Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 11 Shadow Clone Attempt

Chapter 11: Shadow Clone Attempts

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

A few days later, on a school holiday, Xia Li adjusted his condition to the best and began to form seals. After the standard 8 seals were formed in Xia Li's hands, a white smoke appeared beside Xia Li.

"Hello, original body." Another Xia Li who suddenly appeared said to the original body Xia Li.

"Well, hello." Xia Li finally breathed a sigh of relief after looking at the clone and feeling his own chakra. Sure enough, the basic consumption of chakra for just the shadow clone was not particularly high. According to this amount, he should be able to split out three shadow clones at most.

However, after splitting out which shadow clone it was, Xia Li's own chakra was basically only more than 20%, and even basic ninjutsu could not be used much, and the shadow clone was even more outrageous. Since the body structure of the shadow clone also needs chakra, if the shadow clone only uses this minimum amount, then even ninjutsu cannot be used. As long as it dares to use it, it will immediately appear that there is not enough chakra and it will be directly disbanded.

However, even though Xia Li had guessed this situation, he was still in awe of this famous technique that had high requirements for chakra. Even though he had learned it before, he still found the best state to use it. After all, if the chakra was not enough, the consequences would be quite serious.

At the least, he would fail to use it and lose consciousness for a period of time, or even faint directly. However, according to Xia Li's recent in-depth study, he was very sure that his chakra should be sufficient.

After all, the Chunin in the original work can use shadow clones, and there are no adverse reactions after using them. Although Xia Li does not have the chakra reserves of Chunin, didn't Iruka say that the maximum amount of chakra he extracted at one time is almost the same as that of Chunin?

And generally, Chunin would not extract chakra in advance to use the shadow clone technique, so it is likely that it is a normal extraction and use. Since the other party is fine, then it stands to reason that he will only split a shadow clone and it is likely to be fine.

But it is not 100% risk-free. For his own safety, Xia Li waited until today's holiday and adjusted his own state in advance before using it. At present, his idea is right.

Then, Xia Li nodded to the shadow clone, and the next moment, the shadow clone disbanded directly, and Xia Li frowned.

Because, the shadow clone would disband was what he had planned before he separated it, but when Xia Li nodded just now, he actually wanted the shadow clone to finish the housework at home before disbanding. Of course, he was not trying to exploit the shadow clone, but to do an experiment, and now there is a result.

After the shadow clone separated from the main body, it had Xia Li's thoughts and ideas at the moment of separation, and what Xia Li was thinking afterwards, the shadow clone did not know, but if you really guess, you should be able to guess it, after all, it is essentially a person's thinking.

In addition, the chakra that was separated also came back, but the amount was less than when it was separated, and according to the shadow clone's own chakra that was perceived at the time, it was also more than the returned amount, that is, in addition to the chakra consumed by the shadow clone itself, a small part of it would actually dissipate when it disbanded and returned.

But this is normal, and it is still within Xia Li's acceptable range. After all, this consumption should be related to the distance. He himself does not intend to let the shadow clone go too far, so this consumption is not large.

As for the shadow clone, if the chakra is consumed, then there is no chakra to return, so will the memory it carries not be able to return? After all, memory does not appear out of thin air, and it also needs chakra as a carrier to return to the main body.

Xia Li has thought about this problem before, and now he suddenly figured it out after using it once. Because the shadow clone is a physical clone, it needs chakra to form itself. As we all know, chakra is a combination of physical energy and mental energy, so the shadow clone can rely on physical energy to form a body and rely on mental energy to form thinking, which suddenly makes sense.

And this is not the point. The point is that at the moment the shadow clone dissolves, the physical energy and mental energy will combine again to form chakra and return to the main body, so even if the shadow clone consumes the available chakra, it can still transmit back the memory.

However, in this case, if a shadow clone is trapped in a place where chakra cannot be transmitted, can this part of the memory be eliminated? Xia Li thought about it, then shook his head. It seemed to make sense, but in fact it seemed useless. First of all, how to create a place where chakra cannot be transmitted? Secondly, even if it can be created, it must take a certain amount of time. During this time, the shadow clone probably sensed the danger and disbanded.

Next, it was the focus of today. Xia Li extracted all his remaining chakra and formed the eight seals again. Xia Li did not intend to compress the eight seals. He did not intend to use the shadow clone in battle, so he only needed to be able to use it. After all, a person's energy is limited. Xia Li planned to put his energy on the place where he could effectively improve his combat power.

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

This time, the use did not fail. The shadow clone sat in front of the desk from the moment it was separated and began to learn other textbook knowledge and the ninjutsu scrolls that Xia Li had prepared in advance that Sinai had given him before.

Xia Li did not arrange anything for himself, nor did he exercise, because he had to evaluate the duration of the shadow clone formed by full strength and the amount of fatigue transmitted back after learning, so he could not exercise during this period to prevent his body from being unable to bear the fatigue transmitted back by the shadow clone.

However, since he was idle, Xia Li thought about it and looked for some housework to do, which would not consume much energy anyway.

An hour later, Xia Li looked at the shadow clone that still existed and was a little surprised. The duration of the shadow clone surprised him a little. Even if the shadow clone was useless during this period of time, its own existence required the consumption of chakra. However, it seemed that if the chakra was not actively used, the consumption was not large, which was not bad.

After a while, the shadow clone looked at Xia Li and said, "Main body, get ready."

Then the shadow clone saw Xia Li sitting on the bed, and after a while, the chakra finally couldn't support it and dissipated passively.

Instantly, the memory and fatigue flooded into Xia Li's mind, causing him to lose consciousness for a moment, but he recovered in a moment, and the first thing he did after recovering was to sigh in a low voice.

"Uzumaki Naruto, he is really a pervert!"

Xia Li also realized why only Uzumaki Naruto dared to use so many shadow clones to learn and train. Normal people, no, it should be said that except Uzumaki Naruto, no one else could bear it, including normal Uzumaki clan members. They probably only use one or two to train at most, how could they use dozens or hundreds at the same time!

Because the moment the shadow clone dissolves, all the physical fatigue is transferred to the main body, which means that the main body must withstand all the fatigue during this period of time in an instant. Xia Li scratched his head, which seems to be the same, but to use a metaphor...

You go to exercise, and then use two dumbbells to exercise for two hours. This is the amount you can accept, but what is the shadow clone equivalent to? It is equivalent to that moment, you use hundreds of dumbbells to exercise once. The effect of both is the same, but the question is whether you can lift it? Or, can your body withstand the pressure of these hundreds of dumbbells?

After thinking of Uzumaki Naruto's method of practicing Rasengan Shuriken, Xia Li could only sigh that it was only Uzumaki Naruto. Others must have at least the physique of Six Paths to be able to withstand it.

However, Xia Li feels fine now. After all, during this period of time, the shadow clone is just learning. Although he is tired, it is mostly mental fatigue. Therefore, after the physical fatigue is transmitted back, Xia Li can still accept it. As for the mental fatigue...

That is the point that Xia Li is most proud of. That is his only advantage. The reason why he wants to learn the shadow clone, which seems to be not very practical, is that he must make full use of his advantages! His spirit can bear it, and Xia Li even feels that he can have one or two more shadow clones to learn together, but unfortunately his chakra can't support so much.

Moreover, not only that, Xia Li's eyes flashed slightly. The result of this attempt can almost be said to be perfect. In exchange for the shadow clone, this step is considered to be the right one!

But Xia Li has a further idea, but unfortunately the chakra has not recovered yet, so he can only wait for a while.

He can't afford the Bingliang Pill at the moment!

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