Yuyi Longchuan led Yuyi Qianhan in the front, followed by Teruya, Mingfei, Yuyi Longhe and Yuyi Zhengfang, and then Yuyi Tro, Yuyi Ishihara and other top elite jonin.

A group of ten people returned to the clan land from the gate one after another and walked towards their homes.

Crossing a small path, responding to the enthusiastic greetings of the clan members, when Yuyi Qianhan's face was about to freeze with laughter, he and Yuyi Longchuan finally returned to the outside of their own house.

The maid and two children were waiting outside the door early. Seeing the two people coming, the maid hurriedly saluted:"Master of the family, young clan leader."

Facing Yuyi Longchuan, who was usually very strict, the two children also saluted in a proper manner:"Father, big brother."

Yuyi Longchuan nodded:"Let's go in."

After that, Yuyi Longchuan took the lead and walked into the gate.

The maid hurriedly made way.

Yuyi Qianhan had a bad taste in his mouth and rubbed the two little furry heads with a smile on his face:"My stupid Ou Doudou, have you been practicing seriously during this period?"

Although they were not used to being rubbed by Yuyi Qianhan, the two little ones still said:"Yes, we are practicing very seriously."

Then the little six continued:"And Nissan, can you please stop calling us stupid Ou Doudou? We are not stupid."

The little five next to him nodded hurriedly:"That's right."

Hearing the words of the two little ones, Yuyi Qianhan could not help laughing:"Hahahaha... Okay, I won't call you that anymore." After entering the house and sending the two little brats away, Yuyi Qianhan took a comfortable bath with the help of the maid.


Yuyi Qianhan couldn't help but sigh happily:"Comfortable~, this is the life of a young patriarch of a big family."

It's a pity that the maid is average-looking and he is too young. Otherwise, Yuyi Qianhan would have to experience the corrupt life of the ruling class.


Warm sunlight rose from the east.

Yuyi Qianhan was awakened by a ray of sunlight shining through the window.

After traveling for so long, it was the first time he had such a comfortable sleep. Now he felt much more relaxed.

After washing up, he walked out of the room. The maids in the yard were cleaning, and the fifth and sixth were practicing kunai shuriken in the yard.

As for Yuyi Longchuan, he left the house early to deal with family affairs.

After all, after a war, many things need to be handled by the clan leader himself.

For example, the sacrificed members of the Yuyi clan need to be consoled and condolence money given to their families.

There are also the consumption of war materials, backlog of tasks, treatment of injured clan members, family business and other issues during this period, which all need the clan leader to handle.

Don't think that the ninja family survives only by tasks. In fact, each family has its own industry to survive.

For example, the Yuyi clan raises a large number of white geese. In addition to eating these white geese, their feathers are also made into warm clothes for sale. Some of the high-end quality clothes are favored by many daimyo.

For example, the Uchiha clan controls an iron mine. In addition to making weapons for their own use, the mined iron ore is also sold to various daimyo.

After all, it is not only ninjas who are at war in this world, ordinary people are also in the quagmire of war, and these daimyo who attack each other naturally need weapons.

In addition, there are some wars between ninjas that are caused by the hiring of ordinary people.

Among them, the war between the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan is vividly reflected in this kind of hiring.

After all, the strength of these two ninja clans is well known in the ninja world. When a daimyo hires an Uchiha, if the other daimyo does not want to die, he can only hire the Senju clan of the same level as the Uchiha to resist.

Therefore, the war between the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan has countless causes caused by hiring.

Of course, these things are a bit far-fetched. In general, the clan leader is very busy, and Yuyi Qianhan probably won't see him for a long time.


The fifth and sixth brothers who were practicing shuriken shouted loudly when they saw Yuyi Qianhan coming out.

Yuyi Qianhan smiled and walked over.

The maid saw Yuyi Qianhan coming out, so she walked over to him and said,"Young Clan Leader, breakfast is ready. Do you want to eat now?"

Yuyi Qianhan nodded and rubbed the heads of the two children:"Let's go and eat."

Breakfast was simple, just rice porridge, buns, and a few tea eggs.

After breakfast, Yuyi Qianhan and the two children came to the yard again.

"Nissan, can you teach us ninjutsu?" The fifth brother looked at Yugoriko Chihan with some anticipation.

The sixth brother also looked at Yugoriko Chihan with his round eyes.

Yugoriko Chihan thought for a while and nodded:"Okay, I will teach you ninjutsu today. Now throw a shuriken and let me see your accuracy."

The two kids were very excited when they heard that their eldest brother was going to teach them ninjutsu.

They hurriedly took out the shuriken and threw them at the target in the distance.

Do! Do!

The shuriken cut through the air and pierced the wooden stake in the distance.

Seeing this, Yugoriko Chihan nodded with satisfaction:"Not bad."

Although they are not as good as Uchiha Itachi who could play shuriken in various ways, compared with those ninjas in later generations, the two little ones' shurikens are far more powerful and accurate than their peers.

Yugoriko Chihan is very satisfied with such performance.

Although people in the Warring States Period were generally stronger than those in later generations, it depends on who they are compared with.

As for Uchiha Itachi's level, Yugoriko Chihan can say responsibly that he is absolutely not inferior to his peers in the Warring States Period, and he is even better than his peers in the Warring States Period.

Don't worry about this guy's character or whether he has psychological problems, but in terms of shuriken alone, Uchiha Itachi is definitely one of the best.

Therefore, Yugoriko Chihan will not ask these two little brats to have the same level of shuriken skills as Uchiha Itachi. That is unrealistic. Even Yugoriko Chihan himself is not as good as Uchiha Itachi, let alone these two little brats.

Looking at Yugoriko Chihan's satisfied expression, Lao Wu smiled proudly and said,"Brother, I'm awesome!"

Old Six looked at Old Five with some dissatisfaction:"Obviously my shuriken technique is better."

"Nonsense! Mine is obviously better!"

"Bullshit, I'm the sixth one, and my shuriken is more powerful!"

Seeing the two kids quarreling, Yuyi Qianhan quickly stretched out his hand to stop them:"Okay, okay, you are both very powerful, stop quarreling, do you still want to learn ninjutsu?"

Hearing this, the two kids immediately united their front:"Yes!"

"If you want to, don't argue."

Yuyi Qianhan took out a shuriken and looked at the two of them and said,"I will teach you the unique ninjutsu of the Yuyi clan, the wind escape·shuriken technique."

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