In the distance, Yuyi Qianhan touched his waist with lingering fear.

Despite the protection of the Ice Armor Technique, he was still scared by Senju Tobirama's attack.

Damn it, if I didn't cherish my life and used the Ice Armor Technique to protect myself at the critical moment, Senju Tobirama's attack would have directly destroyed my happiness for the rest of my life.

""Tobirama, are you okay?" The middle-aged man stared at Yugoriko Chihan in the distance and asked with concern.

Senju Tobirama shook his head:"It's okay. Although Yugoriko Chihan's technique can suddenly appear at any position, his speed does not change at the moment he attacks.

Therefore, as long as we can react in the gap between his appearance and attack, and fight back, we can deal with him."

Hearing what Tobirama said, the middle-aged ninja smiled bitterly and shook his head.

This is easy to say, but it is not so simple to actually do it.

For example, just now, when Yugoriko Chihan suddenly appeared and attacked, even he almost didn't react. The reason why the middle-aged ninja was able to deal with it just now was that he guessed in advance that Yugoriko Chihan might attack Tobirama's back, so he was able to slash at it without hesitation after Yugoriko Chihan appeared, in order to attack the enemy and save him.

Of course, even if Yugoriko Chihan did not attack like this, he would be able to react in advance and stop before attacking Tobirama.

Therefore, it is really difficult to really seize the moment when Yugoriko Chihan appears and attacks to counterattack, and I don't know how Tobirama is so fast. Reacted.

Looking at the cautious middle-aged ninja and Senju Tobirama on the opposite side, Hagoromo Chihan took a deep breath and prepared to launch an ice jump attack again.

He couldn't be careless this time, otherwise, if he was injured in the kidney by Senju Tobirama, the sixth old man, then the happiness of the second half of his life would be gone.

With a flash of thought, Hagoromo Chihan launched an attack, using an ice jump every second, his figure flashing from time to time, fighting against Senju Tobirama and a top elite jonin.

If it comes to strength alone, Hagoromo Chihan is now at the level of an ordinary elite jonin, and is completely incomparable to the top elite jonin.

If it really comes to a head-on confrontation, he will probably be killed by the top elite jonin in a few minutes.

But now, relying on the ice jump With the BUG-level space ninjutsu, Chihan Hagoromo directly jumped to the next level and entangled Tobirama Senju and a top elite Jonin by himself.

This shows how much space ninjutsu can improve a ninja's strength. Of course, if Chihan Hagoromo had the same fast hand speed as the future Nagadaime, he could kill Tobirama Senju on the spot.

But unfortunately, Chihan Hagoromo's hand speed is still not fast enough. Although the ice jump gives him the ability to surprise the opponent, the flaw of his attack speed still limits his ability to exert his strength.

On the other side.

Hagoromo Tello's battle was not so easy.

At this time, he was fighting one against two, facing two top elite Jonin alone. If he was not so strong, he would have been killed long ago.

Of course, it was also It is because of his strong strength that he has faced two opponents of this level.

After all, Hagoromo Tello's bloodline limit is very troublesome.

Once marked by his magnetic escape, the enemy can be attacked by his weapon at any time.

And the enemy cannot always use ninjutsu for defense, so when facing opponents of the same level, Hagoromo Tello can often suppress the opponent.

But when the opponent of the same level becomes two, Hagoromo Tello is completely unable to beat the opponent.

This leads to a very embarrassing situation, that is, when facing the same level, if it is one-on-one, Hagoromo Tello will definitely win, but when it becomes two-on-one, Hagoromo Tello will definitely lose.

So, at this moment, facing the suppression of two opponents of the same level, Hagoromo Tello simply had the urge to curse in his heart.

"Thousand Hand Style Heavy Rock Blade!"

The broadsword carrying the heavy earth attribute chakra instantly chopped down towards Yuyi Tro with great momentum.

"Magnetic Style: Iron Wall!"

Two huge shurikens instantly shattered into iron chips, forming a fast-flowing black wall in front of Hagoromo Tello.


The heavy rock sword slashed down, and the resulting airflow quickly spread out in all directions.

At the same time, a Thousand Hands ninja behind Hagoromo Tello instantly grasped a long sword wrapped in water and knocked away the kunai stabbing from behind, while raising his leg to kick Hagoromo Tello

"Thousand Hands Style·Rampant Kick!"

Before the kick landed, Yuyi Tro felt the impact of the airflow due to the huge force.

Seeing this, he quickly pulled over three huge shurikens and changed their forms:"Magnetic Style·Black Forged Heavy Shield!"


A muffled sound came from the shield in front, and then, tiny cracks appeared on the shield.

"Nani!"Hagoromo Trolo was surprised when he saw this:"How can this guy be so strong!"

Hagoromo Trolo, who reacted, quickly used magnetic escape to reinforce his shield.

At this moment, Hagoromo Trolo was really caught in a dilemma, with a wolf in front and a tiger behind.

The heavy rock sword in front of him made him dare not relax at all, and the kick behind him was even more powerful. If he couldn't resist on one side, he would have to break directly.

Fortunately, facing this situation, Hagoromo Trolo was not helpless.

Hagoromo Trolo, who had six giant shurikens, quickly activated his bloodline limit, and the only remaining shuriken flew directly towards the person in front.

Woo - the sound of breaking through the air stimulated the Thousand-Handed Ninja holding the broadsword to turn around to resist.

In an instant, the huge shuriken collided with the broadsword, and a loud noise was made directly.

Taking this opportunity, Hagoromo Trolo���He quickly pulled away and dodged to the side.

"Water Style: Water Whirlpool Cut!"

The Thousand Hands Ninja who was kicking hard saw that Yuri Tro had dodged, so he instantly retracted his feet and formed a seal to attack Yuri Tro.

Facing the surging water blades, Yuri Tro, who had not yet retracted the giant shuriken, could only resist:"Earth Style: Earth Flow Wall!"


The water blades hit the earth wall and instantly spread into a large stream of water.

In this way, Yuri Tro once again fought one against two. Although he was no match for the opponent, it was not a problem for him to save his life in a short period of time.

As for the Yuhi clan leader, it was really evenly matched at this time.

Although the opponent was very strong, both in ninjutsu and physical skills were stronger than the Yuhi clan leader, but relying on his extremely proficient illusion, the Yuhi clan leader still forced a tie with the opponent.

It's a pity that the ninjas of the Yuhi clan fell into a slight disadvantage at this time.

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