
Let's go back half an hour. After leaving Nanga Shrine, Uchiha Haruno ran northwest, chasing a figure in front of her.

Under the moonlight, two dark shadows appeared and disappeared in the dense woods among the leaves.

Under the silent night sky, there was only the rustling of the leaves and the sound of two people running quickly. Haruno opened her Sharingan to make her dynamic vision reach the best. The figure of the person in front of her was firmly focused in her pupils.

In this chase between the two, she had to concentrate all her attention.

Suddenly, the girl noticed something in her sight, she tilted her head to the right, and changed her body at an incredible angle in the air.

She saw a thin thread with a detonating tag hanging from it passing through her mask, which almost triggered an explosion.

But the girl did not hesitate at all, and continued to chase the person in front of her at a high speed.

There was another cold star attack in front of her, and Haruno used the handle of her sword to open several shurikens thrown at her.

Just when she was about to lose patience with this chase, the figure in front finally stopped.

The man squatted on a tall tree and looked back. Under the Konoha forehead protector on his forehead, there was a pair of rotating three-magatama Sharingan.

Yang No also stopped at the right time, putting a pause on this high-speed chase.

The corners of the girl's mouth under the mask suddenly raised a strange arc. She touched the black mole on her lips with a slender white finger and spoke in a strange, deliberately controlled tone.:

"Ah, isn't this Itachi-kun? Hello~ It's been a long time."

In the focus of Yang No's Sharingan, the person in front of him fell into a moment of imperceptible absent-mindedness because of this sentence.

This sentence was the greeting between Yang No and Itachi during the daytime, the first sentence they said. Even the tone was deliberate under the girl's deliberateness, as if it was an occasional encounter on the street during the daytime, rather than a chase under the moonlight today.

Almost instinctively, Itachi's brain evoked the memory of this sentence in an instant.

And in his memory of the daytime, the image of the young lady with a sweet smile who greeted him on the street in the village was different from his impression.

Yes, on the girl's delicate little face, there were a pair of strange red eyes. That was not an ordinary Sharingan, that was, that was!

He suddenly realized one thing, that is, their contact during the day was not It was just a coincidence, but some kind of trap had been set by Yang Noi!

He reacted quickly, but it was too late, Yang Noi was faster than him. The girl's original three magatama Sharingan changed in an instant, and her whole temperament suddenly became cold and deep.

The original three magatama rotated in her eyes to form a new shape. Black threads divided the eyes like the cut surface of diamonds, and the remaining part was filled with scarlet, reflecting the light of the full moon like the stars in the night sky.

In the middle of the gem-like black and red pupil, there were patterns like cherry blossom petals rotating.

Itachi knew that something was wrong, but when he wanted to move, he couldn't move his body. The chakra in his body was disordered, and he could only fall straight from the tree, like a black crow suddenly struck by lightning.

"Well, I haven't used this power for a while, so I'm still a little uncomfortable."

Yang No jumped down from the treetop, rubbed her eyes, and slowly approached Uchiha Itachi, stopping at a distance she thought was safe.

""Yeah, unlike in the original book, where Itachi awakened his Mangekyō Sharingan early because he witnessed his friend die in front of him, even if he has two extra years to practice his ninjutsu, he is still just a small fry as long as he doesn't open his eyes~"

Yes, in this time and space that has been changed by the girl's travel. After Uchiha Shisui was attacked by Danzo, it was the head of the Uchiha clan who 'happened' to be out.

Then Fugaku controlled Shisui. Until the news that Uchiha Shisui was killed in an attack by the enemy's ninja village was released within the family, Itachi did not meet Uchiha Shisui in the end. In his heart, he even doubted the authenticity of the death news.

And the young man Although countless people have marveled at the ability of this woman, surpassing many people in the history of the Uchiha family, no one could have imagined that the upper limit of her power is definitely not limited to the ordinary Sharingan, but she has opened the Mangekyō Sharingan!

