Naruto: I Will Never Go Offline

Chapter 610: start! hunting moment


Zabuzhan frowned slightly, seeing the end of the move just now, Neji didn't die.

In the end, he died in vain, and...

He was even rescued by the enemy?

"What a shameful result..."

No longer sighed, his face turned ashen.

When Kakashi saw this result, for some reason, he was relieved.

Perhaps as a ninja, he had to participate in many cruel missions for the peace of the village. At this moment, Kakashi's conscience is so sensitive.

Even if it is the identity of the enemy, that child should live and has the right to live.

No matter what it was, or what Neji did to her, it was a good thing to keep her alive.


Kakashi hung Kunai in front of Zaibusha's neck, and said indifferently: "Your companion can no longer fight, the next is four-on-one, you have no chance of winning."

At this time, Sasuke, who had been silent for a while, jumped up.

In his hand, he also held Kunai, and scolded: "I have used the wheel eye to observe the surrounding, this time without your companion to help you secretly!!"

Naruto stood firmly behind Sasuke, ready to help at any time.

The two have rested for a while because Neji dealt with Bai alone, and now both the physical condition and the chakra condition are relatively good.

In the next battle, they can also play their due role!

And Zai Bu Zhan was stunned in place, squinting his eyes, as if there was a trace of anger.


Bai looked very weak and lay down in Neji's arms.

Neji stood up, his face gloomy.

"Don't kill Mr...."

Bai frowned slightly, and a pain emanated from the depths of his chest, making his mind confused.

Although his life was saved, the side effects of the Berserk Charm did not diminish at all.

"It's all this time, are you still thinking about not cutting it? It seems that you have been seriously brainwashed by Wuyin Village..."

Although Neji was a little puzzled, he could understand it. After all, living in the village of Kiriyin was a very extreme thing.

It was an extreme village, and after an investigation into Wuyin Village, Neji felt even more profound.

The girl in front of her started from Shimonin in Kiriyin Village, and was promoted all the way to Shangnin, and then she was selected to Anbu for training in the medical unit. During this period, the time she experienced was less than 3 years. Most of the ninjas had to spend more than ten years. The growth process that has been carried out for more than 20 years.

She is an absolute genius even if she abandons her bloodline boundaries.

Today, if you change to any of your peers, in this era, it is impossible to have the strength and actual combat level of Bai...

Unfortunately, she met Neji.

met myself.

"Don't kill your lord again... your ninja way..."

Bai knew that he had survived, but he didn't seem to be happy at all, and his face was filled with pain.

She slowly turned her head and looked at Zabuzai over there. Zabuzai's face was cold, and she didn't feel any regret for losing her companion.

There was even a hint of anger!

It seems that he is blaming the appearance of not being able to defeat the enemy for him!

"If you don't kill me again, will you blame me?"

Although Bai was moved by Neji in front of him, he still instinctively looked towards Zabuzhan.

"Damn...what is the relationship between these two people?"

Sasuke couldn't stand it anymore and muttered.

"Hmph, you who have already failed, have finally gone down that path..."

Without slashing and waving again, Kakashi who was on the side was ignored at all.

"Don't move! Or you'll be dead!"

Kakashi clenched the kunai in his hand...

Then I saw Zaibuzhan smiled knowingly, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Do you think...why do you ordinary Junin from Konoha Village is on par with the ghosts from Wuyin Village!? Huh?"

He widened his eyes, and Kakashi was irritated and slashed away!


Liquid splash, crimson moment!

However, the next moment, I saw that the body that would never be cut was turned into a splash!

Shoot out!

"Water separation!?" Kakashi was startled, startled.

Bai, who was lying in Neji's arms, frowned slightly, and the hand that was dragging on the ground slowly formed a seal...


I saw that the water splashed out of the water body immediately froze, binding Kakashi's limbs!

"Oops! Neji!?"

Kakashi fell to the ground and was temporarily unable to move. It was already very difficult to break these ices that would actively grow by relying on Chakra!

On the other hand, Neji narrowed his eyes slightly, but he was not at all afraid of the attack!

"Ninja Art of Hidden Mist!"

Hunting time, start!

"Blind eyes!"

Neji's eyes rolled around, and he quickly found his true body.


Sasuke was a little panicked, and the thick fog hit, but he couldn't help.

Although the progress of getting along has been very slow these days, the annoying Ningci will not die. He immediately turned on the Sharinyan and planned to go to help.

But it was pulled down by Naruto.

"what are you doing?"

Sasuke frowned slightly.

Naruto said indifferently: "Sasuke, don't you understand? These battles have fully explained that Neji's strength is completely above us..."

Hearing this fact, Sasuke had to admit that he was speechless.

Yes, Neji is no longer on the same level as him.

"Now we're just dragging our feet up, and..."

"Ningji has a blank eye, and he is also better than you in terms of observation. We still protect ourselves. If we don't cut the target, it may turn to us at any time!"

"But... that ice-escape ninja is also there. The technique that trapped Kakashi-sensei just now was that ice-escape ninja, right? Neji couple, no..."

Sasuke was worried again.

Naruto had to bow his head solemnly and said, "Now I can only trust Neji, and Mr. Dazner is still there. We must stay here to prevent the enemy from attacking! Remember?"

"As we said before, real teamwork! It's not to protect each other and keep warm, but to perform their own duties! Keep your own level."

On the other side, in the thick fog.

Neji stood up, and Bai, who was beside him, also stood up slowly.

"With your current state, I can threaten your life, but I disdain this approach. So you'd better be honest, if your moves put yourself in danger, your companions will be embarrassed too. ."

Neji muttered.

Judging from Bai's dedication to Zaibujian, the two of them may have a different bond than the mission.

The two would cherish each other to some extent, so Neji didn't consider their extreme tactics.

Bai is in his own hands now, and even if he finds such a good opportunity if he doesn't cut it, the form is still beneficial to him...



With a swipe of the knife, Neji didn't make any movement!


The chakra of Huitian resisted directly behind Neji!

After a while, he said in surprise: "I heard that the white eyes of the Hyuga clan have a flaw, that is, the only thing missing in the 359-degree range is the one-degree position. I thought I had observed enough of you, but I didn't expect you Has it actually broken through the abilities of your clan and surpassed the boundaries of blood?"

Neji turned his head and said indifferently, "You are already within my attack range!"

I saw that the area where Zaibuzhi was located, the eight-strand formation, erupted violently!

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