Early in the morning.

After having breakfast, Yuyi Qianhan planned to complete the family's performance appraisal.

Now the entire Yuyi clan is working hard to restore the family's strength, and there are busy figures everywhere in the clan.

After a war that almost wiped out the clan, the Yuyi clan has consumed a huge amount of ninjas, materials and money.

The number of ninjas cannot be replenished for the time being, but war supplies such as shuriken, long swords, and armor need to be stored.

Since the Yuyi clan has no iron ore, these things cannot be made by themselves, so they need to spend money to buy them.

And the money needed to buy materials needs to be earned by the family ninjas to do tasks or run the business within the clan.

So, this involves another thing in the family, the ninja task.

As a member of the family, every ninja will be forced to perform some tasks within a certain period of time. If you don't do it, you will face certain penalties.

This is what Yuyi Qianhan said about the family performance appraisal.

Of course, there will be rewards if there are punishments. As long as you complete the task, the family will definitely not treat you unfairly, and you will not lose any of the rewards you deserve.

Entering the mission hall, the people in charge of distributing missions were several disabled old men.

Yuyi Qianhan looked around and saw that the missions were divided into two parts. The left part was suitable for mid-level ninjas, while the right part was suitable for ninjas above mid-level ninjas.

This was the pitfall of the Warring States period. The distribution of missions was extremely unreasonable.

It was not like the later Ninja Village period, where all missions were divided into S and S.、A、B、C、DThese detailed levels are assigned to the right ninjas.

In the Warring States Period, people would only roughly divide the tasks into two levels, and they were extremely inaccurate.

You might go to perform the task of a mid-level ninja, but the target of the task might be an elite jonin. In that case, you won't even have a chance to run away and you'll be finished.

Faced with this kind of crappy task division, it's no wonder that Hashirama's vision for the village is that everyone can choose tasks of different difficulty levels based on their personal abilities, and there must be a superior who can reasonably distinguish the levels of tasks.

Anyone with a long-term vision would have to reform this kind of crappy task division.

It's a pity that in the current environment, this is not something that can be done with vision. If you want to divide the tasks reasonably, you must unify them before you can achieve it.

"Uncle, I'll take a mission."

Yuyi Qianhan walked to the right side of the mission hall and received the mission from the person in charge.

Sitting behind the table was a middle-aged man without a right arm, about forty years old. Of course, in the Warring States Period, this age was enough to be called an old man.

Seeing Qianhan was going to receive a mission, the old man smiled and handed over the booklet recording the tasks:"These are the tasks currently available in the clan. The young clan leader can choose one to execute."

Yuyi Qianhan took the booklet and opened it to check.

The records inside were rather messy. The tasks can be roughly divided into family tasks and external tasks, but there was no classification in the booklet. Family tasks and external tasks were all mixed together.

But there was no way, he could only make do with it now.


When turning to the third page, Yuyi Qianhan stopped curiously.

The person in charge of the task took a look at the booklet and said,"A family task, to recover the robbed supplies. During the previous battle with the three tribes, we purchased a batch of detonating talismans from the Hatake tribe, a total of about 100,000.

But when they were transported back, something happened to the second batch of 20,000 detonating talismans. Only a rough piece of information was brought back to the tribe by the summoned beast. As for the supplies and the tribe members who purchased the supplies, they disappeared directly. According to the current situation, the chance of survival is very small."

After listening, Yuyi Qianhan carefully looked at the information recorded in the booklet, which was similar to what the person in charge said.

He thought about it for a while, then looked at the other party and said,"I'll take this task."

Family missions, the reward for the mission is not money, but ninjutsu.

Because of the war before, Yuyi Longchuan violated the rules and let Qianhan learn a lot of ninjutsu. Under normal circumstances, these ninjutsu would require family contributions in exchange, but because of the war, Yuyi Qianhan learned them directly without completing any missions.

Now that the war is over, those ninjutsu that Yuyi Qianhan learned illegally must be compensated by completing missions. After all, the young clan leader has to follow the rules, too. It just so happens that the two ninjutsu that Yuyi Qianhan learned before, Tiger Attack and Wolf Pack Hunting, are both B-level ninjutsu. After completing this mission, he will have less debt to bear.

Seeing that Qianhan had made his choice, the person in charge buried his head in the box next to him and began to search.

In less than a minute, he took out a black scroll from the box and handed it to Yuyi Qianhan:"This is the mission commission. All the information about this mission is in this scroll."

The tasks are divided into two levels, and the task entrustment must naturally be distinguished.

Among them, the scrolls for the tasks at the middle and lower ninja levels are white, and the tasks above the middle ninja level are black.

After taking the scroll, Yuyi Qianhan was ready to leave.

However, as soon as he turned around, the person in charge of the task reminded him:"Young clan leader, please be careful. The person who transported the supplies was a jonin, but he only sent back some rough information. So the enemy's strength is at least at the level of a jonin, and it is very likely that there are more than one person."

Hearing the reminder behind him, Yuyi Qianhan turned around and smiled:"Thank you!"

After that, he took the scroll and walked out of the mission hall.

Passing through the alleys of the clan, Qianhan walked out of the gate of the Yuyi clan.

At this time, the slope on the east side has been restored to a flat appearance after being tidied by the clan members.

After all, the Yuyi clan is now starting to transport various things and take on tasks from the outside. If the road is not easy to walk, how can they communicate with the outside world?


Yunjiao Town is a small town in the north of the Fire Country.

The town is not large, and the outer wall is made of wood stakes and thorns, more than two meters high, mainly to prevent wild beasts and bandits.

Needless to say, the bandits are naturally evil, burning, killing, looting and committing all kinds of evil, and the wild beasts are also a great threat to ordinary people in the town.

Therefore, ordinary people in the town can only use this crude means to defend themselves.

At noon, Yuyi Qianhan walked into the town and prepared to find a place in the town to have lunch.

This town is located to the south of the Qimu clan, and there is an ironwood forest between the Qimu clan and Yunjiao Town. The supplies of the Yuyi clan disappeared in this area.

Walking into the town, Yuyi Qianhan looked around.

The environment of the town is not very good. There is nothing paved on the road. It is just a simple dirt road. If it rains, it will probably turn into mud.

Of course, during the Warring States Period, there were wars everywhere, and the environment of Yunjiao Town was also a common phenomenon in this land. In fact, the environment of many small towns might not be as good as Yunjiao Town. However

, these have nothing to do with Yuyi Qianhan. He is here to perform a mission, and after the mission is completed, he probably won't come here again, so there is no need to waste effort to change anything.

""Waiter, get me something to eat!" Yuyi Qianhan walked into a two-story restaurant in the center of the town, preparing to have lunch here.

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