did to achieve his own goals has seriously harmed the interests of Konoha.

If it weren't for this person, Konoha's high-level forces would definitely not be as many as they are now. Not to mention the distant ones, just say that the two people who completely surrendered to Konoha, Shisui and then Itachi, are absolutely top-level forces.

If they are there, an Orochimaru comes? Even if the opponent's top forces have two Orochimaru, there is no need to worry so much, after all, the blood-red eyes are naturally strong against Orochimaru.

And if it wasn't for Danzo, the relationship between Uchiha and Konoha might not have reached that point, so the white-eyed wolf weasel would have no reason to commit the tragedy of genocide.

Further? Maybe he wouldn't have pushed Nagato to Akatsuki?

But this is not necessarily the case. After all, Nagato's fate has been arranged by Uchiha Madara. Even if there was no Danzo, there would still be others who would do such a thing.

But at that time, with Jiraiya's relationship and no hatred from Konoha, perhaps the situation facing Konoha would be better, and perhaps the whole village would not be destroyed directly by a Shinra Tensei?

Xia Li thought about it and tapped his temple with his finger, and a hint of coldness appeared in his eyes.

This time, the rejection of his legitimate request for help made his tolerance for Danzo decrease again. When he was waiting for him to take the position, the first thing he would do was to kill this guy. No, throwing him to Sasuke might be a good thing.

With this in mind, the third round of the exam also kicked off amid the complaints of the surrounding villagers. Why did it take so long? Of course, it was because...

They were all stalling for time!

At this time, only Naruto and Neji from the first round were left in the field, and the other seven people also returned to their preparation seats. Among them, Ino also found Xia Li's position and greeted Xia Li.


The third round of the Chunin Exam began!

Uzumaki Naruto VS Hyuga Neji!

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