Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 112 Sharingan!

These two years have made Sasuke realize that Naruto's physical strength is definitely abnormal. Even the physical strength of those adults can't match Naruto's!

It's ridiculous to ask him to catch up with Naruto in this aspect...

"Naruto's physical strength may be better than yours." Sasuke couldn't help but say.

"Well, sorry, Naruto's physical strength is still not as good as mine." Xia Li still has this confidence. Although his chakra can't match Naruto, his physical strength will not be inferior to Naruto.

"Then my theoretical score is about the same as Sakura's."

"Well, this, in my opinion, you are still far behind. Sakura scored 100 points because the test paper is only 100 points, and you scored 99 points because your ability is only 99 points." Xia Li's words are like a knife piercing Sasuke's heart.

And most importantly, Sasuke has no way to refute it. It seems that this is indeed the truth. That guy's theory has always been full marks. Obviously, the other party's level is not just that.

Sasuke was silent, and finally gritted his teeth, stared at Xia Li, and said, "Don't worry about those, let's fight."

"Okay, then you come over." Xia Li's casual attitude made Sasuke a little annoyed, but the other party's identity as a special jonin made him think of their class teacher...

But Sasuke felt that since Xia Li was a special jonin, he should not be as strong as his teacher, right? But he still had to be more careful.

Sasuke took the lead in pulling away, and at the same time, several shurikens were thrown at Xia Li.

"Well, it's more than exquisite, but the speed and power are not good." Xia Li looked at the shurikens thrown by Sasuke, nodded, shook his head, and commented.

This is a different way of shuriken from him. He mainly focuses on speed and power.

Xia Li didn't make any moves, but at the moment when the shurikens approached, the arcs on his body seemed to jump, and those shurikens directly lost their forward speed and were taken by Xia Li one by one.

Sasuke looked at this scene, a little confused, but if so, Sasuke made seals with both hands.

"Too slow."

However, the next moment, Xia Li's voice came directly to Sasuke's ears, and then Sasuke's eyes widened, and his hands did not care about continuing to make seals, blocking in front of himself.


Xia Li's figure had already appeared in front of Sasuke, and his legs swept over Sasuke's arms.

Even though Sasuke had already blocked, his body was kicked back for a long distance before stopping.

"Why so fast?!" Sasuke gritted his teeth, how could he make seals in this case? Shuriken is useless to Xia Li, and ninjutsu can't be used, so what should he use to win?

"It's just a flash body technique."

Sasuke looked at Xia Li who was walking slowly towards him, and listened to Xia Li's faint voice, and felt a little desperate in his heart. This feeling of powerlessness seemed to be stronger than that of Kakashi.

This was not Sasuke's illusion, after all, Xia Li was invincible in bullying.

"Damn it!" Sasuke looked at Xia Li and couldn't help throwing out the shuriken again, thinking about what to do. The three-body technique with fewer seals? But can it deceive the opponent?

Sure enough, his shuriken was once again collected by Xia Li.

Sasuke paused for a moment, a little hesitant, but thinking of the opponent's strength as a senior ninja, he no longer hesitated.

Xia Li looked at Sasuke, and the opponent's small movements did not hide from him, which made him a little headache. It was a bit reckless. This kind of small battle actually required the use of detonating tags...

However, Xia Li also knew the pressure he brought to the opponent. This was also the only solution that the opponent came up with after seeing that he had taken his shuriken, right?

Xia Li showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, then let me see what level you can reach?

Xia Li looked at the three kunai with detonating tags, as if he didn't notice it. Just like at the beginning, he used electromagnetics to make the opponent stay in front of him. The next moment...

An explosion sounded.

Sasuke's eyes showed a hint of surprise. Did it succeed? However, such power should not hurt Xia Li. Taking this opportunity, Sasuke finally began to form a seal.

"Fire Style - Phoenix Fire Technique!"

The next moment, Sasuke spit out several fireballs in the direction of Xia Li. Not only that, Sasuke quickly fused the thrown shuriken with those fireballs.

Instantly, those fireballs broke through the smoke of the explosion as if they hit something.

In this case, these shurikens should not be blocked by Xia Li's strange way of blocking, right?

"Did it succeed?" Sasuke had a trace of sweat on his forehead, looking over there nervously, and also posed in a posture of leaving the original place at any time.

"Not bad."

A voice reached Sasuke's ears, but the location of the voice was not from the smoke of the explosion, but... behind him.

Sasuke gritted his teeth, forced himself to turn around, and kicked back.

However, the next moment, Xia Li caught his ankle with his hand, and the force made it impossible for him to break free.

"Unfortunately, it's not enough to deal with me." Xia Li threw Sasuke out.

Sasuke fell to the ground and looked at the original explosion site, only to see a charred wood placed on the ground.

Substitute technique? When was it used?

He kept staring at Xia Li, but he didn't see when Xia Li formed the seal? Including the instant body technique at that time...

"Next, it's my turn to attack, be careful." Xia Li suddenly said.

Sasuke's heart suddenly tightened. Yes, up to now, Xia Li had basically never taken the initiative to attack. She just kicked him once, but... the pressure brought to him was already like this. If he attacks...

However, the next moment, Sasuke was speechless.

I saw cold sweat breaking out on Sasuke's forehead, and his body was trembling there, unable to move at all.

