After Might Guy used the illusion, he felt something leaving his brain, and the originally disordered chakra in his body was restored to normal.

As his consciousness emerged from the water and regained consciousness, everything in front of him became extremely clear, even the ferocious expression on Uchiha Fugaku's face not far away, which was not sure whether it was due to pain or desire for killing, was clearly visible.

Might Guy's tiger eyes widened under his thick eyebrows, and he once again opened the sixth gate of the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu, the Jingmen. This time, Might Guy, who was afraid of being hit by another illusion, did not look into Uchiha Fugaku's eyes, but used all his strength to attack Uchiha Fugaku with the Peacock.

After a loud bang, Uchiha Fugaku, who was caught off guard, was still condensing the initial stage of the ribs Susanoo that had just been formed and could not even be considered a semi-finished product. Under his countless punches, the green ribs gradually collapsed into pieces. Without the protection of Susanoo, Uchiha Fugaku's neck was directly hit at 90 degrees and flew out.

However, when Might Guy blinked again, the pain in his whole body came like a tide. He found that he was still held in the palm of the green giant hand, and was smashed to the ground again and again. His body was still in the state of only opening the 4th gate of the Eight Gates.

In the countless attempts that followed, he tried all kinds of methods, including biting the tip of his tongue tightly until blood came out, but he could not break free from the layers of illusions.

What kind of illusion is this? As Might Guy, who had participated in the Ninja World War with Uchiha Fugaku, had never heard of the other party's ability, and even at this time he didn't know when he was hit by such an illusion.

And in the place he couldn't see, Uchiha Fugaku in the real world was also full of question marks.

In his eyes, the Konoha blue beast that was still killing all around and invincible seemed to have lost any interest in fighting after he suddenly used the power of Susano to control it, and just lay down and let him control it.

He knew that the opponent had such a strong fighting power just after opening the fourth gate, so he had been secretly on guard. Who knew that he seemed to be under an illusion, but I clearly did not use an illusion on him?

Wait! Like an illusion? Someone is secretly helping! Is this the secret helper?

There must be a message left in the Nanga Shrine that can only be interpreted by the power of the Mangekyo, telling me that the adult who helped the coup tonight has taken action!

He did not see that at the moment when Might Guy was thrown to the ground and lost consciousness, Uchiha Haruno's Sharingan behind the mask not far behind him changed for a moment.

Yes, she used that special ability again. She directly used the few but impressive memories of herself in the other party's mind to invade the other party's brain, breaking through the illusion defense that Kai was much worse than Itachi.

The memory can be traced back to the girl. Every time she accidentally met Might Guy in the village, she greeted him elegantly and appropriately, which is also unique in Konoha Village.

At this time, Might Guy actually enjoyed the blessing of being served by two pairs of Mangekyō Sharingan at the same time. Well, of course, this blessing is not something that ordinary people can afford. I just want to ask you if you are afraid?

As Uchiha Fugaku's Mangekyō Sharingan continued to open, the body of Susanoo on his body became more and more solid. And Might Guy, who was trapped in the illusion in Susanoo's hand, seemed to die in the next second.

However, Yang No knew very well that the enemy she was going to face tonight would not let her get her wish easily.

Sure enough, from the ruins on all sides, a large number of kunai with detonating tags were suddenly thrown at the figure of Susanoo.

Smoke and dust rose in the explosion. Taking advantage of this short-term cover of vision, two rapidly rotating meat balls hit the figure of Uchiha Fugaku's Susanoo at high speed from two different directions at an oblique angle.

Susanoo controlled by Uchiha Fugaku did not choose to dodge, but used one palm to block a high-speed rotating meat ball, and sent Might Guy, who was held in the other hand, to face another slightly larger meat ball.

With a bang, Susanoo's left hand collided with the high-speed rotating meat ball, causing fierce friction, and the meat ball that should have rushed to the dying Might Guy in his right hand suddenly avoided the injured person at a slight angle.

Yang No naturally understood that this was the ability of the Akimichi family, a staunch supporter of the Hokage series. Since even they came, it means that the opponent's backhand is far more than this.

Thinking of this, she immediately became 12 points of alert. Well, yes, she was worried about her own safety, not her attacked clan leader.

Just when the meat bomb chariot blocked by Susanoo's left hand was about to stop its rotation momentum. Two high-speed moving figures appeared in the dust in an instant.

A fist blade with blue chakra attached to it slashed at the edge of Susanoo's right palm fingers holding Might Guy. After piercing through Susano's chakra coat, it left a crack on the puppet-like finger and then stopped.

Then, a blue electric light appeared from the smoke and penetrated deeply into the place where the chakra knife had cut.


In a very short period of time, he suffered these two powerful single attacks in succession.

The Susanoo, which was still slowly evolving into a semi-finished product, had its fingers clenched tightly and a gap was cut.

There was still lightning wrapped around the edge of his palm.

Hatake Kakashi, who was dressed in an Anbu outfit, took the opportunity to catch Might Guy who fell out, and used the instant body technique to escape from the attack range of Susanoo, and sent him to the temporary medical ninja in the back.

The ninja using the blue chakra fist blade was none other than Sarutobi Asuma, who was dressed as an elite jonin of Konoha and had a belt with a fire mark.

Seeing this, the girl narrowed her eyes. Sure enough, Might Guy's support alone was not really isolated.���Fight hard. That was just a test from the other side to test what other cards this side has.

Therefore, whether it was out of confidence in Might Guy's super explosive power of the Eight Gates, or the other side thought that it would be more reasonable to let Might Guy, who looked simple and unsophisticated, come alone to support - or to be more precise, to come and die.

In any case, the other side obviously prepared other back-ups. Just now, when they thought they had tested their own cards and saw that Might Guy was about to be killed, they did not use the tactic of adding fuel, but instantly invested the power of the strongest elite jonin under the Hokage.

And to achieve such precise cooperation between people who are not of the same clan, there should be a command center not far away. As for the form of command, Yang No had already made a conclusion in his mind. Obviously, there was one person who served as the brain, responsible for coordinating the command, and then transmitted the message to the specific individuals on the front line through the secret technique of the Yamanaka clan.

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