The explosion quickly enveloped the rocks and absorbed the rock cliffs within a few dozen meters.

Watching this scene, Obito stood on another cliff and frowned slightly, "Why are you here?"

He followed Lord Orochimaru to this place for training. How could this guy appear in this place where no one lives! ?

Something is wrong, something is very wrong.

"If you have the time to care about me, you might as well think about how to defeat this summoning beast!"

Hearing this, Obito looked at him deeply.

His intuition told him that Shisui came here for a purpose.

But as he said, it is better to think about how to defeat this man first.

No, it is a monster now!

Thinking of this, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

The three magatama in his eyes quickly rotated.

Then he started to talk: "This behemoth was formed by the fusion of three people and three summoned beasts.

I don't know what kind of technique it is, but this monster can release all the abilities of the fused people and beasts.

Its wings can not only provide it with speed, but also allow it to fly at low altitude and release explosive feathers.

The two spikes on its back can turn into steel snakes, like whips, to attack enemies at close range.

It can also release scorching heat from its mouth!"

He quickly told the information he knew one by one.

Shisui, who was standing by, heard this and suddenly realized that it was no wonder that his [Sharingan] saw that the chakra of this thing was very strange.

It seemed to be fused, but it didn't seem to be fused.

All kinds of chaos.

He glanced at Obito again without leaving a trace, and a bold idea gradually flashed through his mind.

"What a lot of stuff!"

"So many things, stuffed into one body, it seems that our [Sharingan] illusion has no effect on it!"

Obito nodded, "That's right!"

After he finished speaking, two sharp steel spikes stabbed directly towards them.

The speed was so fast that the air was blasted.

But Obito and Shisui both had [Sharingan], and they could easily detect the attack of the summoned beast.

Without saying a word, the two dodged directly.

They started to counterattack the beast one after another.

When Shisui had time, he stuffed two leek boxes into his mouth. He hasn't eaten yet, and his stomach is a little hungry.


On the top of the mountain, in the palace.

After Orochimaru looked at the ball-shaped melted mass in front of him, there was no sign of disgust on his face.

But he noticed that Beiruo actually excluded the three elders of Hyuga.

This is interesting.

‘Is it because of my arrival that he wants to better control his body to deal with me, or is it because he has no confidence in his ability to avoid the side effects of the [Blood Limit] of the [Byakugan], so he gave up the Hyuga bloodline...’

But he didn't care much.

Because at this moment, he was wearing his original body, which allowed him to exert 200% of his strength.

So he was not afraid of anyone at all.

Besides, if he couldn't beat him, he couldn't just leave.

In terms of life-saving ability, he was the best, and no one dared to be second.

At this moment, the fusion of Beiluhu was completed.

Just as in theory, he obtained four [Blood Limit].

As soon as Beiluhu broke free from the fusion bubble, he couldn't wait to laugh.


"I'm finally... I'm finally... a ninja who can master the four [Blood Limit]!"

"Hahaha, this world will eventually belong to Beiluhu!"

As his laughter spread.

A terrifying chakra aura burst out directly from his thin body, spreading to the entire Mount Sumeru in the world.

Even the dark clouds in the sky were blown away by this aura and spread out in all directions.

But soon, countless clouds gathered back.

In the blink of an eye, the mountain was covered.

It was even darker than before.

At the foot of the mountain, Shisui and Obito, who had just avoided landing on the top of the mountain, looked up at the mountain, and their faces became quite exciting.

Whose chakra is this, why is it so terrifying?

It is comparable to the furious Big Sister Kushina.

But they don’t have time to think about this, because the summoned beasts attacked again.

On the top of the mountain.

Orochimaru stood still in this aura, like a big pine tree that never bends.

He didn’t even blink, as if he didn’t care about the aura shock wave at all.

Not only that, the corners of his mouth also had the same smile as before.

That was... mockery... and contempt!

Seeing this, Bei Liuhu's eyes changed.

He put away his momentum,There was also a wild smile on his face, looking down at Orochimaru arrogantly.


"But Orochimaru, your scientific research ability is very strong, far beyond me. How about it, do you want to consider doing something for me? I can teach you the experience of [Kimei no Jutsu]!"

Hearing this, the mockery in Orochimaru's eyes became even more intense.

"Just relying on you, you want to control me, Orochimaru, huh..."

He thought he was arrogant enough, but he didn't expect this person to be more arrogant than himself.

What a shameless talk!

Thinking of this, he slowly walked towards Beiliuhu.

"I have already got what I want, so please die!"

Hearing this, Beiliuhu sighed in disappointment.


"Orochimaru, I gave you a chance, but you are useless!"

In fact, even if Orochimaru agreed to his words and became his subordinate, he would find a way to kill him.

Because he knows too much, understands too much, and his scientific research ability is even better than his own.

Even half of the information of the [Ghost Bud Ra Technique] he is using at this moment was stolen from Orochimaru's laboratory.

After saying that, he immediately used [Rain Cloud Cavity Wave] to attack Orochimaru.

In an instant, the entire palace was covered with pitch-black thunderclouds, and even countless lightning snakes were wandering around.

For the attack of lightning.

Orochimaru also responded with a lightning.

"[Lightning Release·Thunder Intercept Technique]!"

This move is also known as Thunder Accumulation.

In the future, Minato and others all used the idea of ​​'returning the same thing as the other's way', which frightened the Rock Ninja and the Cloud Ninja.

He also had a sudden idea and developed his own five-element series of counterattack techniques.

This move is to absorb lightning and then kill it back.

This is the first time he has faced the world since he developed it.

In an instant, this move gathered a colorful black lightning ball above his head.

This ball also emitted a network of electric currents.

Wrapping him tightly in it to prevent him from being hurt by the power of lightning.

At the same time, because the lightning network is relatively dense, it can also prevent sneak attacks from ninjas.

It can be said that this is a move to protect oneself first and then counterattack.

As the lightning ball gathered above his head, it was like a magnet, and began to absorb thunderclouds and lightning strikes from all directions.

It made itself grow slowly.

When Beiliu saw this scene, his face became quite wonderful.

"How is this possible!?"

His [Storm Release] not only failed to attack Orochimaru, but also turned into the nourishment of Orochimaru's ninjutsu.

And his [Storm Release] is a combination of water and lightning. Through water, he can easily control the attack direction of lightning.

It can also absorb lightning and make it follow his actions obediently.

So logically speaking, his [Storm Release] should make Orochimaru's lightning ball become its own nourishment.

How come it's the other way around here? !

This is unscientific.

"This is very scientific!" Orochimaru said lightly, as if he could understand Hiruko's astonished thoughts.

"In the ninja world, many people release [Lightning Release] ninjutsu, most of which are electric current attacks with positrons.

Although your [Storm Release] is a [Blood Limit] technique, it is still lightning, so you can't escape the swallowing of my [Thunder Intercepting Technique]."

Because his move is a negative electrode ninjutsu.

After saying that, Orochimaru slightly changed his hand seal.

The next moment, the pitch-black ball on his head that was getting bigger and bigger immediately had three sharp points sticking out, like arrows.

Seeing this, Hiruko's face changed again and again.

"Lightning attribute form change..."

As we all know, lightning attribute is the most difficult to transform into form change, because it is too violent.

But once someone masters the form change, his strength is absolutely terrifying.

Chakra control strength is also extremely terrifying.

But he has predicted Orochimaru's attack form.

Immediately spread out his left hand.

The bandage on his hand disintegrated instantly, revealing a pattern similar to '8'.


"【Underworld Release·Absorb Hole】!"】

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