Because Xia Li's murderous intention was completely concentrated on Sasuke at this moment. This was the first time that Xia Li took the initiative to use these murderous intentions. It was just some mental use. Naturally, Xia Li couldn't resist it.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Li originally wanted to get the Mo Shadow Sword, but suddenly remembered that the Mo Shadow Sword had been sealed by him, and it was true that such a battle did not require a sword, but he was just a little used to it.

Thinking of this, the chakra in Xia Li's hand suddenly became violent and condensed into the shape of a sword in Sasuke's disbelieving eyes. If you take out the Black Shadow Sword, you will find that it is as useless as the Black Shadow Sword. two.

After condensing the chakra sword, Xia Li walked step by step towards Sasuke who was still unable to move. Looking at Sasuke's trembling body, he still did not relax his murderous intention.

And Sasuke opened his eyes wide, staring at Xia Li, watching the other person walking towards him step by step, and the chakra sword. The other person's eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of blood, the other person was... really going to kill him. he?


Move quickly!

Sasuke was screaming in his heart, but his hands and feet still refused to obey his orders, and cold sweat kept breaking out on his forehead.

Under Sasuke's torment, Xia Li came to Sasuke. Xia Li walked very slowly during this section of the road, just to give Sasuke time to act. But what made him a little disappointed was that Sasuke didn't move in the end. Indeed, his current killing intent is probably stronger than Zabuza's.

Xia Li remembered that part of Sasuke's dark history, because at that time Sasuke was even forced to commit suicide by Zabuza's momentum...

But when faced with life-threatening danger, no matter how scared you are, action is necessary and you cannot wait to die.

Xia Li raised the chakra sword in his hand and looked at Sasuke's sharply contracted pupils, his pale face and the constant cold sweat.

Is that all?

Xia Li was thinking without hesitation. The next moment, Xia Li swung out the chakra sword and slashed at Sasuke with all his strength.

The next moment, Xia Li saw Sasuke move, and there was a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth, as if he had bitten his tongue to draw blood, but was it too late to move now? Xia Li's slash was so fast, and the next moment the sword light carrying chakra passed by...


It hurts so much...

Is this what death feels like? Sasuke hesitated, feeling the pain from being struck by the sword, a little unbelievable.

Is he really dead? He should be dead, right? After all, if you were hit like that by that sword, you wouldn't be able to survive, right?

Damn it, I haven’t killed that guy yet, how could I die here!

Sasuke hadn't even realized why it was just a battle and why Xia Li would kill him.

All he feels now is that the whole world is filled with blood, and there is a very painful knife wound on his body. He is unwilling to accept it, confused, and roaring...

He can't die here, he still wants revenge...

At this moment, Sasuke felt as if he had fallen into an abyss, and his body was falling constantly, unable to struggle or get ashore...

Xia Li looked at Sasuke who had fallen to the ground speechlessly. He didn't know what to say for a moment, but he also squatted down at this time and looked at Sasuke's eyes that were still wide open even after he fell. What was revealed in them It's endless fear.

But at this time, Sasuke's eyes were not pitch black, but blood pupils, and there were two small black beans in each of the eyes.

Xia Li looked at Sasuke, so did he subconsciously unleash his strongest power at the most critical moment of his life? He used his Sharingan, and it was also a double magatama...

Xia Li remembered that Sasuke's Sharingan was actually opened very early, but it didn't seem to have double magatama in both eyes. However, it is now, which proves that at the moment when his life was threatened, Sasuke really inspired his potential and broke through to Next level.

Moreover, the first thing the opponent did after breaking through was to activate the Sharingan genjutsu, which was also Sasuke's greatest effort to survive. It was at the extreme moment when the opponent made the judgment that evasion was impossible. It could only make Xia Li stop, so the Sharingan responded to Sasuke and sent out his genjutsu.

However, this is also the culprit for Sasuke's fall here, after all...

Is it possible for a person like Xia Li to fall into illusions easily? In particular, he is still in a state of void and has already become immune to most illusions. Facing the illusion of Sasuke's double Magatama Sharingan, he subconsciously directly controlled the chakra to release it and bounce it back.

Then, Sasuke fell directly here, and looking at the constant fear in his eyes, maybe this illusion was really uncomfortable.

Xia Li didn't know when Sasuke would be able to recover. It wouldn't be a bad thing for him to let him stay in the illusion for a while longer, so he just sat beside him. His chakra sword only looked useful, but in fact it was completely useless without any entity. The moment it touched Sasuke, it rotted.

However, Xia Li looked at Sasuke's Sharingan and nodded with satisfaction. As the saying goes, there is great terror between life and death. At least his goal was achieved, and even exceeded expectations.

PS: Well, it seems that many readers have great opinions on the chapters of sorting...

Emm, in fact, I didn't expect that the opinions were so great. After all, when I was a reader, I liked to read this kind of thing, such as the sorting after the end of each world in the infinite flow and the sorting after each training, which can let me clearly know the growth of the protagonist. Because I like to read it as a reader, I write it this way...

And the training plan in the previous Chapter 16 is similar. No one raised any opinions at that time, so I thought it was okay to write it. It seems that there is still a difference between free and paid.

Now I know, but the last chapter is a draft, so let's leave it like this. I also marked it in the title (follow-up). I'll see how the subscriptions turn out. If there is indeed a big difference, I won't write this kind of concentrated sorting in the future.

However, the protagonist's abilities still need to be written, so let's spread them out. After all, it's worse to forget to write about it and then suddenly have an inexplicable skill that the protagonist doesn't know when he learned it than to be criticized by you for being useless...

That's about it.

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