Ninja World.

Thirteen years have passed since the last war.

Many people have adapted to life without chakra.

Besides, there are only a few hundred thousand ninjas in Ninja World.

Compared with hundreds of millions of humans, it's just a drop in the bucket.

Even without ninjas, the world still spins.

A big woman with white eyes, wearing a black hood, strolled in a dense forest full of small animals.

She came to a pond and looked at a short-haired girl with white eyes in surprise.

'People from the Hyuga clan! ? '

This is already the Tea Islands, how could there be people from Konoha! ?

Just when she was puzzled, the little girl seemed to notice someone looking at her, so she turned her head curiously.

Then she saw a tall woman wearing a hooded robe, her face hidden by the hood.

She was surrounded by various small animals, all of which had chakra.

Realizing that she might have entered someone's territory, the little girl hurriedly explained: "Sorry, big sister, I accidentally got lost!"

The woman looked her up and down, her brows furrowed tighter and tighter!


She asked coldly: "Who are you?"

Why do you look exactly like that annoying guy! ?

'Maybe it's Orochimaru's clone!

After all, the two of them are so similar!

Hearing this, the girl hurriedly announced her home, "My name is Uchiha Hinata, I'm from the Konoha Alliance!"

Hearing the word 'Uchiha', the woman's face was startled, and she looked at her with some doubt.

Although this little girl does look like her fiancée's rival, you can still see traces of that person between her eyebrows and facial features.

For a while, her emotions fluctuated greatly.

"Uchiha Mirai, who are you to?!"

Although Hinata was small, she was not stupid. She clearly heard the change in the tone of the big sister in front of her.

'She seems very excited! ? Is she someone who knows my father? '

After thinking about it, she didn't hide it.

"My father is Uchiha Mirai!"

Hearing this, the woman's hostility towards the man in front of her was much less, and even gradually evolved into love.


Look, how much she looks like Mirai.

Especially her eyebrows, which look very much like that heroic man.

"Little girl, you have to call me godmother!"

This woman is Hyuga Ran.

Uchiha Hinata: "Ah?"

For a moment, there was a big question mark in her little head!

Hyuga Ran reached out and took Hinata's hand, pulling her towards the depths of the forest.

"Little Hinata, is your dad okay!"

Hinata was still confused. How did she get a godmother out of nowhere? ?

I had never heard my parents mention it!

However, the good education and the kindness that emanated from this person made her answer honestly: "It's okay!"

As she spoke, she couldn't help but want to complain and confide, so she complained: "Since I can walk, my parents have been showing their affection in front of my sister and me every day, and even feed each other when eating.


When I was just a child, I learned to change my diapers by myself!"

As she spoke, her little face was full of helplessness.

Then she continued to complain: "And, they do nothing every day, just eat together and go out for a walk!"

"All the housework is thrown to me, a child!"

How can there be such parents in this world!

"The worst thing is that on a stormy night, the two of them were not careful and caused my mother to get pregnant again.

My father even suggested to abort my brother to prevent my mother from suffering. If my mother and I hadn't tried our best to stop him, I wouldn't have had a brother!"

Speaking of her brother, she couldn't help but smile brightly on her little face.

Brothers are really the cutest people in the world!

Hinata Lan, who was standing by, listened to Hinata's endless complaints and couldn't help but subconsciously protect the future.

"This should be your mother's fault, not your father's. Your father is so outstanding, how could he do such a thing!"

She gritted her teeth and said viciously: "Your mother is a vixen. She was engaged at the beginning, but she was shameless to be with Mirai-kun!"

"Look, Mirai-kun, who was so outstanding at the beginning, was bewitched by her..."

Hinata: (¬_¬) glance

She stole a glance at the elder sister, and it was amazing that she could hear a strong resentment from the elder sister's words.

'Combined with the fact that she asked me to call her godmother when we met just now, it is obvious that she, like Aunt Xiaochun, had a secret crush on my father back then, but unfortunately they didn't snatch my mother, so they are so resentful! '

At this moment, she suddenly realized, but she was used to it. Aunt Xiaochun and the others often said bad things about her mother in front of her, and she was used to it.