This is also one of the benefits of her time travel, because when she traveled through time, she still carried the vague memories and thoughts of her previous life, which made her mental strength almost several times that of her peers! It is getting stronger with age.

At the summer night festival when she was 10 years old, she recalled all her memories, and while opening the Mangekyō Sharingan, she also obtained a golden finger.

This golden finger will not give her tasks and instruct her to do this or that.

She has no consciousness, thoughts, or emotions..

It is better to say that it is some kind of feedback from her brain than to say that it is linked to the mood of the young lady. The happier the young lady is, the more positive effects it will bring.

Could it be a golden finger that can convert some substance secreted by the brain when she is in a good mood into energy?

Until now, she has not fully understood this golden finger and can only make some vague guesses.

She can also gain certain energy points through interaction with this world. At first, it was through the practice of ninjutsu. Perhaps because of the novelty of ninjutsu at the beginning, every day of practicing with all her strength could gain dozens to hundreds of energy points. Later, the energy points she could gain decreased exponentially. Until now, she has gained energy points every day through practice. Can't get any energy.

Then it's greetings. Every time she greets the villagers in an elegant and noble manner, she can earn more than ten energy points.

It was then that she established her reputation as the eldest daughter of the Uchiha family in the village, but until now, she has not been able to gain any benefits from it.

Of course, there are many other places that can bring energy points, such as learning flower arrangement, etiquette, cooking, etc., but as she becomes more familiar with these fields, the energy she gains will decrease. To this day, she has only accumulated more than 6,000 energy points for Yang No. There is only one thing that has never discounted the energy points she has obtained, starting from the first drop of blood tasted by the blade of the girl.......

When these energies accumulate to a certain extent, they can stimulate her brain and body, thus producing benign mutations or strengthening her body.

With the cooperation of the gold finger and through her daily practice, Yang No developed her Lightning Release Instant Body Technique to a level far beyond that of her peers.

These energy points can also bear the burden of her eyes on her body, mind, and chakra.

Including the great fatigue, pain and massive chakra consumption brought by the Mangekyō Sharingan.

You know, like Hatake Kakashi in the original work, because of Obito's Sharingan, he often encountered the tragic situation of running out of chakra due to excessive burden.

For Uchiha Yang No, who awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan too early, the burden on the body, mind, and chakra built on these two is unimaginable, and now she can offset them by using the gold finger.

But when she saw those massive loss of energy points, she also realized that she could not keep the Mangekyō open all the time. You know, just opening the Mangekyō Sharingan without using any pupil technique, the energy points accumulated in the past two years can only support a few hours.

When the energy points are exhausted, she can only bear the powerful but extremely burdensome Mangekyō.

Yang No also found that she could make a comprehensive assessment of her body by consuming five energy points. This ability is undoubtedly useless, but tonight is a special case. She couldn't help but check it when she left Nanga Shrine.

A line of text focused in front of her eyes through the pupil power of the Sharingan;

Name: Uchiha Yang

No Title: The eldest daughter of the Uchiha family

Age: 12 bloodline limits; Mangekyō Sharingan

Mangekyō Sharingan special ability: Konohana Kaiya

Chakra attribute: Lightning, fire, wind

Ninja phantom sword and other skills: Omitted

Ability rating, with Kage level, elite jonin, jonin, special jonin, chunin, genin as approximate indicators, set the corresponding S, A, B, C, D, E respectively (for reference only) ps: did not use the indicators in the various setting books of the original work, made a classification with more and more complicated settings.

Physical: C+

Spirit: A

Chakra: B Ninjutsu

: D-

Genjutsu: A+

Taijutsu: D+

Eye Technique: S- (need to use energy points to open the Mangekyō Sharingan, otherwise it is difficult to maintain for a long time)

Bloodline Limit: S+ (highest displayed is S+)

Swordsmanship: B+ (the level of Kage here corresponds to the level of Konoha White Fang)

Instant Body Technique: A-......

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