Naruto: I Will Never Go Offline

Chapter 630: Apprentice! Uncle Snake's Approval

"The next generation is terrifying!"

Orochimaru exclaimed.

In this world, he has obviously become a real teacher, seeing his teammates so powerful, showing the same kind and gratifying look as a master looks at his disciples.

"It seems that the pillar of the future of my Dakonoha Village is born between you!"

Orochimaru said, the corner of his mouth twitched.

His curiosity drives him to look forward to seeing more!

This battle has been dominated by Neji, Itachi is absolutely asking for trouble, he wants to see more!

"The kaleidoscope writing wheel should have stronger abilities, right?"

Orochimaru touched his forehead, staring at Itachi with the eyes that came out from between his fingers.

To put it bluntly, letting Itachi crush Neji's bottom line and strength was the result that Orochimaru expected, but now it has been reversed. If Neji is so powerful, how much will it push Itachi! ?

This is something that Orochimaru dare not think about, but now...there is a chance!

"Fire escape..."

Itachi took a step back and quickly closed the seal.

Today, he has been lurking in Anbu for a long time. In fact, he is a double agent between Konoha Village and Uchiha, and he has been a spy for several years!

In order to hide his strength, he didn't plan to fight Neji seriously, but he had to recognize a fact in his heart...

That is, the Hyuga Neji in front of him may not be able to beat him!

Although he didn't use all his strength, the strength shown by Neji completely crushed him. This aura and chakra definitely won't lose to the elite Jounin of Konoha Village!

In fact, Neji already had the ability to enter Anbu and even be a sub-commander!

"Water escape·……"

This time, Neji predicted ahead of time.

"Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique!"

Itachi spit out nine fireballs!

Neji frowned slightly, those fireballs are bigger and stronger than Sasuke's, and Sasuke's is not a ninjutsu at all!

And Neji frowned slightly and quickly closed the seal.

"Water Escape·Water Dragon Ball Technique!"

"Since you want to win with quantity, then I will win with quality!"

Neji suddenly extracted a large portion of chakra and poured it all into this water escape!

And the water dragon bullet is a water escape ninjutsu with a very high ceiling. When Neji instantly injected chakra into it to release ninjutsu, he also achieved a change in nature and form at the same time!

"puff"! !

I saw that the water dragon began to change its shape, and it continued to grow and become thicker.

It is like a sturdy old tree, and the beard of the dragon is the root of the tree, so powerful!


Even at that moment, everyone heard the fierce roar of the water dragon!


The Hao fireball slammed into the water dragon, making a violent explosion, and the shock wave radiated from the air, gradually spreading like an aperture. .


The reverberation echoed around the beam, shocking and trembling.

Everyone was stunned, even Itachi!

"This... nature change plus form change, yes! This guy... is it difficult..."

Itachi was completely surprised, and Orochimaru over there was even more surprised.

In the audience, except for Neji, only the two of them had the most thorough understanding of the relationship between ninjutsu and chakra. They all understood at this moment, and it is very possible that Neji's mastery of chakra is very possible... That ice escape is his own control!

If Neji possessed both the properties of Water Dun and Wind Dun, he could use the extreme control of nature changes and morphological changes to create Ice Dun. Compared with the blood and the boundaries themselves, this ability to create the boundaries of blood is unique and rare!


Orochimaru widened his eyes and looked at Itachi.

He is looking forward to Itachi finally no longer hiding and using the ability contained in his kaleidoscope Shaker!

Monthly Reading and Amaterasu!


"I lost!"

Itachi finally chose to admit defeat, took a step back, Shui Dun stopped in front of him, and was controlled by Neji with Chakra.


Shishui on the side was also very shocking. Although he knew that Neji was very strong, he didn't expect that Neji would be able to make Itachi voluntarily admit defeat!

And this admitting defeat is different from when you fight with yourself.

When admitting defeat to himself, Itachi mostly took the attitude that he didn't want to be serious, but with Neji's ninjutsu this time, Itachi seems to be... defeated!

Afterwards, Neji breathed a sigh of relief and replaced the water dragon.

"Sorry, what an offense!"

After that, the training camp started. With this battle, Neji quickly established a very good image among them.

After the training camp was over, it was already after dusk.

Facing the sunset, on the grass cliff in the back mountain.

"Itachi, why didn't you go all out today? With your ability, you should be able to defeat him, right?"

Shishui asked straight to the point. Now there are only two of them, Itachi and Itachi, and he can see that in that case, Itachi doesn't need to hide his strength too much.

As a member of the Uchiha clan, Shisui also cares a little about the name of the Uchiha clan.

If Itachi loses today, this matter will definitely be spread by those present, and in the future, the voices of Uchiha who are not as good as Hinata will be heard in the interior of Anbu.

But Itachi smiled lightly, shook his head and said, "No, Shishui, I used to think that you were the top of the new generation of Konoha Village, or myself... From the genius of the previous generation, Minato, to this generation. You, I firmly believe that the next generation is me..."

Afterwards, Itachi sighed and said, "But, I was too naive. It's not that Uchiha lost to Hinata, it's that I really lost."


"This guy, he wasn't serious at all when he played against me, I can see that..."

Shishui was stunned.

Itachi said: "Illusion... This guy used illusion to crush me most of the time in the battle with me."

"But obviously we..."

Shishui was a little surprised.

"You mean you saw it too?" Itachi asked.

Shishui lowered his head, a little hesitant.

Also, like Itachi, he has a long history of Shishui, but he also has a strange feeling...

He didn't dare to confirm until Itachi said it.

"That guy, let us all fall into illusion!"

"Look, this guy will definitely be in Konoha... No, there will be a big storm in the ninja world!"


Very late at night, by the side of the street.

"Has that ninja named Shiro already gone back?"

"Yeah, I told her to go back first so that you could show up. In fact, I live in the same place as her... So, what's the matter with you? You've been following me..."

Neji shrugged.

"As expected of... the Hyuga clan!"

Orochimaru's eyes at the moment were not gloomy, but full of admiration for Neji.

"I can see it, today's battle... You have beaten Itachi by a large margin, both in terms of strength and talent!"

Orochimaru's admiration meant nothing to Neji, it was nothing but recognition.

"Thank you for the compliment, so is there anything else?"

Neji tried his best to show indifference, just to let Orochimaru know that he has enough strength to do stronger ninjutsu!

Who knows, Orochimaru sneered and said, "How can be my apprentice, Neji?"

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