The main reason for the bustling street is that the main entrance is full of people.

The main entrance of Konoha is very busy.

But suddenly two green figures caught people's attention.

They were moving in a very strange way, running upside down!

"Oh oh oh oh, Naruto, do you feel the vitality of youth!" Might Guy shouted as if he was not affected at all.

"Hi! Kaisensen!" Naruto echoed breathlessly.

There was no other way. In order to master the experience card of the last gate of the legendary forbidden technique, the Eight Gates of Ninja Technique - the Death Gate, he could only try his best to follow Might Guy!

So, the two guys rushed like crazy in the streets and alleys.

It seems that he completely ignores the strange looks from passers-by around him.

Of course, a certain blond-haired guy said that he cares very much...


"We're almost there!"

Might Guy stopped and stared at the towering Hokage Building not far ahead.

"Finally..." Naruto panted heavily, as if all the strength in his body had been drained.

"Ha...ha...I'm so tired, Kaisensen, let's take a break."


Might Guy shook his head without hesitation and answered firmly:

"No! We have to run another ten laps before we can rest!"

"What?!" Naruto's eyes widened immediately, his face full of disbelief.

"Come again..."

Although he was full of fatigue and resistance, Naruto gritted his teeth for the mission reward.

For this wave of self-protection.

He followed Might Guy's steps.

The two stood upside down again and started running wildly.

Their figures passed through the street like lightning, attracting passers-by to stop and look.

"What are these two guys doing..."

"I think they are lunatics who escaped from the Konoha Mental Hospital."

People in the teahouse were talking about this strange scene, and they were very curious about it.

At this time, a child with thick eyebrows suddenly interrupted:

"I think they are very handsome!"

As soon as the voice fell.

The child found that he had been quietly removed from the teahouse group chat by other customers...


Soon after,

Under the eyes of everyone, Naruto and Kai finally completed the whole process of "shocking the world and weeping ghosts and gods".

Of course, only Naruto felt the feeling of social death deeply...

At the door of the Hokage Building, Kai stopped first.

Naruto followed closely, breathing heavily, like an old man in his twilight years.

"Okay, Naruto, today's work is done." Kai nodded with satisfaction.

"It's finally over..." Naruto collapsed to the ground like mud.

"This is youth!" Kai showed a smile as bright as the sun.

Then, he straightened up, looked solemn, and said to Naruto loudly:

"Naruto, you have successfully passed my test, I am sure you have the potential of youth!"

"Oh oh oh oh! Youth! In this case, I am happy to accept you! From now on, you are my proud disciple of the blue beast!"

Naruto couldn't help but shed "excited" tears when listening to Kai's words.

Kai looked at Naruto's "touched" look and thought he was "touched" by the power of youth.

So he also hugged Naruto and shed "joyful" tears of youth!


"Kai Sensen!"


"Kai Sensen!"

However, only Naruto himself knew that he was just crying for joy because he finally ended this "devil" experiment... But the mission was finally half completed.

At this moment, Kai suddenly wiped away the tears from his eyes, which were as bright as youth, and suddenly stared at Naruto seriously, saying:

"Since you are the disciple of the blue beast, you must also have a loud name!"


Naruto nodded thoughtfully after hearing this.

You know, the mission has not been completed yet, and what the green-skinned watermelon head said is the truth.

"Why not call it the yellow cat!

From now on, you are the yellow cat beast of Konoha!"

Might Guy said shockingly.

This is undoubtedly the title he racked his brains to come up with based on Naruto's characteristics.

He felt that this title was really a stroke of genius, and Naruto would definitely like it very much.

My God...

Yellow cat...

Isn't it just yellow hair!

You can think of it!

"Okay, Kaisensen, I like this so much

"I've got a name!" Naruto said with a smile.

Well, you are the boss now, you have the final say.

From now on, I am the yellow cat beast of Konoha!


After a period of rest.

Naruto finally got rid of his fatigue, recovered with full blood, and returned to his prime!

Yes, it was the prime of "Oh, you have seen my prime".

Naruto looked at Might Guy who was still doing push-ups beside him, and knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so he said to him:

"Kaisensen, can you teach me the Eight Gates Ninja Technique now?"

Might Guy, who was doing aerobics, heard the words and jumped up like a spring, and said to Naruto with a serious face:

"Do you really want to learn the Eight Gates Ninja Technique?"

"Yes, Kaisensen!" Naruto answered firmly.

"In that case, I will teach it to you. Remember, this trick can only be used when protecting important people!"

"Hi! ”

“I’ll teach you the formula first, but you’re too young. You can’t practice until three years later. Your body is too immature now and can’t bear it.”

“Hey!” Naruto thought to himself: You still know I’m young.

Why didn’t I feel that when he took me to the circle just now…

But finally, this green-skinned watermelon-headed guy was willing to teach me.

That celebrity didn’t lie to me. Hard work really pays off. I forgot which celebrity…

Then, Might Guy solemnly explained the formula and key points of the Eight Gates to Naruto in detail.

Naruto put his hands behind his back, straightened his back, and stared at Might Guy.

He listened to every word with full concentration, like a student thirsting for knowledge.

However, as for how much of this complex and profound knowledge Naruto can understand and remember?

Perhaps it’s not much different from the situation of those middle school students on Blue Star when they study in class…

You know…

Soon after,

At this moment, Naruto's face was already exhausted, but Might Guy on the side was still talking eloquently and chattering.

Naruto couldn't help but say that he was deceived, completely deceived!

It was not until now that he knew that the Eight Gates of Dunjia had so many complicated formulas and key points!

He used to naively think that the so-called Eight Gates of Dunjia was just killing from the opening gate to the death gate!

There was no need to care about other details. However, the reality was a slap in the face.

There were so many details to pay attention to that it was outrageous!

At this moment, a crisp prompt sound suddenly came.

[Ding! Mission completed, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Eight Gates of Dunjia·Death Gate (one-time non-injury) experience card]

"Kaysensen, I know, I'll leave first. "Naruto said absentmindedly to Might Guy.

The tone was so flat that it seemed as if there was no ripple at all. Yes, at this moment, he was a complete scumbag!

Go to hell!

Thank God, he finally heard the prompt sound of the mission completion.

In fact, he had almost fallen asleep listening to Might Guy talking.

Finally, I know why the Blue Star travelers have to bring a system. Without a system, they are just super soldiers...

Okay, little soldier...

I'll leave after getting it. He said that he is really not a scumbag. It's just that he is tired...

"Well, Naruto, there are so many key points you need to pay attention to! However, you are still young after all, so the most important task at present is to lay a solid foundation in the school! Remember, come to the training ground on time every weekend to find me, let's experience the passionate and energetic youth together! "

Might Guy said helplessly.

Alas, children still cannot touch those rare and precious things after all!

"Hi!" Naruto shouted in response.

Then, his steps obviously quickened a lot.

After going through 81 difficulties.

Naruto finally successfully arrived at his warm nest.

Looking at the Death Gate Experience Card lying quietly in the system space, Naruto's confidence in the future became more firm and abundant.

After a long time, he slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep...

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