Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 131 Konoha's Countermeasures against Enemies

"Naruto has become really strong..."

In the dark, Shikamaru couldn't help but say as he watched this scene. In his eyes, the three Oto-nin were not easy to deal with. Did Naruto solve them all by himself?

There should be a restraint relationship between them, but even if there is, Naruto's strength cannot be denied.

"Indeed, Xia Li has always said that Naruto is the first ninja with unexpectedness." Ino also nodded and said, she was also a little surprised.

Xia Li has actually been paying attention to the situation outside, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth at this time. It's worth it that he taught Naruto his version of the Fierce Wind Palm.

This is definitely a very suitable ninjutsu for Naruto. After all, this technique can bring out Naruto's physical advantage to a great extent. Naruto's physical strength was very strong in the original work, and now it is even more abnormal.

If this level of physical strength is not used, it will be a complete waste.

As for the chakra problem that Naruto himself is worried about, others don't know, can Xia Li not know?

Naruto can use Rasengan as a normal attack. The cost of Xiali's version of Gale Palm is higher than that of ordinary Gale Palm, but the cost of ordinary Gale Palm is low among C-level ninjutsu.

So the cost of Xiali's version of Gale Palm is only as much as that of B-level ninjutsu at best. This cost may be huge for other people, but it is just a drop in the bucket for Naruto.

And if Naruto can really keep Xiali's version of Gale Palm in a normal state, then Naruto will not encounter any opponents at least at the level of Chunin, which is the so-called one trick to conquer the world.

As for the burst, it is a little worse, but not that bad. After all, Naruto can also choose to condense the Gale Palm that covers his whole body into a one-time attack, and the power is definitely not weak.

In particular, Naruto in this state does not delay his use of Rasengan. After Jiraiya teaches Naruto, there will be another wave of rapid progress.

Sasuke couldn't use this method, after all, Naruto had the blessing of the Nine-Tails in his body, and his recovery ability was enough. Xia Li taught him this way, after all, he had a shadow clone to help him learn. Although he also taught Sasuke the method of stimulating the lightning escape, he didn't let Sasuke try the lightning escape chakra mode himself.

Although Sasuke, as the protagonist, might be able to feel it, it was too dangerous. Xia Li didn't want Sasuke to take this risk. If he lost it, wouldn't it be one less person to hang on the wall?

"Okay." Thinking about it, Xia Li also finished the end and said, "Go out and take a look. If you don't go out, Naruto will have to solve it alone."

"Yeah." Sasuke nodded, knowing that Xia Li was not suitable to show up inside the examination room, clenched his fists, and the pain in his neck had completely disappeared. He felt very good now.

Soon, Sasuke walked out of the cave in Sakura's surprised eyes and saw the three sound ninjas surrounded by Naruto and Naruto's shadow clones in the field.

"Hey, that Luduo, you haven't solved them yet, do you need my help?" Sasuke said after a snort.

"Hmph, of course not, I'll deal with them right away! Take away the test scrolls from them!" Naruto was furious when he heard Sasuke's words, and his chakra became even more violent.

"We admit defeat!" However, at this time, Toss, the hunchbacked man with bandages wrapped all over his body, saw Sasuke who was intact and said with his eyes narrowed, and took out the scroll representing their identity and put it on the ground.

"The scroll is here, please let us go." Toss stepped back and said, and his companions did not stop him.

Because they had had enough, this yellow-haired man is called Uzumaki Naruto, this physical strength and chakra are simply not enough, what should they do? And as a companion of this pervert, Sasuke will definitely not be weak, right? Don't admit defeat and seek death?

"Hmph~" Naruto's eyes lit up immediately. He never meant to kill them all. He just wanted the scroll on the Sound Ninja. Now he got it, and it can even be said that he got it by his own strength. He looked at Sasuke proudly.

Sasuke just snorted and nodded, expressing his approval of Naruto.

"Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke..." On the other side of the tree, Hyuga Neji and Xiao Li also looked at this scene, and they were a little solemn.


Xia Li returned to the central tower again after completing the seal. Of course, he had already found Ino, and he was relieved to know that the other party was fine.

Now, Xia Li thought about it, and finally left a shadow clone here to guard, and the main body rushed to the place where the Hokage was. He was going to report the matter of Orochimaru.

Whether it can change more depends on this wave.

"Xia Li, shouldn't you be in the central tower at this time?" The third generation was a little surprised when he saw Xia Li, and then he saw the solemnity in Xia Li's eyes, and he also understood that something must have happened, and waved his hand to let the people around him leave.

Xia Li quickly told the third generation that he met Orochimaru in the Death Forest, and also told the third generation that Orochimaru's target was Sasuke, and he had a brief fight with the other party.

"Really, Orochimaru is back." The third generation seemed to be thinking about something, and the whole person seemed to be a little older.

"So, third generation, should we stop the Chunin Exam?" Xia Li asked. In this kind of serious environment, it is better to call him by his title.

"No, he is my apprentice, you should know, right?" The third generation rejected Xia Li's words.

Seeing Xia Li nod, Sandai continued, "So I understand Orochimaru. If his goal is not achieved, he will not be reconciled. There is a high probability that a riot will immediately start. We still don't know what Orochimaru is doing secretly. How much preparation has gone into it.”

