Naruto: I Will Never Go Offline

Chapter 314: Black hand! Urasaki reproduction

His heart trembled slightly.

From a selfish point of view, there is nothing wrong with what Ino said.

There is very little understanding of the whirlpool clan now. What happened to the disaster a few years ago... In fact, at that time, the whirlpool clan already existed in name only.

It's just that neither the country of vortex nor the village of vortex tide has been completely annihilated, but this time the annihilation is so wide-ranging and the purpose is so clear.

Why is there only one blood-killing **** in that mysterious place? Something must have happened before...

And since Neji has been able to be so clear and feel the approach of the guy's figure this time, the more it can be proved that the face of the two murderers is not the same person.

"Forget it, even if we want to investigate the past, we can't use history all the time, right?" Neji said.

Ino was slightly startled.

Neji turned back and looked at Ino tenderly: "This is what we promised to Elder Shenyue, and about the matter about the whirlpool firefly, don't affect her life. She will live very happily, and it is also Uncle Rizhong's. Mother. Let's not bother anymore."

Ino stared blankly at Ningji for a long time, then came back to his senses and exhaled.

The perfect man in front of him is really impeccable. At this moment, he must always keep in mind his promise with others!


A huge chakra was approaching, making Ino feel a huge wind blowing in his ears.


My mind started to "buzz", and this inexplicable pressure made my heart tighten.

"Ningji, he's here!"

After Ino finished speaking, Neji turned sideways and nodded slightly.

"Ah, I know."

Then, the two looked in the same direction together.

I saw a figure, dressed in white, leisurely drifting over here.

That person is the one who brought the two to this era, the Otsutsukiura style!

I saw that his eyes were glowing with a leisurely light at this time, and Neji's white eyes began to glow with the same light.

The Otsutsuki Kiura-style left and right hands each carried a corpse, and when they floated in the air, they appeared to be in an effortless appearance and state.

He flew slowly, and said leisurely, "I said what kind of person has such power, and has the same eyes as me... What's the origin of you boy?"

After Pu Shi finished speaking, he opened his mouth and smiled, then snorted coldly.


He had already threw the two corpses in his hand towards Ningci and Ino respectively, and Ningci only published two books.

"Bang, bang", the two corpses fell to the ground and each rolled twice.

"This! This is..."

Ino was taken aback and covered his mouth with his hand, unable to believe it.

And Neji was even more surprised, because the two corpses in front of him were the second generation of water shadows he had seen before - Ghost Lantern Huanyue, and the second generation of soil shadows - Wu!

Neji looked at Otsutsuki Mokura-shi who was floating in midair in surprise, and asked, "You bastard, killed them both?"

Otsutsuki Mokura-style shrugged: "I've been searching this country for so long by myself, with no results. I've always known that there are such two guys fighting there. I thought at least one of them would die. I'll go back then. Just kill the other person... Who knows, these two guys have been fighting for so long without a winner, and both of them have spent almost the same amount of chakra. I kindly helped them and let them hurry up Just leave this world as you wish."

Pu Shi's words seemed so interesting, and it underlined how disdainful he was about having two lives in his hands.

And he is different from Neji because he has no position.

Just because of his own mood, he can take a life at will, such a person...

No, he is not human.

At this moment, Neji was a little unhappy with Pu Shi's emotions.

However, Neji still had to rely on Pu Shi to return to the original time, so he would definitely not underestimate the enemy's carelessness.

"I remember... Those two people are the second generation of water shadow and the second generation of soil shadow? One of them is called the strongest water shadow ever, and the other is called the strongest soil shadow ever. Such a strong guy, why He gave it to..."

Ino didn't want to understand why, because she hadn't seen Uraishi's hands completely.

But Neji knew clearly because he could feel the real strength level of the guy in front of him once he made a move.

"Destroy the home of the whirlpool family, the mastermind behind all this, is it you? Otsutsuki Mokura style."

Neji asked.

Pu Shi's mouth twitched: "You guy, it really surprised me. Follow me to this era, and you are still alive now! And... your white eyes... hehe!"

"Although I don't know how you got the eyes of our clan, but the people under your planet will eventually surrender to the feet of my Otsutsuki clan! Ha ha ha!"

He smiled and held out his hand.

He squeezed out a bright red ball in his hand, and quickly headed towards the corpses of the second generation of Tsuchikage and the second generation of water shadows.

"call out"!

"The powerhouse in this world? Don't be kidding, it's really vulnerable!" Otsutsukiura-style enjoyed the joy of victory.

"Back to the days!"


The huge energy blocked the blow, and Neji's figure appeared in front of the two corpses, protecting the last two shadows from covering their faces.

"Oh why……"

The corner of Otsutsuki Mokura's mouth twitched, and he looked at Neji curiously.

Neji, on the other hand, looked indifferent, took a few steps forward, and walked to the open space in the woods.

Otsutsuki Mokura-style asked: "If I remember correctly, there should be countless grudges between you, the big country in the ninja world and the big country? Why are you, as a person from another country, for these two people who are not relatives and not friends? Where's the shot? You don't look like someone who's acting out of his temper...hehe..."

Neji said indifferently: "But when facing a foreigner like you, we just want to be unanimous."

Pu Shi was startled.

He smiled: "Huh? So, are you really strong?"

After all, he chuckled lightly and was about to act.

But in an instant, he saw that several blood-red lines appeared on Ningci's face, shuttled between Ningci's face, looking ancient and mysterious.

"What kind of power is this...? It feels very dangerous..."

Pu Shi narrowed his eyes and muttered.

Neji, on the other hand, had already turned on the immortal mode, and he used all his strength after a long absence.

"It's a pity, although I don't want to admit it, but you are indeed the only one so far who can make me look forward to the next battle!"


The voice just fell! A light flashed!

Neji has disappeared!

"So fast!"


Pu Shi floated back and said with a smile: "It's very strong! Is the speed of movement so fast that the air is shaking!?"

"Soft Boxing Technique Bagua Palm!"

"call out"!

The sound of breaking the air passed by his ears, Pu Shi widened his eyes, but because he was also the purest white eye, he reacted to the limit and dodged.

And after Neji swiped his palm past him...


The huge power expanded dramatically, involving Uraishi in it and knocking him off with one blow!

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