But as she walked, she suddenly froze.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Hinata stop, Hyuga Lan asked in confusion.

Hinata pointed to the top of a big tree in the distance and asked curiously: "Big sister, what is that?"

Hinata Lan was a little unhappy when she heard her call her that. She corrected first: "Didn't I say that you can just call me godmother!"

Then she looked in the direction the little girl pointed.

It was very dense there, and the angle they were at was very suitable, so they could see part of it through the gaps between the leaves.

If you look from other directions, you can only see dense leaves.

"That is..." Hyuga Lan looked at the tree fruit that was as red as a fire dragon, and people were a little uneasy.

"Fire attribute treasure, dragon fruit!?"

Since the appearance of monsters, people have gradually discovered fruits with various abilities.

Now, Jiraiya has sold an encyclopedia of fruits.

Among them, seven special and top-quality fruits are introduced.

These seven fruits correspond to seven chakra attributes, which can bring great benefits to monsters who take them.

For example, this dragon fruit in front of you can make fire-attributed monsters purify the purity of fire-attributed chakra in their bodies in a very short time.

It can make its strength reach a higher level.

She looked at the little girl in disbelief. She has lived in this forest for several years.

All treasures are either collected by her or protected by her.

She thought she was familiar with this mountain.

But she didn't expect there would be dragon fruit here!

At this time, Hinata had driven Xiaobai to take the fruit off the tree and handed it to Hinata Ran with a smile.

"Big sister, this is for you. This is a good treasure. The market value seems to be around two cards!"

70 million taels.

Hinata Lan's face couldn't help but become exciting.

She pointed at herself in astonishment and asked, "You want to give it to me?!"

"Yes!" Hinata said with a smile, and she pointed at Xiaobai and said, "My Xiaobai is of water attribute, and it counteracts it!"

As she said that, she stuffed the dragon fruit into the dazed Hinata Lan's hands.

After the other party jumped away, Hinata Lan finally reacted belatedly. She glanced at the dragon fruit in her hand, and then looked at the cute little girl in front of her.

A touch of complexity appeared in her eyes.

'Mirai-kun, is this your child! '

She admitted that she was moved just now.

But soon, she found that she was moved too early.

The little girl in front of her seemed to be cheating. Wherever she walked, there would be treasures.

To be honest, she just realized now that the mountains where she had lived for so many years actually had so many treasures.

This doll is incredible!

Before she even reached her place, she was almost full in her arms, but this little girl seemed to be looking for something incredible again.

She was digging with great effort with her butt sticking out.

The little white snake beside her also used its tail to wrap the shovel, struggling to stir out the soil again and again.

The snake's eyes were full of excitement.

It loved the process of treasure hunting!

It wanted to dig it out and wanted to know what it was.

Soon, a piece of ore was dug out by the two of them.

This made Hinata Lan numb, and she mechanically reported the name.

"Earth attribute treasure, earth element stone, can purify the chakra of earth attribute treasure monsters without side effects!"

After saying that, she subconsciously glanced at her arms,

Well... five kinds of attribute holy objects have been gathered.

It turns out that the mountain range where I live is so rich!

After Hinata lived with Hyuga Lan for a few days, she was taken away by Xiao Shui.

The latter looked at the treasures in the cave and couldn't help laughing.

"You are worthy of being my daughter, Future-kun!"

It feels like these treasures are waiting for her to discover them.

After Hinata returned home, she immediately ran to her brother's room.

If nothing unexpected happens, her brother should be reciting the attribute restraint table.

When she pushed open the bedroom door, she found that her brother was indeed here.

She couldn't help but show a doting look on her face, "Brother, look, what I brought back for you!"

The little boy turned his head suddenly and saw that it was his sister, and he was immediately excited.

He put down the book and quickly ran to Hinata, his face full of excitement.

"Sister, you are back!"

'Oh my God... How can there be such a cute sister in this world?Where are the people! ’

Those who don’t have a sister are so pitiful!

He hugged Hinata’s waist and rubbed her with excitement.

He didn’t care about the treasure his sister mentioned.

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