Along the way, although the second elder of the feather clothes was blocking the pursuit of the Senju soldiers in the rear, the large army of the feather clothes clan was constantly attacked.

Among them, there were not only small Senju ninja troops, but also Sarutobi and Shimura clans.

Among them, two teenagers left a very deep impression on the feather clothes Qianhan.

One of them looked like a monkey, named Sarutobi Sasuke, and was very good at fire escape and earth escape.

If the feather clothes Qianhan remembered correctly, this guy was the third generation Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen's father.

The other one was a little handsome, named Shimura Shinitachi, and I don't know if he was the father of the pot shadow.

Anyway, this kid was quite shady, and the injured left arm of the feather clothes Qianhan was attacked by this guy.

At that time, the feather clothes Qianhan fought one against two, and used the ice field to directly suppress the two people.

However, Shimura Shinitachi had a strong ability to observe intelligence. He observed that the ice jump of the feather clothes Qianhan had a one-second cooling CD.

This kid was also a ruthless person. He directly used Sarutobi Sasuke as bait and then attacked the feather clothes Qianhan.

Fortunately, Hagoromo Chihan was cautious and guarded against the sixth brother, Shimura Shinitachi.

Otherwise, Hagoromo Chihan would not only bleed, but his entire left arm might be cut off by the sixth brother Shimura's wind escape.

The large force returned to defend the clan land, and was received by two elite jonin of the Hagoromo clan.

At this time, the great elder Hagoromo Ryouzan was seriously injured and was recuperating. Most of the affairs of the clan were discussed and decided by the clan meetings composed of elite jonin.

The clan leaders Sarutobi and Shimura were also dealt with by a group of elite jonin.

After a few days, these elite jonin not only had to deal with clan leader-level strongmen, but also had to deal with clan affairs. It can be said that they were exhausted.

Now, seeing the clan leader come back, they can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"How is the situation now?"

Yuyi Longchuan asked about the current situation while arranging for the tribe members to return to the clan land.

An elite jonin shook his head and said,"It's not very good. The Sarutobi and Shimura clans suddenly launched an attack before, and the great elder was hastily fought and was seriously injured.

These past few days, we elite jonin have been working together to deal with the Sarutobi and Shimura clan leaders. Due to the large gap in strength, everyone has been injured to varying degrees."

Another elite jonin added,"However, since most of us went to deal with the Sarutobi and Shimura clan leaders, some of the opponent's elite jonin can only be dealt with by our jonin. If it weren't for our terrain advantage, the clan land might be in jeopardy.……"

The elite jonin didn't continue, but Yuyi Longchuan knew what the other party meant.

If it weren't for the terrain advantage, I'm afraid that the Yuyi clan's clan land would have been conquered long ago.

"Damn it!"

Hagoromo Ryokawa clenched his fists, his eyes full of anger.

Since when did second-rate ninjas like Sarutobi and Shimura dare to ride on Hagoromo's head and act wildly!

"Damn Sarutobi! Damn Shimura! After dealing with the Senju, I will destroy them sooner or later!"

Hagoromo Ryokawa was full of anger and kicked the tree at the entrance of the clan's meeting hall.

The trunk was broken in the middle by this blow and fell to the ground.

After venting his anger, Hagoromo Ryokawa took a deep breath:"Call the elite jonin in the clan to a meeting!"

Only elite jonin are qualified to attend clan meetings.

Because in the Warring States Period, everything was based on strength.

If you want to attend the meeting and have power, you can, but you have to show your strength. Otherwise, even if you are the eldest son of the clan leader, it is not possible.

So, after hearing that Yuyu Longchuan was going to hold a meeting, Yuyu Qianhan said hello and turned to leave.

Following the memory of his previous life in his mind, Yuyu Qianhan came to the door of a courtyard.

This is the residence of the clan leader.

Since Yuyu Qianhan is not yet an adult, he naturally lives with his father.

Pushing open the door, Yuyu Qianhan walked in.

In the yard, a servant was cleaning.

On the west side of the yard was the martial arts field, where two children were practicing throwing shurikens at the target.

After seeing Yuyu Qianhan, the two were stunned for a moment, and then ran over with a happy face:"Nissan!"

Hearing this name, Yuyu Qianhan was stunned for a moment, then stretched out his right hand and rubbed the two little heads, and said with some evil taste:"My stupid Ou Doudou, have you practiced ninjutsu seriously?"

To be honest, it would feel weird if you didn't have a few brothers when you came to the world of Naruto, especially during the Warring States period.

Just like Uchiha Madara, Yugeri Chihan also has five brothers.

However, three of them have already died, and they all died at the hands of the Senju clan.

Now there are only these two seedlings left, and they survived because they are still young and have never performed any missions.

The two children nodded seriously:"Yes, yes, we have practiced seriously! But, big brother, is your arm injured?" The two children looked at Yugeri Chihan's left arm with concern.

Yugeri Chihan smiled and rubbed the two children's heads:"It's a minor injury, it's okay, you go practice ninjutsu, I'll go back to the room first."

After that, Yugeri Chihan turned and walked towards his room.

The two children wanted their eldest brother to teach them ninjutsu, but looking at their eldest brother's injured left arm, they could only give up the idea, and looked at Yugeri Chihan's back as he walked towards the room with concern.

Close the door and come to the attic window.

As soon as they sat down, the sound of the system rang

【Congratulations to the host for completing the mission and returning to the clan of the Yuyi clan alive. Hereby reward the host with one talent value (technique) and the subordinate with one talent value (limit).

Hearing this, Yuyi Qianhan hurriedly let the system use the talent value.

After a second or two, Yuyi Qianhan felt the chakra in his body increase rapidly, and soon reached the level of a jonin.

【Ding~ Congratulations to the host, the bloodline ninjutsu ice field has been upgraded!

The caster can consume a quarter of his current chakra to expand an ice field with a radius of fifty meters. In the field, the caster can consume a small amount of chakra to perform ice jumps. The cooling time of ice jumps is one second. 】

Listening to the voice of the system, Yuyi Qianhan couldn't help laughing.

The ice field with a diameter of one hundred meters, if I meet that person named Senju Takema again, I will beat the shit out of him.

Now, the chakra in Yuyi Qianhan's body has reached the level of a jonin, and the range of the ice field is also one hundred meters.

With such means, Yuyi Qianhan is enough to deal with elite jonin for a while.

If Yuyi Qianhan can master some A-level ninjutsu, or a technique that can threaten the life of an elite jonin in a short distance, he may not be unable to complete a leapfrog kill.

After all, ninjas are high-attack and low-defense. If Yugoriko Chihan didn't master the ninjutsu that can kill with one strike, she wouldn't be able to kill the elite jonin by using the ice jump with just the short sword and kunai.

But once Yugoriko Chihan mastered the ninjutsu that can kill with one strike, if she encountered an elite jonin, as long as the opponent was careless, Yugoriko Chihan could use the ice jump to forcibly kill the opponent.

"Then, in the next period of time, we must master some ninjutsu that can determine victory or defeat."

After planning the study plan for the short term in the future, Yuyi Qianhan focused on the subordinates' talent values mentioned by the system.

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