Puff, puff, puff, puff...

Dozens of earth dragon flame bombs smashed into the mud flow wall, only making a few muffled sounds, and then there was no movement.

The mud flow wall, with its powerful defensive ability, directly blocked Sarutobi Kato's compound ninjutsu.

"Sarutobi Karato! Come and die!"

Hagoromo Chihan was just distracted, and a figure directly crossed the mud flow wall and killed Sarutobi Karato.

This person was the patriarch of the Hagoromo clan, the white-haired Hagoromo Chihan's father, Hagoromo Ronakawa!


Hagoromo Ronakawa chopped down with a knife, and the kunai in Sarutobi Karato's hand was directly broken into two sections. Sarutobi

Karato also made a prompt decision, immediately pulled away and kept a distance, and made seals with both hands:"Summoning technique! Come out! Monkey King Yuanmo!"


A burst of white smoke rose, and a white ape in clothes appeared next to Sarutobi Karato.

The next second, the white ape turned into a diamond stick, which was directly held in Sarutobi Karato's hand.

Ding, ding, clang, clang... rumble...

Hagoromo Ronakawa, holding a long knife, immediately fought with Sarutobi Karato who was holding the diamond stick, and an amazing chakra power erupted between the two.

Dust and fluctuations of ninjutsu spread from the two from time to time.

""Young Clan Leader!"

Yuyi Zhengfang came to Yuyi Qianhan's side.

Yuyi Qianhan then noticed that compared to before, Yuyi Zhengfang's chakra seemed to have increased a lot, and his body seemed to have bred new power.

"Uncle Fang Lian, have you awakened your bloodline limit?"Yuyi Qianhan looked at Yuyi Zhengfang with some doubt.

Yuyi Zhengfang nodded happily:"Well, it seems to be the power of Storm Release."

""Is that so?"

This is reasonable. Before, Yuyi Qianhan felt that a violent but restrained power was brewing in Yuyi Zhengfang's body.

Yuyi Zhengfang has always used lightning-attributed ninjutsu, and Storm Release is also known as"electric water" or"soft lightning", which is consistent with Yuyi Qianhan's perception of the power in Yuyi Zhengfang's body.

"Young clan leader, let's leave here first!" Yuyi Zhengfang said to Yuyi Qianhan.

The battle between clan leaders is not something that ordinary people can watch.

At this time, under the guidance of Yuyi Longchuan, the two men's fight had reached a position a hundred meters away from Yuyi Qianhan, but the aftermath of the fight between the two clan leaders still kept blowing the lapels of Yuyi Qianhan and Yuyi Zhengfang.

If the two clan leaders come here again, it will be no joke.

Yuyi Qianhan nodded, and then retreated to the rear of the Yuyi clan.

At this time, there were no Chunin and Jonin on the battlefield, only the elite Jonin were still fighting.

However, after the two clan leaders started fighting, these elite Jonin all tacitly stayed away from the two clan leaders.

The war was basically over at this point.

After all, the clan leader has already left, so the result of today's war will be determined by the outcome of the battle between the two clan leaders.

However, Neither of these two clan leaders has overwhelming combat power, so today's battle will most likely end in a draw.

Standing in the back.

This time, Yugoriko Chihan truly realized how terrifying the strength of the clan leader level is.

Yugoriko Ryugawa and Sarutobi Karato started fighting, and the swordplay alone was enough to stir up waves of aftermath.

During the clash of ninjutsu, the terrain under their feet was even changed.

Although the two did not have the ability to change the map like Future Madara and Hasilama, the clash of mud escape, fire escape, and earth escape still changed the terrain around them.

Sometimes swamps formed, sometimes flames baked, and soon the ground was tossed into ruins.

The confrontation between the two attracted the attention of Shimura Gensuke in the back.

With the arrival of Shimura Gensuke, Yugoriko Ryugawa instantly retreated and formed a seal:"Mud escape·Desert flow technique!"


In an instant, the surging mudslide rushed towards Sarutobi Karuto and Shimura Nesuke like a whirlwind.

Before the two guys driving the Gundam showed up, Hagoromo Karuto's strength was definitely top-notch. Even against Senju Butsuma and Uchiha Tajima, Hagoromo Karuto could rely on his mud escape to fight against the opponent. The power of mud escape can be seen from this.

Facing the fierce mudslide, Sarutobi Karuto placed the diamond stick on the ground next to him:"Water escape·Great waterfall technique!"

Wow— a huge stream of water rushed out, blocking the powerful power of the mudslide.

But Sarutobi Karuto, who was a little weaker than Hagoromo Karuto, could not completely resist the power of the mudslide by relying on a great waterfall technique, so he immediately made a seal again:"Earth escape·Earth flow wall!"

Boom boom boom...

The tall earthen wall rose up under Sarutobi Kato's feet, and the mudslide, accompanied by a large amount of waterfall water, hit the earthen wall and stopped. The battle area between the slope and the Sarutobi clan had already turned into a swamp because of the fight between the two clan leaders.

""The leader of the Yuyi clan is really powerful!"

Standing on the wall of the Tuliu city, Sarutobi Huodou exhaled, looked at Yuyi Longchuan with some admiration and laughed.

However, it is unknown how much ridicule was contained in this laugh.

Haha, even if you are stronger than me, what can you do? The three clans joined forces to deal with you, Yuyi, and you can only show off your power for a while.


Hagoromo Ryokawa snorted coldly, turned around and walked towards the slope, the position of the Hagoromo clan.

Sarutobi Karuto looked at Hagoromo Ryokawa's receding back, and did not chase him.

At this time, Shimura Gensuke jumped onto the wall of the earth flow city:"This Hagoromo Ryokawa is worthy of being a person who can compete with Senju Furukan, his strength really should not be underestimated."

Sarutobi Karuto nodded:"Yes, the Hagoromo clan is really blessed, they can even awaken bloodline limits of different attributes.

And this Hagoromo Ryokawa's mud escape is even more difficult to deal with. When he uses the mud, the softness and hardness can be changed freely, and he has both offense and defense. It's really, I can't compare to him."

Shimura Gensuke looked at the direction where the Hagoromo Ryokawa disappeared with envy:"The Hagoromo clan's bloodline, the Uchiha clan's Sharingan, the Hyuga clan's Byakugan, the Senju clan's innate huge chakra, and the Taketori clan's corpse bone veins...

Why is God so unfair, allowing these ninjas to be born with talents that ordinary people don't have? Can we, the ninjas without bloodline limits, only be able to survive under these ninjas forever?"

Sarutobi Huodou released the summoning technique and sat down on the wall of the Tsuchiu city:"That may not be the case. This time, our two clans and the Senju clan joined forces to capture Hagoromo, and the Hagoromo clan will definitely die.

After the Hagoromo clan is exterminated, we will be able to obtain the ninjutsu collected by the Hagoromo clan, as well as many secret techniques and resources. At that time, our family will become even stronger.

As long as we persist and seize opportunities like the extermination of the Hagoromo clan, then our ninja clan will sooner or later surpass the Senju, Uchiha, Hagoromo and other powerful ninjas."

Listening to Sarutobi Kato's description, Shimura Gensuke looked into the distance with longing:"Really? I really want to see that day come with my own eyes!"……"

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