Outside the mountain village, Yuyi Qianhan stood quietly with a short knife hanging on his waist and an enchanted hatchet in his hand, looking at the raging fire in front of him.

Yuyi Qianhan killed all the ten ordinary women left in the mountain village.

And this village was also set on fire by him who collected firewood from the village, scattered it in the wooden houses, and ignited them.

Yuyi Qianhan didn't know if what he did was right or not. He only knew that if he left like this, those women would not live long, so it was better to give them a quick death.

After an unknown amount of time, the sky was slightly bright, and with Yuyi Qianhan watching, the fire did not spread.

After all the wooden houses were burned and there was nothing to burn, the fire in the mountain village also became smaller, and many places had been extinguished and were smoking.

After simply dealing with the remaining flames in the village, Yuyi Qianhan started to return the same way with a knife in hand.

However, just as Yuyi Qianhan was going down the mountain...

"Woof… idiot!"

Yuyi Qianhan looked back and saw a stupid dog running towards him.

"Oh my god, why is this stupid dog still here?"

Yuyi Qianhan, who was originally in a low mood, immediately widened his eyes when he saw this stupid dog.

It was already a night ago, and he thought this stupid dog had left long ago, but he didn't expect it to be waiting for him here.

"Ha ha……"

While Yuyi Qianhan was in a daze, the silly dog had already come to Yuyi Qianhan's side, panting with his tongue hanging out, and looking at Yuyi Qianhan with a pair of wise blue eyes.

Seeing this, Yuyi Qianhan couldn't help but twitch his mouth twice:"Didn't you go back to where you were before?"

Logically speaking, shouldn't the summoned beast cancel the summoning and return to the original place after completing the task? Why didn't this silly dog cancel the summoning?

"Woof?" The silly dog's wise eyes revealed a bit of not so smart temperament.

Yuyi Qianhan was completely speechless when he saw the silly dog's appearance:"Forget it, you come back to the clan first." No matter what, this silly dog has made contributions to the Yuyi family. He can't just leave this silly dog here and ignore it.

""Woof woof!"

The silly dog understood what the man said and wagged his tail at Yuyi Qianhan.

"Let's go."

Yuyi Qianhan shook his head helplessly, and the man and the dog set out on the journey home.

Passing by Yunjiao Town, Yuyi Qianhan went in to have breakfast.

However, what Yuyi Qianhan never expected was that this silly dog was quite picky about food. Whatever he ate, the silly dog had to eat, and it would not eat anything else.

It was really far from the mark.

After running all the way, this silly dog was not an ordinary dog and could keep up with Yuyi Qianhan's speed.

So, at noon, Yuyi Qianhan took the silly dog back to the Yuyi clan.

Entering the gate of the clan and passing through the alley, the clan members on the road all looked at the silly dog in surprise.

However, the clan members only stopped at this. After all, it was just a dog, and it was brought back by the young clan leader, so there was no need to pay too much attention.

The silly dog saw that everyone around him would look at it, so he followed behind Yuyi Qianhan quite proudly, jumping forward with his four paws.


Yuyi Qianhan ignored the silly dog's behavior. After entering the mission hall, he walked towards the middle-aged uncle who issued the missions.

Of course, in this Warring States period, it might be more appropriate to call him"uncle", after all, he can already call himself an old man.

"Young clan leader?"

After seeing the newcomer, the person in charge of the task showed a surprised expression:"What are you doing?"

Yuyi Qianhan took out the task entrustment scroll and the storage scroll containing the detonating talisman:"The task is completed, I will hand it over."

"Finished?" The person in charge looked at Yuyi Qianhan with some surprise.

He originally thought that this task would take at least three days to complete. Unexpectedly, the task that the young patriarch took yesterday was completed today. He really deserves to be the young patriarch.

Yuyi Qianhan nodded.

Seeing this, the person in charge took the two scrolls, then untied the storage scroll, revealing four stacks of detonating talismans.

After a careful inspection, the person in charge showed a puzzled expression:"Strange, why do these bundles feel wrong?"

There are four bundles of detonating talismans in a bundle of one hundred pieces, which is relatively easy to count.

However, after counting, the person in charge actually found that the thickness of the four bundles at the bottom was not the same as the others.

Suspicious, he took out these four bundles separately and counted them.

Seeing this, Yuyi Qianhan couldn't help but want to curse.

I'm really convinced, you old man, is it necessary to count so carefully?

I didn't even get any wool from a bundle, I just pulled out more than a dozen from the four bundles, and you can still find it. You are really dedicated!

"How come fifty-six are missing?"

Just as Yuyi Qianhan was complaining in his heart, the person in charge stood up with a surprised look on his face.

Seeing this, Yuyi Qianhan couldn't keep silent anymore. He looked at the other person a little embarrassedly:"Well, I……"

"Damn the Hatake clan, they actually cut corners when they saw us in trouble, do you really think that my Yuyi clan is easy to bully!"

Hearing this, Yuyi Qianhan immediately fell silent.

It turns out that you didn't doubt me.

Yes, I am the young clan leader, you shouldn't doubt me.

Hehe, this clan has a future, I am optimistic about you.

As for the Hatake clan, I'll trouble you to take the blame for the time being, but don't worry, after I become the clan leader of the Yuyi clan, I will keep you safe

"Don't worry, young clan leader, the responsibility for this matter lies with the Hatake clan, and it will not affect the completion of your mission."

After scolding the Hatake clan, the person in charge looked at Yuyi Qianhan, and then responded to Yuyi Qianhan while registering Yuyi Qianhan's mission completion.

Although Yuyi Qianhan was very satisfied with what the other party said, he couldn't show it on his face.

He shook his head with a look of shame:"Alas, why didn't I check it carefully at the time? There are flaws in the completion of this mission."

The person in charge was also moved by Yuyi Qianhan's attitude:"Young clan leader, don't say that, it's not your fault. Who would have thought that the Hatake clan is a strong clan after all, and they even took advantage of this little thing. It's really shameless."

Yuyi Qianhan:"……"

Don't worry, Hatake clan. I will definitely take care of you in the future.

As for whether the Hatake clan will cause trouble to the Hatake clan because of this, that is basically impossible.

Not to mention that the Hatake clan is now seriously injured, it is impossible for them to cause trouble to the Hatake clan.

Even if the Hatake clan had not experienced this war that almost wiped out the clan, they would not go to fight with the Hatake clan. At most, they would verbally condemn the Hatake clan, and humiliate them.

After all, the Hatake clan is still a first-class ninja clan. They can't afford to fall out with the Hatake clan for more than fifty detonating tags. As for verbal condemnation, Hatake Qianhan said that he could handle it.

After all, he is the young clan leader. For such a small matter, Hatake Qianhan can suppress it in minutes by asking his father.

"Okay, young clan leader, the registration is complete."

Yuyi Qianhan nodded when he saw this, turned around and walked out of the mission hall with Silly Dog.

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