The next morning, Minato slowly opened his eyes and looked at the beautiful woman in his arms. Minato couldn't help but hug her body to his side so that she could sleep more comfortably.

Minato felt the soft body of the other person and felt that he was about to burn again, but considering the other person's body, Minato still endured it. Thinking of the scene he saw last night, Minato began to miss his system.

When he was studying physiological knowledge with Kushina last night, he unexpectedly discovered that Kushina had become a virgin.

Minato couldn't help but sigh at the power of the system, and at the same time thought in his heart that if a time traveler didn't have a system these days, he would be embarrassed to say that he was a time traveler.

But when can his long sleep end? After all, Minato is not used to the days without the system!

Minato smiled at the whirlpool Kushina in his arms, and then Minato stood up from the bed lightly. After all, he tired Kushina a lot last night, and his legs are still a little weak.

After Minato put on his clothes, he gently closed the door. When he came to the living room, he found that there was no one. He thought that Rukia and Sister Hua should go to practice!

Not far from the Land of Rain, a man wearing a Konoha forehead protector, but there was a word "oil" written on the forehead protector. Looking down, it was a face in his fifties, but with a wretched smile on his face.

He was wearing a red gown and a pair of wooden clogs.

This middle-aged man in his fifties was none other than Jiraiya, who was known as the Toad Sage.

But now Jiraiya found Uchiha Obito wearing the uniform of the Akatsuki Organization, so he followed him all the way, but he didn't know if the other party found that his space ninjutsu disappeared during actual combat.

Seeing this, Jiraiya grinned and said confidently: "Haha! You want to get rid of Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas."

After saying that, toad-like bumps appeared around Jiraiya's eyes, his eyes turned into frog eyes, and dense bumps appeared on his nose.

This is exactly what it looks like to enter the Sage Mode. The reason why Jiraiya needs the help of two toad sages is because Jiraiya can only barely enter the Sage Mode.

The most obvious thing is that two toads appeared on Jiraiya's shoulders, which are the Sesame Sage and Fukasaku Sage of the Toad Holy Land.

"Little Jiraiya, what do you want to talk to us about!" Fukasaku Sage asked in confusion.

Jiraiya was a little embarrassed when he heard this, "I was fighting with someone just now, and he escaped by accident. Can you use your unique perception to help me find the figure of the masked man?"

Sage Fukasaku wanted to say something else, but was stopped by Sage Sesame: "Okay, old man, let's help little Jiraiya find someone!"

"After all, I still have to make a bug feast when I go back!" Looking at Jiraiya on the side, he said: "If little Jiraiya is interested in a bug feast, you can come to Myoboku Mountain to eat together."

Jiraiya laughed dryly when he heard this, and quickly waved his hand to refuse: "No need, Sage Sesame."

Just kidding, Jiraiya is a serious human, how can he eat bugs!

Besides, even if he eats bugs, he can't let other people know, otherwise, where will he, the Toad Sage Jiraiya, put his face, doesn't he have any face?

The two immortals heard this and used their abilities to sense that there was a very strong chakra active not far away, two kilometers away.

Soon, the two immortals slowly opened their eyes.

Jiraiya looked at the two immortals and asked quickly:

"What's going on? Have you found the trace of the immortal?"

"I found it. It's about two kilometers away from where the guy is."

Sesame Immortal on the side looked at Jiraiya in front of him and said slowly.

Jiraiya said to Fukasaku and Sesame, "Thank you, both of you. I'll go after him first. Maybe I can find out something!"

Seeing this, Sesame said, "Okay! Little Jiraiya, be careful! I haven't eaten yet, so I'm going back first!"

Jiraiya said to the two toads, "Goodbye, both of you!"

As soon as Jiraiya finished speaking, the two toads turned into two streams of white smoke and disappeared, and Jiraiya's Sage Mode was also lifted.

Jiraiya felt the chakra of his Sage Technique disappearing, but he didn't care. Then he rushed to the place the two Sages said.

On the other side, he was discussing with Black Zetsu when he could revive Uchiha.

Uchiha Obito'sHis brows slightly wrinkled, and he looked behind the stone not far away. A single eye flashed with a hint of cold light, and then a cold voice came out of his mouth:

"Who is hiding there?" As he said this, Obito's Kamui Mangekyō Sharingan slowly turned.

Jiraiya felt a little sorry when he saw this. He was about to hear something important, but he was discovered by the other party at this time.

He walked out slowly. Uchiha Obito and Black Zetsu, who were not far away, saw Jiraiya's figure, and their eyes shrank slightly. Uchiha Obito's single eye flashed a hint of murderous intent.

Uchiha Obito certainly knew Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas. After all, Jiraiya had become famous since the Three Wars.

The reason why Obito didn't take action directly was because he was afraid of Jiraiya's strength, so he looked at Jiraiya and said, "What are you doing here!"

Jiraiya touched his nose subconsciously and said, "I just happened to pass by here, do you believe it?"

At the same time, Jiraiya was ready to fight to the death with the masked man in front of him, because he believed that the other party would never let him go.



The laughter gradually disappeared. Obito looked at Jiraiya with murderous eyes, and a cold voice came from Obito's mouth: "Of course I know Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas!"

Jiraiya also chuckled and looked at Uchiha Obito in front of him and said, "You know me, and you dare to attack me. You are really brave!"

Uchiha Obito also showed a ferocious smile on his face when he heard the words, and looked at Jiraiya with a cold tone and said, "I didn't want to kill you, but it's strange that you know things you shouldn't know. "

Jiraiya looked at the other party, his face showing a solemn expression, and looked at Uchiha Obito with a contemptuous smile and said: "You are so confident that you can kill me."

Uchiha Obito shook his head and said: "To be honest, I am not sure that I can kill Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas."

Jiraiya was also a little curious when he heard this, and couldn't help asking: "If that's the case, why do you have to kill me!"

Uchiha Obito's face under the mask was extremely cold when he heard this, and he said in a cold voice:

"Because you know my plan, you must die."

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