Naruto: I Will Never Go Offline

Chapter 342: reason! it has to be you

"Mr. Kai really said it well, as expected of Mr. Kai!!"

Afterwards, Xiao Li was also moved. In the afterglow of the evening, the two were like two old people who regained their confidence, and the sunset was red.

And Tiantian just sighed and murmured: "If only Neji was here, it's really torturous to carry out the task with the two of you alone..."

Dragging heavy steps every day, step by step past the two with poss.

Matekai and Xiao Li raised their eyebrows, embarrassed.

Passing over them every day, looking at the road ahead, under the setting sun, many Konoha villagers are still working hard to build a bridge.

The workers had already turned on the lights in advance, and the setting sun was far from half the sky.

No matter how bad it is, it will take most of the day before the sun goes down, but the workers are already ready to work at night. This scene is indeed very moving.

However, the only thing left in my heart every day is helplessness.

Behind him, Matekai and Xiao Li, looking at Tian Tian's helplessness to act alone, they also looked at each other and shook their heads, and followed Tian Tian slowly dragging their feet.

Walking behind Tiantian, Xiao Li sighed.

"Ever since I knew the news of Neji's disappearance in the Iron Country, after that, as long as I hear the news of Neji every day, it will be like this."

"No, it wasn't like that at first."

Matekai denied Xiao Li's statement and began to recall.

"At that time, Tian Tian went to the Iron Country with Neji and Ino. According to Tian Tian, ​​Neiji had already won the championship at that time, but it is said that the prize of the sword dance was the one named Zhenling Zhi. The wine and sword of the sword need to be dissipated overnight on the attic of the Iron Country, otherwise the huge energy that has been suppressed for more than a thousand years will leave the Iron Country and cause a very turbulent situation.”

Kai said and stopped.

And Xiao Li naturally knew this part, and continued: "So I don't know who the mysterious person was at that time. I only know that in an instant, everything disappeared. Everything in front of me, that enemy, Neji, Ino All three of them disappeared. Only the sword of Shukari Taito was left. It is said that the sword was also taken away by the enemy during the chaos, and Neji was never seen again every day after that."

"Since then, for a period of time, Tiantian has been looking for news about Neji. As soon as he hears the news, Tiantian will go to find it in person. The number of times he was fooled was less than a hundred times, and then he just gave up. It's like hope. It takes two years to panic..."

When Kai said this, Xiao Li suddenly realized the same thing.

"I understand, it must be those villagers who told Tiantian again that Ningci has returned to the village!?"

"Idiot, how did you understand!? Every day for the past two years, it's only when I think of Neji that I can enter such a state, okay? You bastard..."

"However, what if Ning Cijun really came back?" Xiao Li said with an aggrieved look as he continued to walk.

Metkay glared at him and said, "Nonsense! How is it possible! How many times have we confirmed such fake news, and even if Neji came back, those villagers would never know about it!"

Matekai was talking happily, the two of them were almost in a state, and immediately stopped.

"Tian Tian, ​​what are you doing!"

Matekai stopped quickly, but raised his head, what he saw was not Tian Tian, ​​but the face of a handsome man.

"What am I? You are walking too slowly!"

Tian Tian in front didn't look back, while Matekai and Xiao Li widened their eyes and looked at each other again.

"Really, really? Is it really you? Neji?"

Matekai's voice trembled, and Xiao Li was even more shocked.

And Tian Tian in front of him fell into the guilt of failing to find any clues because of the "fake news" given by the villagers. At this moment, when he heard Matekai mention Neji, he finally couldn't help it.

"What is Neji, Neji! Talking all day long that Neji is endless, and Neji won't come back! Never come back again!"

Tian Tian gritted his teeth and turned his head angrily.

However, the figure between her, Matekai and Xiao Li made her heart tremble.

Neji turned her head with a smile, just like the heartwarming young man two years ago, instantly melting Tiantian's heart.

"Are you okay? Every day."

Neji smiled.

And Tiantian, was stunned, speechless.


In the tavern by the road, pedestrians are in a hurry.

The four of them sat facing each other, Tian Tian, ​​who was sitting next to Ningci, and Matekai's master and apprentice, who were facing Ningci.

Neji was a little embarrassed to be seen, and after a long time, he sighed heavily.

"What the **** happened to me? Is it so good-looking?"

Then a few people stayed there, not responding to Neji, as if they were not used to Neji appearing in front of them at all.

"Two years later, Neji is really getting more and more handsome..." Xiao Li said secretly to Matekai.

However, Matekai frowned and said contemptuously: "No, Xiao Li, you can't be handsome without wearing our training tights. You can only say that you are handsome. You can only be considered handsome when you wear our special tights!"

Tian Tian asked, "So where have you been in the past two years? Neji."

Ningci glanced at Tiantian and said, "Want to know? If you know, you can accompany me to a place."

"To a place? Where?"

"You'll know when you go. The war is about to start, and I also need to do something. It just so happened that I didn't take you on missions before, so this time I have a chance."

Neji gave a charming smile.

Tian Tian's heart moved, and sure enough, even after so long, she would still be touched by Neji to the most precious place in her heart.

"But why me? What about Ino? You said just now that Ino has been with you for the past two years..."

Speaking of this every day, it seems a little wronged, but she is also a good friend with Ino, and soon feels happy for Ino again.

"And no matter how bad it is, you also have Xianglin. Xianglin is so powerful that you almost became the head of the medical department. In addition, the two of them, Kuroto and Yuki, are also your subordinates, Neji, I..."

"But, you are my teammate. Is that enough reason?"

Neji smiled.

Tian Tian was stunned, not knowing what to say.

"Furthermore, I have to ask you about this matter. Don't ask why. Anyway, I won't let you suffer. This trip may also be a practice for you."

After Neji said, he stood up.

Looking at Neji's seriousness, Tian Tian's heart was rippling.

This man always looked relaxed, but his heart was full of ambition, which was something that Tian Tian admired Neji very much.

She was being moved by the two masters and apprentices in green tights over there, but they were sneaky and didn't know what they were whispering.

"Really, just look at Tiantian and ignore us at all..."

"Yeah yeah, it looks like we're just spare tires, scumbags!..."

Neji's eyes twitched, and she glanced at them both helplessly.

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