"Moreover, the daimyo from various countries are already rushing to Konoha. It is absolutely impossible to suspend the Chunin Exams at this time." The third generation said solemnly.

Xia Li nodded. He also understood that after all, the Chuunin Exam was not so much about selecting Chunin as it was about showing off the younger generation of his village to various countries.

A village that shines in the Chuunin Exams not only proves its village's strength, but also its potential.

And this incident will also directly affect the future supply of tasks. No one wants to hand over tasks to a more powerful village, and this is the foundation of Konoha.

Konoha seems prosperous, but in fact it is impossible to leave the rewards of missions. After all, ninjas spend far more than ordinary people in any aspect.

If there is not enough task remuneration, not only the village's economy will be affected, but also the village's strength will be reduced due to insufficient resources. This is something that no village will accept.

What's more, this time it is the Chunin Exam that Konoha is undertaking. If it is stopped like this, the blow to Konoha's reputation will be even more serious, and its strength will definitely be doubted.

All these factors make it impossible to stop the Chunin Exam in the face of minor dangers.

Xia Li knew how much trauma Orochimaru would cause, but... would the Third Generation and the advisors know?

Even if he said it, would they believe it?

"Then, Lord Third, you should pay more attention and strengthen your own security. After all, you also know the strength of Orochimaru, and you need more ninjas to protect you." Xia Li thought for a while and continued. He remembered the guards in the original work. There are not many third-generation ninjas.

"Haha, Xiao Xia Li, do you still remember Konoha's response to enemy attacks?" The third generation smiled, feeling that Xia Li was a little happy about his concern, but he still said.

Suddenly, Xia Li fell silent, because everything had the answer at this moment. He knew it before, but he didn't expect that the third generation would actually implement this strategy to deal with the enemy... After a long time, Xia Li also spoke.

In the first stage, kill the enemy's surprise attack force. If it cannot be eliminated immediately, enter the second stage immediately.

The second phase, which is the evacuation and refuge of non-combatants, allows women and children to seek refuge in various shelters in the village. After all is completed, the third phase begins.

In the third stage, use the power of the whole village to destroy the enemy.

After saying that, Xia Li finally thought of the reason. At that time, what she remembered most clearly from watching anime was naturally the exciting scenes of battles, and she didn't pay enough attention to many details.

Thinking about it this way, Konoha was rebuilt so quickly at that time because most of the civilians were safe and sound.

How was it possible to survive such an attack unscathed? The third generation really arranged most of the ninjas to protect this village...

At first glance, this strategy to deal with the enemy is a strategy that would only appear during peacetime, and during peacetime, it was probably formulated by the third generation.

So, at this moment, Xia Li understood that from a God's perspective, although the third generation actually did a lot of wrong things, he was worthy of his identity as the Hokage of Konoha. Until the last moment of his life, he upheld his idea to protect this village.

No one wants to lose their life, but they can do a lot for their home.

"Well, I remember it very clearly, so Xiao Xia Li, do you understand?" Sandai said with a smile. Although this would put him in greater danger, so what?

"Well, I understand, Third Generation...Grandpa, you must remember to bring the Flying Thunder God Kunai that you gave me for learning before, and open the seal when necessary." Xia Li said seriously, he already knew that he There is no way to stop Sandai's decision.

"Well, okay, but Xiao Xia Li, you have to believe grandpa, even though I'm a lot older, I'm still very powerful." Hearing Xia Li's changed name, the third generation felt a little relieved. This time, he finally didn't do it again. Wrong person.

"Well, of course I believe it, then I'll go back first." Xia Li said. The third generation is not weak in strength, but he can't exert much due to his body. The impact of the lack of essence is not only the amount of chakra. In terms of quality, basically all aspects of quality have declined.

"Okay, Xiao Xia Li, you have to be careful. Don't think that with the Flying Thunder God, there is absolutely no danger." The third generation also warned Xia Li at this time. He was a little afraid that Xia Li would go directly to Orochimaru, even though there was a Flying Thunder God. Yes, but still dangerous.

"Yes." Xia Li nodded and disappeared into the Hokage's office.

Looking at Xia Li's disappearing figure, Sandai's smile slowly dissipated. He looked at the photo beside him. In that photo... there was a young him and his three apprentices.


"Hokage-sama, what should we do?" At this time, the ANBU minister appeared next to the third generation.

"Well, don't alert the enemy first, clear the way to escape. And keep an eye on the people on the Oto Ninja side, and try to investigate Orochimaru's subsequent methods." The third generation sighed and said, the enemy is hiding, it is really a bit tricky.


PS: This strategy for dealing with enemies is what Iruka said during the Chunin Exam, I didn’t make it up.

And Orochimaru obviously didn't know about this countermeasure, so this countermeasure was either created by the fourth generation or the third generation, and it is more likely to be the third generation.

So with such a countermeasure, the third generation's character setting cannot be the kind of black all the way.

This is not to whitewash, there must be a lot of black material on the third generation, and if you want to blacken him, it is enough to use these confirmed black materials, but the kind of black all the way, black for the sake of blackening, I am too lazy to watch.

With this countermeasure, the third generation is at least qualified as a Hokage.

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