The old man was very angry.

Jiraiya heard this and felt helpless.

He also realized that the top management seemed to be gradually becoming...

Just then, a figure suddenly flashed through his mind, and he quickly spoke.

"Wait, I don't have to take this position! Isn't Tsunade fully capable of it?"

The Third Hokage smiled after hearing this.

He had expected Jiraiya to mention Tsunade, so he responded.

"Tsunade is missing now, and we don't even know where she is. Unless you can find her, you will have to take over the position of Hokage."

After hearing this, Jiraiya immediately turned around and left, making an OK gesture to the Third Hokage, and said at the same time.

"Then leave it to me! By the way, I will take Naruto with me later."

"Jiraiya, you better be careful! Don't let Tsunade and little Naruto be corrupted!"

The Third Hokage heard this and saw that Jiraiya's figure had not completely disappeared, so he hurriedly shouted.

However, Jiraiya did not turn back to respond.

This traitor...


In the Ninja Academy, Naruto was immersed in a sweet dream.



The door of the classroom was opened.

Naruto's dream was instantly shattered.

Then, Iruka walked in and said.

"Naruto, Master Jiraiya is looking for you."

Hearing the name of the lecherous sage, Naruto's heart "skipped".

Is this old lecher here to seek revenge?

But he still went out.

As soon as he went out, he saw Jiraiya looking at him with a flattering smile on his face.

Before Naruto could speak, Jiraiya couldn't wait to say it.

"Little Naruto, follow me from now on. In the next period of time, follow me out of the village to find the next Hokage!"

Naruto was shocked after hearing this.

Isn't the plot developing too fast?

Going to Tsunade so soon?

Is it because the plot of Uchiha has changed?

But it's not bad to think about it, it's also good to follow Jiraiya, so Naruto said.

"Oh, okay, lecherous sage! I'll tell my friends later."

Jiraiya heard Naruto's words, raised his hand and gave Naruto a head bang, roaring.

"Weighing plants while working!!!"

Then, he pulled Naruto out of the village, talking as he walked.

"I've told Iruka to tell your friends."

Seeing this, Naruto stopped resisting and let Jiraiya pull him.

When the two of them arrived at the gate of Konoha Village, Naruto suddenly thought of something and spoke immediately.

"Then where should we look for her! You have to tell me where she is, you lecherous sage!"

Jiraiya smiled confidently and spoke.

"Don't worry, I already know where she is."

Then, the two of them stepped out of the gate of Konoha Village and rushed towards Tsunade's direction.


In a dark and noisy corner on the border of the Land of Earth.

In a smoky casino.

Tsunade was sitting at the gambling table, her eyes focused and sharp.

Her long golden hair was tied behind her head casually, and beads of sweat oozed from her forehead, but it did not affect her focused expression at all.

The chips on the gambling table were piled up like a mountain, and the gamblers around were nervously staring at the game, and noisy discussions were heard one after another.

Tsunade bit her lips lightly, holding the cards tightly in her hands, and secretly calculating in her heart.

Her heartbeat slightly accelerated, but her years of experience as a gambler made her try her best to maintain her surface calm.

Her eyes swept across the expressions of her opponents, trying to catch a flaw from them.

"Open the cards!"

The dealer shouted loudly.

Tsunade threw the cards on the table with a confident smile on her face.

However, when the result was revealed, her smile froze instantly, and a trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes.

She thought she had a sure win, but she still lost this game.

"Damn it!"

She cursed in a low voice, and Shizune beside her couldn't help but pull the corner of her clothes worriedly.

"Tsunade-sama, why don't we stop here today?"

Shizune whispered.

Tsunade glared at her fiercely.

"Stop talking, I don't believe my luck is so bad today!"

There was a hint of stubbornness and unwillingness in her voice.

She grabbed the chips again and prepared to join the next round of gambling.

"But we have borrowed a lot of money from them..."

Shizune pulled Tsunade's

Yijiao whispered, her tone full of uneasiness and worry.

Tsunade was also shocked when she heard this, and she secretly complained in her heart.

Damn, did you lose everything again?

She couldn't help feeling frustrated and helpless.

However, Tsunade did not show any panic, but quickly stood up.

With a seemingly relaxed and happy smile on her face, she said with a smile.

"Wait a minute, everyone, I'm going to the toilet, wait a minute, hahahahahahaha."

After that, she turned around and prepared to leave, as if she didn't care about the situation in front of her.

Seeing this, everyone hurriedly stopped Tsunade, with anger and distrust in their eyes.

One of them said angrily.

"No! Leave the money you owe here first. Otherwise, hehe..."

There was a hint of threat in his words.

After that, everyone's eyes were focused on Tsunade, looking her up and down, as if thinking about the next move.

Tsunade could only smile awkwardly.

Then, he grabbed Shizune with his left hand like a chicken and rushed out at lightning speed.

Everyone reacted immediately.

"Chase! Don't let the big fat sheep run away!"

"Pay your debts! Chase!"

Everyone then hurriedly chased after him.

Unfortunately, ordinary people can't run faster than ninjas, let alone Tsunade's level.

After a while, even Tsunade's shadow could not be seen.


In the forest.

Tsunade put Shizune on the ground and said complacently.

"Yoshi, another perfect victory!"

Shizune showed a worried look on her face after hearing this, and then stroked the pig and whispered.

"Tsunade-sama, this is not good."

"Shizune, you are still young, what do you know? This is called credit, ahem, credit! I will pay them back when I win money next time."

Tsunade said at this moment with an old-fashioned look.


Shizune only dared to agree in a low voice.

Tsunade-sama has never won, how could it be possible...

Shizune was thinking in her heart at this moment.

Suddenly, a voice came, deafening.

"The three ninjas of Konoha actually came to our territory of the Land of Earth, what do they want to do! In this case, then the pain caused by the yellow flash before will be avenged on you!"

Tsunade and Shizune heard the voice and hurriedly looked towards the sound, but unfortunately no one was seen.

Shizune hurriedly spoke.

"I'm sorry, we are just here to play, and we don't have any bad intentions."

"Whether it is for fun or not, we will know when I catch you and interrogate you!"

The voice was relentless, as if it wanted to eat Tsunade and Shizune alive.

Tsunade's temper could not be suppressed, she was furious, like an enraged lion.

"You coward, let me see what you are."

After saying that, Tsunade jumped up, raised her right foot in the air, and formed a split.

"Painful kick!"

As Tsunade's voice fell, her right foot had already landed heavily on the ground, making a dull thud.

And the voice came again, like thunder.

"Melting Chakra Mode!"

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