Naruto: I Will Never Go Offline

Chapter 231: Taboo! Turn reality into a dream


Yuexia defeated the second move, and his inner defense line had been defeated.

Next came the third move, which made him even more unbearable.

Because of the third move, Neji didn't mean to be cautious at all, and just came straight at him!

What contempt this is, Yuexia can't allow herself to be looked down upon like this and fight back hard.

The gas of a huge blade erupted from the two short daggers, and the momentum was amazing.

And Neji just twitched the corner of his mouth, the blue veins in his white eyes wrinkled.

Then, the whole person disappeared in front of Yuexia.


While Yuexia was still hesitating, a gust of cold air passed through his chest.



He subconsciously shouted, and the whole person was knocked down by a huge sword energy, as if he was tripped by a trap, all the offensive turned into nothingness, and tumbled forward.

On the other hand, Neji appeared in front of Danzo unharmed, ignoring Moonlight who fell behind him and gnawed at the mud.

"It's over, what else do you want?" Neji looked at Danzo indifferently.

The so-called "beating the dog to see the owner," Ningji didn't take Yuexia into his eyes at all, and went straight to face Danzo.

Seeing his gloomy and stinky face that he didn't dare to attack easily, Neji felt extremely relieved.


Behind him, Yuexia stood up angrily and clenched his fists.

Ningci frowned slightly, feeling an angry aura coming from behind him, his body moved, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Can it be killed? Yes, Danzo's lackeys, if you're not happy, kill them!

Inside Neji's clothes, the Thor's Sword next to him, the sinister aura in it was encouraging him to kill.

"Go back, Yuexia, you lost." Danzang opened his mouth, and Neji exhaled, showing an indifferent expression.

Unexpectedly, this old fox of Danzang is quite trustworthy. If he loses, he loses.

"If that's the case, let your **** go. I'll continue to practice swords after I'm done." Neji said.

Danzo gave a wicked smile, the corners of his mouth twitched, and his face suddenly turned hideous.

"He lost to you, but I haven't..."

In Danzo's eyes, the fiery fighting intent made Neji feel a great deal of malice.


Although there was an old fox-like heat in front of him, Neji was unmoved.

"So, the legendary Danzo-sama, are you going to start a fight with a junior of mine today?"

Ningji raised his eyebrows, but he wasn't afraid of Danzang's actions, he just wanted to show his last face.

"Hehe, boy, you do have crazy capital. But you'd better take it easy with this old man."

Neji narrowed his eyes slightly and saw Danzo's hand moving with his cane.

There was a subtle change in the atmosphere. Although the crutches were still under gravity, Neji could tell that Danzo was eager to throw away the crutches immediately and let the show begin.

"So, what do you want? I don't think you're stupid enough to let me join the root organization, do you?"

Neji asked.

Danzang snorted: "When you fall, even if I want your life, you can't refuse!"

Danzo's words are extremely arrogant.

Even so, Neji remained unmoved.

Danzang was shocked and murmured, "Your determination really doesn't belong to your age."

Neji said: "Then, if I win, you will give me all the information you have, right? This is also for the sake of the village. You should have a lot of information about Orochimaru."

And Danzo widened his eyes and left in an instant!


He punched down and was caught by Neji steadily.


The crutches fell to the ground, and Danzo stared at Neji: "Boy, I want to tell you... you have no chance of winning!"

"How do you know if you don't try?" Neji outlined a confident smile.

Then slapped it down!


A huge airflow rose, and the smoke lingered around!


The huge wind and dust rushed towards Ningci, and Ningci quickly retreated more than ten meters.

This is a field for practicing swordsmanship, so it is very spacious, and Neji has retreated to the edge.

"Wind Escape, Vacuum Wave!"


Several gigantic wind blades that changed from the wind attribute chakra form flew towards Ningji, swiping through the surrounding trees in the air, and all the values ​​passed by fell down!

On Neji's face, black lines appeared directly!

"Is this your immortal mode? It's the same as Jirai..." Danzo looked at the changes in Neji ahead, and Chakra's feeling was also a qualitative improvement.


With one palm down, huge ripples swayed in the air, and all the flying vacuum jade was destroyed by one palm!

Standing in the same place, Danzo frowned slightly and said with emotion: "The destructive power is amazing. Ordinary techniques seem to have no effect on you."

Neji, on the other hand, stood there, surrounded by a mist of extremely high concentration of chakra.

"To deal with an enemy like you, you still have to deal with it seriously from the beginning..."

Neji narrowed his eyes slightly and frowned.

Danzo groaned and smiled contentedly.

Then he made a seal with one hand, untied the seal on the heavy object on his hand, and began to remove the metal seal on his right arm.

After disassembly, the weird milky white color and rough texture on the arm are terrifying, especially that arm... The writing wheel eyes that are slowly opening are terrifying!

"It's great for you to have this kind of awareness, and I'm going to be serious next time."

And Ningji was not surprised when he saw this arm, he knew that Danzang was extremely ruthless.

Ningci sneered and said, "Please don't misunderstand me. I'm going to take you seriously, not because you're strong,'re not worthy of my eyes at all!"


In an instant, it was like lightning!


Danzo took a step back, as if he didn't expect Neji's speed to be so fast.

He frowned and looked around, wary of an attack that could come at any time.


A palm appeared in front of him, and Ningci's resolutely indifferent face appeared, and the palm came with thunder and lightning, hitting the position of his chest and heart heavily!

And Neji's whole body was also covered by lightning, and the whole body was activated, this palm completely repelled Danzo.

Danzang flew out, Ningji closed his palm again, and the fire-red thunder in his palm shone.

Danzo widened his eyes and gritted his teeth: "Thunder and lightning armor? The activation of the strongest body... and also integrated into the fire escape, it's really amazing!"


With one palm away, it is like a modern anti-aircraft radar gun, maximizing damage at close range!


Danzo was wiped out, not even the scum left, and Neji's lightning armor slowly dissipated. This move almost used up all the chakras that Neji had condensed.


This palm can be regarded as releasing his resentment towards Danzo.

But the next moment, in front of him, Danzo stood there safe and sound.

Neji narrowed his eyes slightly and murmured, "Izanagi, he can transform the reality he sees into a dream. Even if he is fatally wounded, he can reproduce the scene before his death. It is indeed a tricky ability."

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