"Let it in, restore the wall after it comes in, and kill all the other toads after the wall is repaired, this little toad is the target we have to wait for!"

Tsunade glanced up at the large tree above his head, watching a few of its branches shake twice before turning back to the sunglasses ninja and giving an order.


The sunglasses ninja turned into a crow and flew away, and silence returned to the place again.

The toads outside the wall were still attacking, and the ninjas were struggling to cope, but in the next moment, a wall that was not very well manned was shattered, and when the two ninjas fell into the wall, the little toad jumped directly into the wall and rushed towards the tree in the center of the village.

But it ran fast, but did not notice that after it left, the broken wall instantly closed, returning to its original state as if it were placed upside down, and even the protection and weapons on the wall were as before.

"That was... Is that what the Toad Immortal looks like? "

Zi Lai also looked at the little toad rushing towards the big tree in the center, this is the toad immortal?

If it weren't for the oil bead hanging around his neck, he would certainly not be able to connect the two images.

"It should be, don't worry, it can't run away if it wants to run now."

Tsunade saw that the ninjas on the walls around the village had taken up their weapons and attacked, and sat down on the ground in a good mood, waiting for the end of this incident.

Her current strength is actually quite weak in the village, but she can barely maintain it for half a month after opening the immortal mode, so others....

Although there are not many immortals, they can open the immortal body, which is already the basic condition for becoming a superior ninja in the village, and so far, there are more than five thousand upper ninja in the village, so....

Even without the energy cannon that Sasuke had prepared in advance, those toads outside the wall would not even want to leave.

The villagers are now beginning to express their dissatisfaction with the Trial Tower and the daily ring battle, and they have long wanted to find enemies who have seen almost the same eyes to show their strength.

Now, I hope that after a wave of energy cannons, those upper ninja will find a few who survive to give them a mobile phone club.

"Those... What happened to those ninjas, and how was the current combat strength of the village divided? "

Jiraiya watched the ninjas on the other side of the wall suddenly stop, and one by one, Chakra twisted and burst out with a new power, this...

Could it be fairy magic?

"The division of ninja is still similar to before, the lower ninja is the ten layers of the trial tower, and the middle ninja is also simple, twenty layers can be.

But Shangnin doesn't need to use the Trial Tower score, and the first condition for Shangnin is to be able to turn on the immortal mode, so....

Jiraiya, your current strength is probably barely a good forbearance, and your immortal art is still from Miaomu Mountain, too low-level..."

Tsunade shook his head with a smile, looking at Jiraiya's shocked look, he almost directly said that his strength was too bad.

But this is also no way, Zilai is also doing internal response in Miaomu Mountain, and there is no way to follow the growth route in the village, so it is normal that he can't keep up with the rhythm.

As long as he finds an opportunity to try the tower to work harder later, it is not rare to become an elite Shangren, after all, she can achieve the level, it is impossible and impossible to do it.

Just as Tsunade was striking Jiraiya, the little toad also approached the big tree in the center of Samsara Village.

When Toad Pill jumped forward again, a sudden spatial fluctuation appeared, and it jumped above the surface of the sea...

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