Naruto: I Will Never Go Offline

Chapter 220: madman! undead monster


The figure in front of him landed heavily, and Neji pulled out the cock.

There was blood on it slowly, and his eyes were cold.

Immediately, he took a few steps back.


A heat flowed through his mind, followed by endless coldness.

Bloodthirsty, manic, impatient.

Such emotions and complex feelings are very rare.

The star's ultimate yin power is so terrifying. Neji felt that the star's clothes on his chest exuded the yin attribute of chakra. Fortunately, it was a pure yang fairy body, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

Even so, Neji couldn't resist the killing intent just now, and released all the chills in this action.

One shot to kill, in order to release all the cold in an instant, so as to give yourself a buffer time.

"It's amazing, Ning Cijun, is this the precision of the white eye? The sword stabbed the heart and pierced the largest area... One blow kills you!"

Xianglin took a deep breath, and when he sighed at Neji's superb swordsmanship, he had completely forgotten the icy aura that Neji was exuding at the moment.

The next moment, the two were stunned in unison.

" hurts, do you know that?"

Neji took two steps back, while Xianglin's eyes widened, unable to believe what she heard.

I saw the fallen body in front of him, slowly moving his hands, then climbed up with difficulty, and covered his heart with his hands.

"Impossible! The heart has obviously been..."

Xianglin finally took a step back after realizing it, and looked at the dead person in front of him, standing up so alive.


The heart is beating again!

The blue veins in Neji's white eyes wrinkled, and he frowned slightly.

The man turned his head and murmured, "I'm Feiduan from Tangyin Village, are you two ninjas from Xingying Village? I've said it all, I'm just here to borrow your stars for a while... eh?"

Feiduan seemed to notice the forehead guard on Neji's head and frowned, "What? You are not a ninja from Xingying Village? Which village is that?"


He stared at Neji for a long time, but he couldn't remember what village that sign was.

"You guy, can your heart beat again?"

Xianglin was also vigilant, because it was impossible to die after being pierced through the heart. Except for Orochimaru, Xianglin has never been seen on the second person, which is really incredible!

And Feiduan glanced at Xianglin, but he didn't seem to be interested.

Instead, he became a little interested in Neji.

"Hey, you guy, since you're not a ninja from Xingying Village, why did you stop me? Hey! Give me an explanation!"

Neji never thought that he would meet Feiduan here, and Feiduan's ability is also unique and contains too many unknowns!

And when Neji met such an unknown thing here, he wouldn't just let this opportunity go!


Ningci chuckled lightly, feeling only interesting in his heart, such an interesting ability, if he didn't go to experience it, it would be considered a waste of time in this world of ninja world!

"Gossip · Empty Palm!"

On the way to sprinting past, Neji slammed it out.

And Feiduan is also ready this time, and will not be hit so easily and avoid it in an instant.

The corner of Ningci's mouth twitched, and Feiduan was also startled.

I saw that on the way that the palm was hit, bursts of chakra aftershocks were triggered, and they shook in the direction of Feiduan.


Feiduan only felt a bang in his head, almost losing consciousness.

And Neji was already in front of him, and the speed was so fast.

Feiduan frowned, ruthlessly pulled out the Bloody March Scythe in his hand, and slashed forward desperately.

"call out"!

Neji avoided this blow. Although the flying technique was very smooth, for Neji, who was full of agility, it was only a pediatric attack technique.

Moreover, Ningji knew that Feiduan's ability should be to capture the blood of the opponent, and thus successfully cast the curse to kill people. Naturally, Ningji would not give him any chance to capture his own blood.


Feiduan was sluggish and found that Neji's speed was far higher than him. When he glanced behind him with a corner of the light, Neji had already stood firm behind him.

"Gossip · Mountain Breaking Strike."

Neji murmured in his mouth that he had already gained momentum and was ready to go!

Feiduan frowned, feeling that the strength of this palm was unusual, but it was too late to avoid it.

"Zero distance..." Xiang Lin could not help frowning slightly when she saw this scene from a distance.


With a muffled sound, Neji slapped Feiduan heavily with his palm.

Afterwards, the air was twisted and oscillated into a circle of ripples.


The air was also shaken by this dull force, and the huge storm swelled up, and Feiduan was knocked out for more than ten meters and hit a tree.


The tree was knocked down by Feiduan, and the sturdy trunk was cracked a lot. Neji stood there, watching all this happen.

Xianglin swallowed and murmured, "That level of attack, at such a close distance, is terrifying, terrifying."

She took a deep breath. With this level of attack, even though the opponent was the enemy, Xianglin couldn't help but feel sorry for the opponent.

She glanced at Feiduan lying on the ground not far away, with the dust falling from all around her, and narrowed her eyes slightly.

"All the internal organs have been shattered? If should be dead." She let out a sigh of relief, as if to solve some trouble.

After all, if you really meet someone who can never die, wouldn't that be a monster?

And Neji also observed Feiduan's body changes with his white eyes.

I saw that all the organs in his body had been shattered by the shock of his own broken mountain, and his lungs, stomach, and liver were like mud.

Because Neji's Mountain Breaking Strike is not only a huge destructive power that can destroy mountains, but its essence is the powerful force generated by very fine chakras that carry out huge impacts and explosions at a very fine level. Destroying buildings, small enough to destroy cells, is terrifying.

And Neji frowned slightly, because he could see clearly in his eyes that although the cells in Feiduan's body were slowly recovering, the speed was not very fast.

Before the heart was beating and the organs in the body were still unable to work, his eyes were opened!

"Hey... this pain... ah ah ah, forget it, no matter how you describe it, no one can understand it, right?"

Feiduan's voice trembled, and this time, he spent more time getting up.

After standing up with difficulty, even his legs were weak, but this was not because he was lacking in ability, but because he couldn't accept the severe pain.

"Mad... no, monster!" Xiang Lin blinked and took a few steps back.

He has absolutely no way to explain the image in front of him, which is even more incredible than the forbidden technique studied by Orochimaru!

Neji let out a sigh of relief, and it seemed that things were not much different from what he thought.

The Evil God Religion that Feiduan admires does give them peculiar abilities. Even if this ability is explained by the principle of Chakra, it is completely unclear.

But the more this happened, the more Neji wanted to find out.


In just a split second, Neji had already reached Feidan.

"You bastard…"

As soon as Feiduan was speaking, his actions were completely blocked.


I saw that Neji grabbed Feiduan's head with one palm and stared at his pupils with white eyes.

"Illusion!?" Feiduan blinked and was about to step back, but it was too late.


With a roar, Neji used the means of the mountain family, and with the illusion of Baiyan, rushed straight into Feiduan's mind.

"Ding bell bell..." A crisp bell rang.

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