Naruto: I Will Never Go Offline

Chapter 448: lift! reincarnation

The sky outside was gradually getting dark.

This battle is protracted.

Even the sun has set, and the ninjas are still fighting to the death on the battlefield.

"Although the reasons for fighting ninjas are not noble, but like you, everyone wants to live desperately for the sake of their inner world."

After saying that, Neji let out a sigh of relief.

"Actually, the real world is not that bad, is it? As long as you face it bravely."

"Have you seen it before? My strength, I do things differently from Orochimaru, that's why Junmalu is willing to follow me. I won't force you, it's all up to you to choose. What did you choose? What kind of path will you get in the end. I'm just a person who puts a choice in front of you.

"It's up to you to choose or not to choose."

Tou took a deep breath.

For some reason, there was a throbbing in his heart!

That is to this white-eyed boy in front of him... No, now he is no longer the dull boy he used to be.

It's a young man who is sure to make waves in the ninja world.

And this person who caused the storm is different from himself, he is the one who can calm the storm!

Such people are the real "strong".

Tou let out a sigh of relief. He had never made such a decision that he thought was such a big deal. He had stumbled all the way in his life, from Konoha to Scorpion, to Orochimaru, to Akatsuki's Ah Fei.

Dou thought that he made the choice, but it was actually the change of the surrounding environment that made him choose and had to follow.

In front of him, he finally ushered in another free choice.

"Then, if I follow you, will you really be willing to give me a place to live so that I can find the meaning of my existence?"

The corner of Dou's mouth trembled slightly, such a decision could not be done!

"The place where you live is given by yourself, and the meaning of existence is also determined by yourself. I will give you anything, and all the atonement depends on you. Do you know?"

Neji sighed.

He really didn't expect Dou's heart to be so stubborn that he was driven to a dead end. Dou still clings to his inner territory and is unwilling to let go.

He had to say again bitterly: "There are many weak ninjas in this world, and now you are already a strong man above the shadow level. Why would you say that you want me to give you the meaning of existence? Are all the weak in this world? Is the existence of the powerful defined by the strong? How to exist depends on you, even if you want to be a heinous bad person, you must have enough reasons in your heart. Just experienced an unbearable blow, Sinking down and hurting innocent people heartlessly is really a sign of the weak."

Neji turned around dashingly, no longer looking at his pockets.

"I can only say that now I really lack a ninja who is good at espionage. That's all."

Looking at Neji's arrogant face, Ino, who was not far away, couldn't help but chuckle.

"Dou, Neji is just embarrassed to invite you, don't think about it so much~"

Ino said with a smile, Neji narrowed his eyes and glared at Ino.

Ino smiled secretly, she swore that she had never seen Neji so arrogant.

"I understand."

After pondering for a long time, he finally made up his mind.

Start printing.


"The Reincarnation of Dirty Earth!"


The powerful light illuminated the entire cave. Ino looked up blankly and looked around. The light illuminated the surroundings beautifully.


Seaside battlefield.

Ding Zu is fighting against Bai Jue.

The Four Purple Flame Formation, which was assembled and released by the four Konoha Junin, trapped Kato Duan firmly in it.


Suddenly, the body began to erode, and the soul began to escape keenly.

"Is it a spiritualization technique again? Be sure to maintain a good formation! Don't let Brother Duan come out! His technique is too troublesome! Don't let your guard down easily!"

Ding Zuo immediately commanded.

And because of the trouble of the hand of the little flowers, it is extremely difficult to seal the seal, so under all kinds of difficulties, I came up with such a desperate solution.

After Neji came here, the pressure on the battlefield was already low enough, so everything was done carefully.

"Ding Zuo, don't be so careful. This time, it doesn't seem to be controlled, it's the reincarnation of the dirty earth... It's lifted."

"Removed? Really?"

All the ninjas were surprised, and watched Duan Kato's soul ascend to heaven.

"It's true, it seems that the ninja reincarnated in the dirty earth has been defeated, and some people have used some means to release him from the reincarnation of the dirty earth. No wonder I said that the control over us is getting weaker and weaker, it seems that there has been a lot of experience there. battle..."

Kato Dan said, and then fell into contemplation.

"Tian Ren, is that you?"

He slowly ascended to the sky, and the four Konoha Junin finally unraveled the formation.

"Ninja, Four Purple Flames, Solution!"

Everyone watched blankly, except for Duan, the souls of other ninjas who were reincarnated in the filthy earth slowly ascended to heaven.

And those ninjas who were sealed, because the sealing technique is not a special sealing technique to seal the soul, so after the reincarnation of the dirty earth is lifted, the souls float to the sky.

Only the body is sealed, and the soul is released one after another.

"Brother Broken..."

Ding Zuo stared blankly at Duan, the figure in the sky.

At this moment, all the battlefields lit up with this kind of fire.


"Is it Neji? It must be..."

The medical team, Haruno Sakura was wearing a ninja of the medical team, mumbling a guess.

And in front of him, was controlled by the moonlight blast.

"Teacher Hurricane, it seems that the reincarnation of the dirty earth is over!"


Beside Sakura was Yuzuki Yuyan in the uniform of the Ninja Allied Forces.

"Xiyan, it seems that the power of justice has arrived, so I can rest in peace."


Xi Yan gritted her teeth, unable to hold back her inner reluctance.


The spirit body of Gale flew quickly and hugged Xiyan gently.

There were tears in Xi Yan's eyes.

Sakura on the side showed a diligent smile.

Afterwards, the white light around them bloomed again, and all the ninjas who were reincarnated by the dirt began to erode their bodies and liberate their souls.


"Finally, free."

In the forest battlefield, the sealed ninja swords seven people also slowly drifted away their souls.

Sakai was panting, and was about to seal the tricky Sand Ninja Village Shinobu Park in front of him, but saw that her body could no longer recover, and her soul ascended to the sky.

"Looks like you're lucky this time! Boy!"

Parker chuckled lightly, not knowing whether he was really unwilling or whether he was secretly happy.


Desert battlefield.

Madara Uchiha is fighting against the powerhouses sent by the headquarters to support him.

"Lei Dun · Lei I Bomb!"

Ye Yue Oi finally seized the opportunity, picked up Mottle, and fell heavily.


With a loud noise, the land quickly opened.

But it's all desert, and it quickly recovers.

And Susanoo around Madara's body remained firm.


Tsunade came quickly and punched hard.


"Susanoo is broken? You can do it! The boy of Hasuma!"

"Dust Escape: The Art of Peeling the Realm!"

"call out"!

A strong light swept away everything in front of him.

"Yo Xi, this is the last Mu Dun clone!"

With the cooperation of the three shadow levels, they finally solved all the wooden Dun avatars and looked towards the highest point.

Madara landed quickly, and Neji, who was trembling with him, was already exhausted, and murmured, "Looks like my mission ends here."


Neji's shadow clone instantly dissipated.

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