Naruto: I Will Never Go Offline

Chapter 600: Obliterate! difficult task

After Ningci left Wuyin Village, he hurried to the Land of Waves.

The journey was about an hour, Neji calculated the time from Jiraiya, maybe Zaibuzhan and Kakashi and the others had just met.

According to Neji's intuition, the relationship between Bai and Zaibuzhan may still need to be explored.

Especially if he doesn't cut it again, many of his behaviors are too weird. Maybe Bai has another meaning to him?

Or maybe he had other motives, all of which gave Neji a bad premonition.

But in the end, they were all enemies, no matter whether the world belonged to him or not, but Neji completely substituted himself into it.

The most important thing now is to complete the task of the system.

But when it comes to the task of the system...

"System! I've already gone to Wuyin to investigate? How?"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host! Complete the hidden mission: go to Wuyin Village to investigate!"


After three seconds of anticipation, Neji realized that there was silence, and sighed heavily.

Sure enough, there is really no reward!

Neji gritted his teeth, this is indeed a dreadful world!

Although the various subversive settings are quite interesting, Neji decided now that after all the tasks are completed, he must leave this world as quickly as possible!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden task and getting the reward: start the next hidden task immediately!"

"...Fuck you, why don't you reward me!"

Neji was in a cold sweat!

However, complaining is the best way to delay the power of prohibition in this world anyway, so there is no need for Neji to reject tasks that are not difficult.

Now the lowest limit of his own strength is probably hovering around the super shadow level, so when facing most tasks, it must be easy.

Moreover, Neji's IQ and experience are definitely not a 13-year-old boy. Counting the past life and present life, Neji has at least thirty or forty years of life experience.

And it's so bumpy and colorful, it's not even a BUG of Ningji's use of the system card.

For example, you can practice Rouquan, Baguazhang and Huitian up to 3,000 times a day in the real world, but using the bugs in the system and the spiritual realm, Neji can practice 300,000 times a day!

This greatly enriched Neji's experience, and now Neji is far beyond ordinary people in terms of physical strength and intelligence!

It's still easy to finish those broken tasks and make small troubles!

"The next hidden task is: Obliterate all members of the Akatsuki organization on the list!"

The sound of the system, at this moment, is like thunder.


Neji thought he had heard it wrong, and his eyes were completely different.

"Delete the list of members of the Akatsuki organization that I received from Jiraiya! You can complete this hidden mission and activate the next hidden mission!"


Neji continued on her way, Ling Lie's wind was blowing on her face!

I'm really afraid of what's coming. I just thought that the mission was all a little trouble, so I immediately gave myself such a big surprise?

Kill all four of them?

That is because there is no threat to the current Neji, and Neji can't feel the existence of the threat, so he suddenly received a request to kill them?

It's better to say if he doesn't cut it, now he is the enemy in the mission, and his body is indeed very hostile.

But what about the other three?

Granny Chiyo, Nozomi from Yunyin Village, and Chitu from Yanyin Village, the latter two are clearly teammates in the Ninja World War, Granny Chiyo is a senior that Neji respects very much, so they became the targets of his own obliteration?

Neji finally knew his weakness, which was unnecessary softness. Of course, he also fully knew how to restrain his weakness.

That is to ignore him for the time being! Regardless of whether he has so many or not, there must be a way for the car to the front of the mountain, and the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge!

The most important thing now is to rush to the battlefield, and since there is a task, do it, 1/4 of the task is also a task!

Let's talk about the other three, at least this is not to be cut, Neji has already decided...

Go and kill!

At this time, on the bridge.

Bai looked at the two who were trapped in the magic mirror ice crystal, still wearing his Anbu mask.

Under the mask, I couldn't see what the expression was.

But it must be a look of arrogance!

This is a great masterpiece of general moves!

No matter what Sasuke and Naruto can't understand!

The power of mystery! The essence of the escape technique!

"This is the boundary of the blood following... Bing Dun! It is the power that you cannot overcome." Bai murmured.

He couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Although it is a classmate, I have to tell you... Compared with the guy with the white-eyed yesterday, the two of you are really much weaker."

Bai, who had played against Ningji, clearly knew that Ningji was a very strong opponent, but the two in front of him were just **** who knew some bells and whistles.

"This guy...what is he going to do?"

When Naruto saw the white act, he immediately raised his vigilance.

Sasuke also nervously put his hand into the ninja bag.


He pulled out the kunai and threw it out.

With a "snap", Kuwu was in the air, but was caught by Bai and held it in his hand.

"How could it be!? My Kunwu was caught by her bare hands?"

Bai Leng snorted and said, "How naive, is this level of Kuwu also used to attack?"

Then, she said, "Then, it's my turn to attack next."

"call out"!

I saw that Bai walked into the ice crystals, and then, due to the effect of mirrors, they reflected each other, and all the mirrors projected Bai's figure!

"Is it a blindfold? Or a clone technique..."

Naruto immediately began to analyze, the ice escape technique in front of him was already incomprehensible, and there was even an ability similar to the miniature technique used in conjunction with it!


Sasuke opened the Sharinyan, although it was just a hook, but it was better than Naruto's observation ability.

"Naruto be careful, this guy should be planning to use these projections to attack us with thousands of hidden weapons!"

Naruto was startled when Sasuke reminded him in time.

Bai really quickened his speed and held the thousand books in his hand. "Bai" in all the scenes threw a thousand needles at the two people trapped in the magic mirror ice crystal!

Naruto didn't have time to think about it, and quickly concluded the seal!

"Wind Dun Gale Palm!"

"Buck, blah, blah"!

"Ding Ding Ding" ~

All the thousand copies were bounced off by Naruto's Gale Palm and scattered everywhere.

At this time, Sasuke also immediately formed the seal, and his speed of seal and Naruto opened a lot of awareness, but he also prepared his own skills during the period when Naruto was defending Shiro.

"Since it's ice, then just use fire to attack! As long as the ice is melted, there's no medium... your technique can't be activated! We won't be trapped!"

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

"Puff puff puff"! !

The fireball slammed away and attached to the ice mirror!

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