Naruto: I Will Never Go Offline

Chapter 604: restraint! Beat the Bloodline Boundary with the Bloodline Boundary

"Haha! Have you been completely brainwashed?"

Ningci narrowed his eyes slightly, Bai said so, he is not surprised, just looking at it like this, he can't stop with a peaceful ending!

However, if he wants to fight, he is not afraid.

"You're just here to talk nonsense, don't kill the adults... No, including me, are loyal to Wuyin Village, what organization? What goal? Those who prevent us from completing the task want to organize Wuyin Village. Hidden village goes to peace! Of course **** it!"

"And you said it yourself, you are the target of not beheading your lord. You are the person you want to kill if you don't kill your lord... If that's the case, let me do it!"

"Originally, I really didn't want to kill people, but that doesn't mean I really don't dare or have the ability to kill you!"

That said, but Bai also knew in his heart that dealing with Neji in front of him was not an easy task.

So if you can't hold the idea that you must kill Neji, maybe you really don't have a chance to defeat this guy!

"Come on then..."

Neji took a few steps back.

Sasuke and Naruto behind him were nervous.

"Hey, you guy... I know this move is to trap the enemy! Then why not destroy it directly from the outside?"

Naruto asked, Neji saw that they still regarded each other as companions in the magic mirror ice crystal, and suddenly all thoughts flooded into his heart.

He said lightly: "You two stand back, don't get involved, you will die."

Neji's words were gentle, but not sharp at all, and the two of them stepped back for a while.

"Secret magic mirror ice crystal..."

"Secret Magic Mirror Ice Kill!"

"Time and time again"!

I saw Bai's figure reflected in all the ice crystals, and Bai's figure and avatar turned into strength, which was transmitted between the ice crystals and the ice realm.

Between transmission and reflection, the number of Shiro's shadows grows rapidly!

Until each ice crystal has at least five overlapping shadows, the long needles he is holding also have overlapping shadows.

Seeing this, Ningji smiled and said, "It seems that you are really going to start getting serious!"

It's just that Neji isn't sure yet, does the girl in front of her really intend to kill him?

Anyway, his speculation was not accurate enough. Since the world's Zabuzhan can join the Xiao organization, then it will no longer be the warm Zabuzhan, but a pure killer ninja.

An emotionless killer ninja who didn't kill himself in front of Shiro at that time...

Maybe to continue using Shiro?

When Neji thought of this, a long needle stabbed from behind!

"Yang Dun Bishamonten!"


The current Neji has been able to release the gossip and strike in an instant, and use the body technique to attach his chakra to the surrounding in an instant.

With the space of your own chakra, you can let yourself change your position, so that you can achieve an effect similar to time-space ninjutsu. Although the speed is not as good as the flying thunder god, it is also a change in the spatial position!

I saw those flying long needles, inexplicably received an external force and went in the opposite direction.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa"~


The needles pierced the ice crystals one after another, and then slowly fell to the ground.

Until the last needle fell, Neji chuckled lightly: "The means of attack are far inferior to the means of defense. Isn't this the medical team in the Anbu of Wuyin Village? There are also Ghost Lanterns with similar abilities. The technique of hydration, until today, the only ninjas of the Ghost Lantern clan with real fighting power are the second-generation Mizukage Ghost Lantern Genyue and the current Ghost Lantern Genius Ninja Ghost Lantern Full Moon. Isn't it because your medical unit in Wuyin Village needs this kind of ninja? "

"The same is true of your Bing Dun. The Shui Wuyue family was killed by Wuyin Village. You have been lurking in Wuyin Village with a grudge, isn't it just for revenge? But..."

Neji slowly let out a sigh of relief. He was also a little helpless when he said that. His investigations in Wuyin Village were basically clues related to Bai.

Thanks to Jiraiya's appearance, he learned the news of Zai Zai, otherwise, he would have returned empty-handed.

"Because Zaibuzhan is different from those guys in Wuyin Village who only care about peace, Zaifuzhan has ambitions. You think Zaibuzhan will eventually help you complete your revenge, right? To me, you are really naive! "

"Puff puff"! !

The water keeps flowing!

"Water Escape·Shui Yi Na Yuan!!"


The water falls to the ground and spreads rapidly!

"Sasuke, Naruto! Condense chakra on your soles!"


Only then did Sasuke see clearly that there was also a layer of chakra attached to the surface of the water.

"There doesn't seem to be any danger..."

Sasuke blinked and muttered.

Neji said: "Because the water has already been covered with chakra by me, but to be on the safe side, you should keep the chakra on the soles of your feet, otherwise it will be troublesome if you are controlled by the water."

When Bai listened to Ningci saying this, he suddenly disrupted what he had always believed in his heart.

But because she couldn't admit it, she still said stubbornly: "I know you went to Wuyin Village to investigate, but is what you investigated the truth? It's really boring!"

"I can't kill you, it's just my wish. For me, I just need to trap you here, wait until Mr. Bujian knocks down your teacher, and then deal with you!"

"Secret Magic Magic Mirror Frozen!!"

Bai seals the seal again, and this time, her mask shatters with a hole.


Neji frowned slightly and rolled his eyes.

I saw Bai's Tanzhong Point, which began to shake slowly, condensed chakra from his chest, and went straight to his forehead.

"The mask is cracked?" Naruto asked in surprise.

Sasuke said hesitantly: "Judging from the amount of chakra, it should be that the load is too large, which has a considerable impact on the surrounding of the body."

I saw the ice slowly condensing in the air, and the ice cubes of the magic mirror ice crystals began to slowly connect, very fast, and soon the three people in the magic mirror ice crystals were tightly controlled, even a little vent No.

"This... is the limit of my blood, Bing Dun..."


Naruto shouted, and Sasuke nodded.

"Let's do it again!"

"Fire Escape, Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique!"

"Wind Dun Gale Palm!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa"~~

The shuriken followed, and it was another 18-style hurricane, flashing flames, and whirlwind!

I saw that the hot flame hit the ice crystal this time, but it seemed to be misfired, and it was useless!

The shuriken also fell from hot to cold, falling to the ground.

"What if you have a restraint relationship? My Ice Dun is the real boundary of blood, but the simple Feng Dun and Fire Dun are a combination of ninjutsu, and they can't be cracked! Just stay there obediently and the battle is over! "

Listening to the white talk, Neji let out a long sigh.

"Xueji Boundary? So... If it is the perfect restraint relationship of Xueji Boundary, what do you think?"

Neji said, stretched out two hands and made a seal!

And his posture of forming a seal is a wind escape seal on his left hand and a fire escape seal on his right hand!

"That is to say... We must defeat the Xueji boundary with the Xueji boundary, what do you think?"

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