Naruto: I Will Never Go Offline

Chapter 380: by me! take over the battlefield


A figure was first pushed out by a powerful force, accompanied by a scream.

"Ah - Neji, what is this place?!"

I screamed in surprise every day, and I realized that there was a vast ocean in front of me!


During the time I spent in Miaomu Mountain every day, my cultivation was also fruitful. I immediately reacted and took out a scroll.


She clenched the chain that was channeled from the scroll, threw it out quickly, and attacked Ah Fei!

Ah Fei immediately stepped back to avoid the attack, but the chain went straight towards the stone cliff beside the sea, and a hook slammed into the stone wall.

As soon as Tiantian gritted his teeth and pulled it quickly, the whole person was pulled over by the automatically retracting rope and jumped straight over Ah Fei.

But Ah Fei didn't care, and stared straight at the handsome young man who emerged from the "Huangquan Hirazaka".

Do not……

Not a teenager.

Time has changed, and it has been three years at a time.

Since a certain time point has passed, Ah Fei has never felt the flow of time, even if it is said that the time in this world is still, it is not an exaggeration.

But every time he sees this person in front of him, he can feel how profound the baptism that time has left on this person.

Although he himself may not feel this way.

... Neji Hyuga!

Ningji stepped down and actually floated straight in the air!

"There's nothing abnormal about the white eyes, you who don't have Samsara can actually master the power of the blood snares, I'm really surprised." Ah Fei said to Ningci.

Seeing Neji appear, Shikamaru and Tarui both breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ningji, where have you been during this time? Why..." Shikamaru was a little emotional, because during the time when Neji was away, Tsunade woke up and asked Shikamaru to replace Neji's accusation. Shikamaru was stumped.

During this time, he almost hollowed himself out to stabilize the general situation, and now that Neji appeared, he finally had time to catch his breath.

"I'm sorry, I went to Miaomu Mountain to find something I needed, and now... this battlefield is officially taken over by me!"

Ningci chuckled, slowly fell, stepped on the sea surface, and then floated up and down.

"Have you... got the eye of reincarnation?"

Ningci squinted the white eyes that had become purer and brighter, and saw the combination of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye and Samsara eye under A Fei's mask, this guy really knows how to play!

Ah Fei chuckled: "Hehe... With the addition of the eight-tailed octopus leg and the nine-tailed chakra on the golden horn and the silver horn, the plan can barely be implemented. Hyuga Neji, your appearance really disturbed me once. After thinking about it, I felt that the plan could not be carried out, but now it seems that you still failed to stop me after all."

He used to be very afraid of Neji, but now, it doesn't matter.

The chakras from one tail to nine tails are all gathered, and the unlimited monthly reading plan is close at hand!

And Neji didn't make a move, he knew that the current Ah Fei was stronger than before, so all attacks must be in vain.

"Did you... deliberately lead me to the country of iron and let me fall into the trap of Otsutsuki? Have you already investigated Otsutsuki?"

Neji asked curiously.

In the original work, Uchiha Obito never reached this level.

But with the emergence of oneself, many things will inevitably appear butterfly effect, and the subtle contrast is also reasonable.

But Ah Fei just chuckled: "Who knows..."

Neji frowned. If that's the case, then it's unknown how far this guy's plan for Infinite Monthly Reading will go.

"However, I'm glad you can come back and witness the moment when I transcend the sky. Neji Hyuga, I've... surpassed you."

Ah Fei sneered slightly, his voice chilling.

Only when facing Neji Hyuga will Ah Fei find it interesting. Unlike facing those ignorant fools, Ah Fei knows that Neji Hyuga can thoroughly perceive how dangerous what he is doing, so he smiles. will be close to insanity.

Smiling, he began to condense a little, intending to transfer.

"Don't think about it!"

The shadow passed quickly, the transfer failed, and Ah Fei leaped into the air.

Shikamaru shouted: "As expected, the secret is above the eyes, which is similar to Kakashi-sensei's Sharinjutsu. It's all time-space ninjutsu. So he has to spend time moving himself. But you don't need to dodge damage. So as long as you grab all the cracks in him, he won't be able to escape!"

After landing, Ah Fei looked unhappy, and even under the mask, one could feel his disdain.

"Are you so confident?"

Shikamaru chuckled and said, "Otherwise, why don't you transplant two reincarnation eyes?"

A Fei was shocked and his body trembled slightly.

Although this Shikamaru's combat IQ is at best an elite level, his strategic analysis is simply the best he has ever seen in his life.

And now there is a top-level combat power like Hyuga Neji. When they are combined, they are simply invincible. Now there is no reason to entangle them here.

Ah Fei stepped back and said, "I don't have time to spend it with you..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a kunai flew over again.

The blur escaped, and another chain hammer was swung close to it.

"...Is it finished?" A Fei turned his head.

I saw that Tian Tian had already taken out a large scroll and quickly sealed it.

"Tools, Heavenly Lock Disaster!"

With a "bang", the scroll became huge and floated in the sky.

"Ningji, take a good look at my training results!" Tian Tian gritted his teeth and muttered to himself.

"Enough, every day."

Neji sighed and stopped.

Tian Tian was startled and looked at Ningji curiously.

"This guy has already decided to leave, so don't stop him. If you can't reach his other dimension, there's no way to stop this guy."

Neji's calm words completely shocked Ah Fei.

" bastard!"

Neji chuckled, but said nothing.

I'm afraid Ah Fei would never have imagined that Neji could actually know the secrets contained in his tricks! And Neji also knew that without Kakashi's help, even using Huangquan Hirazaka, he would not be able to reach Fei's different dimension.

All in vain.


A Fei immediately retreated and quickly closed the seal.

Over there, the roar of the outsider golem became more and more shocking.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo"...

Both Tarui and Shikamaru looked over, and Tian Tian muttered, "What kind of guy is that? Immortal beast?"

Tian Tian immediately thought of the spider queen I saw in Miaomu Mountain. Although this outlander golem is not as huge as the spider queen, it is not at the level of ordinary psychic beasts to have such power in this world, right?

"Hehe, Neji Hyuga, this is a gift for you. Farewell for now."

Ah Fei is still hostile to Neiji. Although he is jealous of Neiji's strength, he seems to be brewing a big plan.

"Now we are the real enemy..."

He was sucked into the vortex, and Neji only muttered, "I never thought of you as an ally."

Neji looked over there, and the person behind him said in horror, "It's amazing, a psychic beast of this level is simply not something that humans can deal with..."

Neji said, "'s time for me to appear."

I saw the torn seam appearing, and Neji disappeared immediately!

"Let's go too! There are more than just outsider golems..." Xi said.

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