Naruto: I Will Never Go Offline

Chapter 264: Fight back! sun chakra

The Hyuga Tianshou in front of him slowly stood up, still scarred.

His whole body meridians slowly began to burn until they healed and recovered.

"This is... the ability of the vortex family? But it's not his own, but someone is using it secretly..."

Neji narrowed his eyes slightly, why would someone in the Hyuga clan use the abilities of the Uzumaki clan? Does this have anything to do with Hyuga Sunaka, who both belong to the Hyuga clan and the Uzumaki clan?

But Neji couldn't look back. He knew in his heart that he had been hit by a forbidden technique.

"Forbidden Technique · Breath of Yellow Spring. Hehe..."

Neji now only has consciousness to move, and his entire body has been completely restrained, unable to move even a little bit, even to breathe.

Staying in this state for a long time can even send people directly to hell.

Judging from Hyuga Tenshou, who is still in a state of embarrassment and lack of strength, it is the guy from the Uzumaki clan who is using this ability, right?

It's really amazing, to have mastered so many special abilities, but Neji is very interested in that person's identity.

And the person behind him continued to exert pressure, and Neji felt that his situation was becoming more and more delicate.

Duan Kato, who was in the audience, frowned, turned and ran away.


The dense forest of the secluded path stretches out, inside the small courtyard.

Sun Xiang Tianren, who was sitting quietly looking at the clouds in the sky, had woken up.

Kato Dan ran in and saw Hinata Tennin sitting inside.

"Brother Tianren, go watch the game!"

Tenren seemed to have no spirit and turned around.

"Not interested in."

"Brother Tianren, even if you don't go, this matter will eventually happen. Even if that big brother doesn't play in your place, or if Hyuga Tianshou wins in the end, Master Shenyue will still sacrifice!"


Tian Ren lowered his head and pretended to be busy.

"Could it be that Master Shenyue is going through an incomparable torment at this time. He wants to pass on his life-long skills to you, not the left-wing forces that split up the family! Don't you care?"

Kato Dan's roar made Tennin calm down a little.

Although he didn't speak, he swallowed.

After a long time, he said indifferently: "The person who replaced me is very strong, he will definitely win the Tianshou guy."

"No, I'm about to lose."


Kato Dan's answers and worries finally touched Tennin.

"Aren't you really going to take a look?"

After only a few seconds of hesitation, Tenren stood up and rushed into the house without saying a word.

After a while, he put on a black cloak, wrapped himself tightly, and rushed out first.

"I'll go first, you follow!"


Duan Kato immediately followed.

They all had a bad premonition.


At this time, Neji was imprisoned in the field.

It took a lot of work for Hyuga Tenshou to restore his state.

The people in the field were a little surprised, and they were amazed.

"What the **** is this situation, is Tian Ren being controlled?"

"Is this the means of Tianshu? When did this child become so strong?"

Obviously, at this time, there are very few people who can reach this forbidden technique in their eyes.

Moreover, those who knew the truth, except for Shenyue, were almost all on the side of the Tianshou.

And Shenyue happened to know the existence of this forbidden technique, but she couldn't intervene, because letting Neji replace Tianren in the competition, she already hoped that nothing would happen.

Otherwise, the split family will completely control the Sun Xiang family, and what Shenyue will learn will not be guaranteed.

Besides, the reason why everyone couldn't have the slightest suspicion of Neji was because those elders had their eyes on Shenyue.

Shenyue, naturally, there is no chance to make a move.

"Hmph, it's really insidious."

Neji said silently, already looking indifferently at the Tianshou who wanted to attack him.

"If there is no way, can we only expose the matter?"

Neji broke free of this technique, but in this case, it will inevitably cause the elders to doubt himself, and he must do things that match the strength of Sun Xiang Tianren as much as possible!

The mysterious person behind that person seems to be really powerful, and the degree of freedom in using this forbidden technique is far higher than that of the Hyuga Tianmu and the Hyuga Tianshou.

At this time, in the corner behind, Ino Eyeball looked around and found the spot.

"Is it that person? That's right, such a strange Chakra is so blatant!"

She made her seal and aimed it at the man.

"Ninja, the art of turning the heart!"


The spirit rushed out, but it seemed to be resisted by something.


The mysterious man in the red cloak was stunned, as if he was interrupted by something, but he disappeared.

Ino came back to his senses and murmured, "Such a tenacious soul? But that's enough, come on, Neji!"

"how come……"

At this time, Tennin and Kato Duan, who were wearing capes, ran over, and when they saw Neji who was imprisoned, they were about to say something.

However, he was surprised to find that Neji had recovered his breath.

"go to hell!"

Tianshou condensed his palms for a long time, put them together, and struck Ningji.

"Baguazhang·Breaking the Mountain!"

This palm went out, and the whole audience was shocked.

"Breaking the Mountain? This guy really is a genius!"

"I can actually learn to break the mountain! Is that guy really separated?!"

The huge palms were combined, and the Tianshou grinned strangely, and victory was close at hand!


Neji's mouth twitched and he muttered, "Thank you, Ino."

He is now able to control his body freely, but it is too late to use the moves that can be resisted. For a while, he can only explode the existing chakra in his body.

"Sorry, borrow your Chakra."

"Ichio, Shouhe!"

"Two tails and cats again!"

"Five Tails, King Mu!"

"Yawei · Bull Ghost!"

"Nine Tails, Kurama!"

A fiery chakra burst out from Neji's body.

"How do you feel?"

Although Tianshou played confidently with his palm, he received a steady stream of energy, and it seemed as if he was approaching a huge fireball, approaching... the sun!

"What's the matter? This this the sun?"

Neji only slightly blocked with a palm, and the chakra became hot, just because of the huge amount of chakra, it almost swallowed all the palm power of Hyuga Tianshou.

"Soft fist!"

Ningci rolled his eyes and slammed away with a precise palm. With the help of the chakra temporarily gifted by the tail beast, he blocked the mountain-breaking blow that had been condensed for a long time, and even gave it a color.


The huge backlash devoured all the chakras of Hyuga Tianshou, and the whole person was pushed into the endless abyss by the power of Neji.

"Boom boom boom"!


Tianshou gritted his teeth and roared, trying to resist with all his strength, but this time, it was completely different from the previous Hixiang Tianren, he seemed to have grown too much!

The Hyuga Tenshou has been completely... unstoppable!

Tianshou was knocked back, knocked over the railing of the ring, smashed the railing, and fell from above.

This competition, at this moment, has ended!

Neji slapped his palm away, backed away, and turned his head to look.

At the chaotic moment when some people in the audience were surprised and some people exclaimed, there was a figure who hurriedly fled away in a cape.

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